Fortunately, she is a woman with personality and a person who can properly manage her emotions. She suppressed the inner conflict in time.

However, suppressing it does not mean forgetting it.

Now Long Zhan suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, instantly activating the desire deep in Adi's heart.

have nothing to say.

Stimulated by the almost crazy hormones, he quit the bartending work that night, took Long Zhan's hand and ran back to the room, starting a happy hour for the two of them.

If ordinary people were as ignorant of temperance as Long Zhan, their bodies would have collapsed long ago.

However, Long Zhan was not affected in the slightest.

To him, a woman is a life-changing product, just like the water he has to drink every day. He never worries about his short life because of drinking water.

Happy times are always short-lived.

A blink of an eye.

Four days passed.

Long Zhan originally wanted to continue to be cool for a few days, and then go back after Marcus laundered the money, but Tucker's phone call broke his plan.

The reason was the terrorist attack in Salt Lake City, which caused a national sensation in just two or three hours.

A middle school was controlled by more than a dozen terrorists, and more than 200 students and teachers became hostages. Among the five police officers who rushed to the scene at the first time, three were killed on the spot due to lack of preparation.

The remaining two are also heavily bombarded, and it is unknown whether they are alive or dead in the hospital.

As the only existing anti-terrorism and explosion-proof combat unit in the state capital, the Salt Lake City SWAT team was immediately transferred to the scene of the incident.

However, this group of terrorists is unusual and has excellent defensive and combat awareness.

The terrorists locked everyone in the stadium, and controlled all the passages in and out of the stadium, and there were snipers on the roof to monitor.

And it has been called out.

The stadium has been covered with bombs by them. If the police dare to forcefully attack the stadium, they will choose to die with more than 200 teachers and students.

I heard that the stadium has been covered with a large number of bombs, and it is related to the safety of more than 200 teachers and students.

The SWAT team wanted to give it a try.

But Chief Hunter of the Salt Lake City Police Department turned pale when he heard the news.

If these more than 200 teachers and students were really killed, then he is not just suspended for investigation, he may spend the rest of his life in prison.

The dream of stepping into the state government and becoming a politician is even more impossible to realize.

In order not to lose his life in his later years, and to retain the possibility of being promoted to the state government, Director Hunter had to be careful and careful, and immediately issued an order to all units to stop the attack.

This also led to the terrorist attack that quickly spread throughout the United States in just two or three hours, and is currently in a stalemate.

The entire stadium was surrounded by a cordon, and hundreds of police officers were at the scene to maintain order.

A large number of news media with long guns and cannons, like flies smelling shit, swarmed over from all directions at the fastest speed.

The whole country is paying attention to the progress of the incident, but the Salt Lake City Police Department is full of stories.

The terrorists haven't made any demands so far, and they don't know why they attacked the middle school, and what their purpose is.

The only thing the police department can do now is to find a way to send negotiators in.

If the negotiations can be concluded in a peaceful manner, that would be the best ending, but the possibility of this is very small and can only be lucky.

If there is no way to negotiate, at least know what the terrorists want and find out what the real situation in the stadium is like.

At the very least, find a way to send some food and drink in, so that more than 200 teachers and students can have basic living guarantees.

It will definitely not work if it continues like this. In this situation of national concern, if it cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the entire law enforcement system of Salt Lake City will be impacted.

Even the entire state government in Utah will be bashed by the whole society.

Every American knows the power of American demonstrations.

But in the face of such professional terrorists, a large-scale kidnapping terrorist incident carefully planned is destined not to be so easy to solve.

What direction the event will go in the end has become the most worrying mystery now.

On the surface, the terrorist attack had nothing to do with Giant God Company, and there was absolutely no need for Tucker to call to disturb Long Zhan.

But if you think about it a little deeper, it actually has a lot to do with Jushen Company.

It is even said that it is related to the second stage of the development of Jushen Company.

The establishment and training of the Salt Lake City Special Police Team was all operated by Jushen Company, and the two formed a bond virtually.

The special police team is the only special processing team that has arrived at the scene in this terrorist hijacking incident.

That is to say, there is a very high probability that the SWAT team will eventually be dispatched to destroy more than a dozen terrorists and rescue more than 200 teachers and students who were trapped.

The final result of the special police team is equivalent to representing the training ability of Jushen Company.

If the SWAT team handled it very badly in the end, not to mention the heavy casualties, it would eventually lead to the death of a large number of hostages during the rescue.

that goes without saying.

Jushen Company will definitely be "stinky" because of this, and it will become a big cancer in the training industry. No one will give Jushen Company a contract.

on the contrary.

If the special police team can handle it perfectly, then it is equivalent to Jushen Company's training technology cowhide, and it does have excellent anti-terrorism and explosion-proof vocational teaching experience in hand.

This nationally sensational terrorist attack will become Jushen's most perfect "free" advertisement.

Make Jushen Company famous all over the country, even the whole world.

To attract other military and police organizations in the United States, as well as military and police organizations in other countries, in order to improve their own strength, they invited Jushen Company to guide and train.

When the time comes, contracts will fly in like pieces of paper, and making money will be as easy as drinking water.

This means that at the beginning of the company's establishment, when formulating the company's future development strategy, Long Zhan will contract the training of law enforcement agencies in various states in the United States, as well as the daily training venue rental and other projects, which will be regarded as one of the general directions of the company's second-stage development. the main reason.

Long Zhan has been trying to use various means to expand Jushen Company's influence in the military and police circles.

Now that this terrorist attack suddenly occurred, the lives and deaths of more than 200 teachers and students were hanging by a thread. It was equivalent to an opportunity for Jushen Company to expand its influence, and it was also a fatal disaster.

finished playing...

Colossus takes off!

The game is broken...

The giant company eats dirt!

Become a god or become a ghost, just in this one night.

Faced with such a critical event for the company's development, Long Zhan dared not have any negligence, even if he was nostalgic for Adi's gentle hometown, he started to set off immediately without hesitation.

Moreover, I bought the earliest flight of the day, just to get back to Salt Lake City in the shortest possible time.

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