The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 754 Arrogant FBI Senior Agent

Rescuing abducted persons from terrorists requires extremely strong professional capabilities as a basis.

Officials from the state government and the federal government, their purpose here is more political than to really solve the problem.

They just want to complete the rescue work as soon as possible, calm down the incident in the shortest possible time, and prevent the situation from further developing to the point of uncontrollable.

In short, the government cannot be implicated!
As for the method of rescue, this is not within the scope of their consideration. They represent the government and only look at the result regardless of the process.

Therefore, officials from the state government and the federal government said a lot at the meeting, summed up in two words.

be quick!be good!
The translation of these two words is...

I don't care what research program you use, I just want to solve the problem in the shortest time and see the best results.

The main thing is not to kill the hostages!

They don't care whether the police and special police will die, because no matter how many people die, the people don't care, because in their hearts, the police who are paid by the people should die to protect the people.

People don't care about the death of the police, and the government naturally doesn't care too much.

It's as if the government never cares about the death of soldiers, but only cares about whether there is enough oil in the oil well after successfully entering the territory of another country.

Federal system of government, capitalist society.

That's how it works!

But if the hostage died during the rescue, it would be a completely different result. Even if only one hostage died, the public would think that it was the government and the police's negligence, and they would definitely run out for various demonstrations.

Especially the government, as the highest management, will bear most of the attacking firepower of the people.

This is unacceptable to the government!

As a veteran policeman who has been working for nearly 20 years, Director Hunter is naturally very aware of the faces of government officials. He chose to go in one ear and out the other ear for their requests, and ignored them as nonsense.

Now that there is very little information about the terrorists, who can guarantee that the rescue will not kill a hostage?
At least Director Hunter can't guarantee it!
Tom, the head of the hostage rescue team from the FBI, saw the "expectation" of state and federal government officials, but wanted to take this opportunity to show himself.

He stood up and said: "HRT is the most professional hostage rescue team, we have very rich experience and many successful cases.

If I can take full responsibility for the rescue work, I can give you the best answer in the shortest possible time, instead of progressing slowly like now. "

After speaking, Tom deliberately glanced at Director Hunter, the meaning of which was obvious.

Tom is an ambitious man, in a sense similar to Dragon War.

This terrorist hijacking incident has caused a sensation all over the country. If it can preside over the overall situation and solve the incident perfectly, it will definitely be a great credit.

Tom's position in the FBI, to say the least, will be moved up two or three levels.

Although there will be a lot of trouble if the rescue fails, if you don't get the benefits and step on the shit, most people will treat it as trouble and stay away as much as possible.

But for an ambitious person, the higher the danger, the greater the opportunity, so he will take a gamble on this.

That's what Tom thought and was doing.

Facing Tom's provocation.

Director Hunter's face collapsed.

In terms of the administrative level of the FBI, the police of the federal government are indeed one level higher than the state police, but don't forget that the United States is a federal system.

The state police are only under the control of the local state government and are not subject to any leadership and constraints from the federal police.

Even if you are the FBI!
Even if the state police break the law and the FBI can catch them, they are not qualified to manage and restrain the state police.

Not to mention that Tom is only the leader of one of the many action teams in the HRT under PBI, and his job level is that of a senior agent.

Putting it into the state police system, supporting the sky is equivalent to the sheriff of the state police.

And Hunter is the official director of the state police department. Whether it is in terms of police rank or position, there is a big difference between the two sides.

So what if you're from the federal government?
So what if your HRT is famous overseas and has the highest law enforcement power?
This is Salt Lake City, Utah, not Washington, which is thousands of kilometers away. Here, he, Hunter, is the boss of the police, not just a cat or a dog who can bark.

Let alone provocation!

Facing Tom's wild behavior on his own territory, Chief Hunter immediately showed who is the person in charge here, and counterattacked in a forceful way: "Mr. Tom, don't forget that your job is only to assist the Salt Lake City Police Department."

The meaning of Director Hunter's words is obvious.

It is to tell Senior Agent Tom that you are just an outsider who came to help, not to be the master, please adjust your position.

"OK, you're right. I hope you can come up with a solution sooner. Every team in HRT has a lot of work, so I don't have time to stay here all the time."

Relying on the fact that he is from "Washington City", Tom countered Chief Hunter's counterattack by yin and yang.

On the surface, it seemed that he had regressed and gave up the idea of ​​fighting for command power just now, but in fact, he was undermining Chief Hunter for occupying the latrine and not shitting.

Director Hunter is over 50 years old, how could he not hear what he said.

His face became even darker!
But he has no way to refute, even if Tom's senior agent is not at the same level as him, he can't force others.

After all, it has been so long since the incident, and it is a fact that the rescue has made no progress.

If you try to suppress Agent Tom by force, you will get tongue-tied, saying that Chief Hunter is bullying others, which makes him appear stingy and immeasurable.

Therefore, no matter how angry Director Hunter was, there was nothing he could do about the provocative Agent Tom.

Sergeant Richard saw the embarrassment of his boss, and was very annoyed that Tom dared to dictate in Salt Lake City. He decided to stand up and vent his anger for his boss.

Didn't you say we have no rescue plan?Then I will tell you one.

"Negotiators have successfully entered, and the purpose of the terrorists' kidnapping should be made public soon.

I think our top priority now is to find out the number of terrorists, their weapons, and find out where they are so that we can formulate a rescue plan. "

"Sheriff Richard."

Agent Tom suddenly interrupted Richard's words, and said with contempt in his eyes: "Everyone knows what you said. The problem now is, how do you get people in to complete these tasks? I need to hear Action plan, not what you say."

"It's rude to interrupt someone else, Agent Tom."

Sergeant Richard scolded with a gloomy face. He is about the same level as Agent Tom, and even if there is an unpleasant incident, there is no such thing as bullying.

So he didn't hesitate at all, and went over hard.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, a federal government official stood up as a peacemaker and said, "Sheriff Richard, do you have a suitable plan? Tell me and listen."

Agent Tom originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to move his butt up.

The federal government officials have all come forward to speak out. This is his real leader, and he can only temporarily suppress his inner thoughts.

Wait for the next suitable opportunity before coming out to benefit yourself.

Seeing that Agent Tom didn't speak any more, Sergeant Richard could only calm down his anger temporarily, and spoke out the plan he had thought up before.

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