The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 759 Nightmare and Difficulty!

A hidden miniature camera or bug is enough to easily spread all kinds of information.

As long as the approximate location of the terrorists is determined, the approximate area where more than 200 hostages are held is enough to meet the operational needs of Long Zhan.

Then it is the turn of step 3.

Long Zhan knew that this was a group of high-intelligence criminals, and they would definitely make sure that everything was leak-free. Once the delivery person entered the gymnasium with the goods, there was a high probability that they would not be allowed to come out after entering.

In order to prevent delivery employees from bringing out information, terrorists will most likely detain them in the stadium.

More hostages and more coolies.

And the person who delivered the goods was taken hostage, which was exactly what Long Zhan needed.

Long Zhan was able to take this opportunity to let the terrorists understand what it means to be clever but to be misunderstood by cleverness, and successfully completed the deployment of the third step.

That is to say, let these special police officers who are taken hostage become "internal agents" who break into the enemy's interior.

In the final general attack, they will play a big role.

After completing the preparation work of the third step, the next step is the preparation work of the fourth step.

This step is very difficult to execute, and requires operators to have extremely strong psychological quality and military quality, and the general special police cannot be fully competent at all.

Therefore, Long Zhan said that the work of this step will be completed by the elite team of Jushen Company.

The police only need to provide equipment and authorization.

Jushen Company sent an elite team to take part in the operation. Long Zhan did not need any fees from the police, but only agreed to a small condition.

That is, in the operation report and press conference, it is clearly stated that the giant god company participated in the rescue operation.

to be honest.

Just to help play a free advertisement.

At first, Director Hunter still had objections to this, and felt that the last step of the assault task was handed over to a private company, which seemed like the police were incompetent.

He thought it could be done by the SWAT team, and he believed that the SWAT team could do it.

But when Long Zhan finished talking about the specific assault method, Director Hunter did not continue to insist, but rationally chose to hand it over to Jushen Company.

There is no reason for it.

It’s just that the difficulty of action is too high!
The attack method of the Dragon War Plan is very risky, but once it succeeds, it will be very effective, and it can catch terrorists by surprise.

The specific plan is as follows...

The Salt Lake City police provided transport helicopters to sneak the assault team onto the roof of the stadium under the cover of late night.

That's the glass dome!
In order to reduce the intensity of ultraviolet rays, the glass dome ensures that there is enough sunlight in the venue, but the sunlight is not too strong to affect the competition and watching the game.

It is not pure transparent glass, but translucent high-strength tempered glass.

With the lighting equipment turned on in the city, the outside is dark at night, and the vision formed inside and outside is poor, even if someone is on the dome, they cannot be seen from the inside.

In addition, since the hijacking incident, the helicopter above the stadium has not stopped.

In the absence of a view to see the roof, sending the assault team to the dome will most likely not arouse the suspicion of terrorists.

The entire commando team was in position on the roof, fixing the ropes and preparing for the rappelling.

Then, according to the intelligence of the "delivery man", they will avoid the area below where the hostages are located, and install directional blasting explosives on the glass dome.

After all the preparations are in place, the final rescue attack will be ushered in.

The general attack adopts the consistent strategy of special operations, that is, the three principles of Cqb's "SAS"-surprise, speed and bravery.

Assault team feedback information to the headquarters, they have made all preparations.

The headquarters confirms that the various departments are ready to be in place, and sends the start order to the assault team.

The assault team detonated the deployed explosives, blasting several large holes in the glass dome, and everyone in the assault team rushed to the hole immediately.

As the assault team ran over, the ground personnel and the pretenders in the gymnasium assisted and cooperated at the same time.

The ground personnel outside cut off the main power of the gymnasium, so that the gymnasium suddenly lost its lighting, and the eyes of the terrorists would fall into black vision and could not see anything, and they had to adapt to the switch between light and dark.

Unable to react for a while.

And the special police who pretended to be deliverymen in the gym, because they knew the action plan when they came in, could easily avoid "black vision" by closing their eyes in advance.

At the moment of the explosion, an attack can be launched immediately from the inside.

Use whatever you have at hand to strike down threatening, temporarily black-sighted terrorists as much as possible.

With the sudden power failure and the cover of the special police, the next task of harvesting the battlefield was handed over to the assault team.

The assault team needs to rely on their own hard technology to start downhill from the hole in the dome in the shortest time, and break into the stadium from a high altitude.

And in order to keep the hostages as safe as possible, it is also necessary to suppress the terrorists' firepower as much as possible.

That is to say, during the rapid descent in the air, it is necessary to use the help of the helmet night vision goggles to start attacking the terrorists in the venue below.

From the explosion that shattered the dome at the beginning, to the commando's two feet on the ground.

The whole process must be completed within 5 seconds!

This is the limit time for human eyes to turn from light to darkness to form black vision, and it is also the most dominant limit of 5 seconds for the assault team.

The reason why Director Hunter gave up after listening to it was that the difficulty was too high.

The dome of the gymnasium is more than 15 meters from the ground. Even if an ordinary person can rappel, it will take more than 15 seconds to smooth the 5 meters.

Don't even face the blasting in advance, because you need to avoid the blasting point, and you have to run over after the blasting.

Running on the smooth glass dome, even if you only avoid a distance of three to five meters, it will take at least two or three seconds to complete the three to five seconds.

This means sliding down from the top of the dome, the distance of 15 meters is less than three seconds.

It has to slide down more than 5 meters in one second. The speed of this decline can no longer be described as fast, but must be described as falling to the ground.

Hands will grind sparks!

Not to mention that during this exaggerated downhill process, each member of the assault team can only use one hand and two feet to clamp the rope to fix it.

The other hand needs to be free for accurate shooting.

Adding up this series of difficult movements, the difficulty of the task directly became hell level.

He is not the top combatant, and he has not been tempered for several years.

Can't do it at all.

The Salt Lake City Special Police Team has only been formed for more than three months, and the training time is only two months, and the strength is far from reaching this level.

These actions are "magic skills" for them.

Don't say it was completed within 5 seconds, even 15 seconds would be enough for them.

After all, Director Hunter has been a policeman for so many years, and he has never seen a pig run and has eaten pork, so he can tell the difference between the technical difficulty and the low level.

The HRT team that Tom brought over is a mature combat team that may be able to complete this task.

But because Tom jumped out to make trouble before, and even mocked the Salt Lake City Police Department in front of so many people, Chief Hunter was already very dissatisfied with Tom.

under these circumstances.

Even if there is no one available under his command, Hunter Bureau Zhanye will definitely not let HRT join the action.

This is the end of the matter, there is no other way.

In order to keep his black hat, Director Hunter thought that after Long Zhan sent people to complete the rescue mission, most of the credit would also fall to him.

On the contrary, if the time is delayed until after dawn and the matter is not resolved, someone will take his place, and it will be too late to regret it.

Director Hunter decided to take a gamble and put all his chips on Long Zhan.

"OK, Mr. Gibran, I can agree to all the conditions you put forward, and I will do as you said. If you have any needs, just tell me. On behalf of the Salt Lake City Police, I will definitely do my best to cooperate with your actions."

Director Hunter has seen the strength of Long Zhan, and the two sides have also had a basis for cooperation. This time, Director Hunter is still a little confident.

"Director Hunter, just wait for a press conference to announce the good news to the reporters."

Long Zhan laughed.

Confidence in the smile!

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