The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 769 I will do what the police dare not do...

And through his many years of experience and knowledge, Long Zhan can't feel the flavor that the boss should have from this terrorist leader at all.

No matter what industry or industry you work in, as long as you can be the boss in charge.

Then in the process of giving orders and commanding younger brothers for a long time, the vision will gradually continue to rise, and you will put yourself at a high level.

Say anything and do anything.

Even a glance over.

Because if you put yourself in a different position, you will be completely different from ordinary people.

It's like when a high-ranking official comes out, even if he doesn't declare his family background, he still has the official flavor of his life, which can be seen by ordinary people at a glance.

No matter how kind Sha Guoren is usually, as long as he gets ruthless, he will show his fierce face.

People who have never been a high-ranking official don't have that kind of taste, and it is difficult not to pretend even if they want to.

There is no one who is really cruel, no matter how much he pretends to look, he will betray him.

Unless it's the kind of natural actor, the kind that God chases and feeds.

As for the terrorist leader standing in front of Long Zhan, from the brief contact between the two parties, Long Zhan didn't feel the courage of the boss.

But when I talked to the police before, it was not like this at all.

At that time, the terrorist leader that Long Zhan saw was still contented in the face of the siege of hundreds of policemen, without any mess at all.

It fully demonstrates what is city mansion and what is restrained temperament.

There is no such thing as constant swearing.

"Could it be..."

The more Long Zhan looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and a thought came to his mind.

It can be summed up in three words——

In order to verify whether his conjecture was true, Long Zhan decided to test it out, deliberately pretending not to know, and said: "I want to negotiate with the police, you little Luo Luo is not qualified enough, call your leader out and talk about it."

In the process of saying this, Long Zhan deliberately looked at the terrorist leader with questioning eyes.

You are a fucking little Luo Luo, what qualifications do you have for the head of the police to negotiate with you.

"Asshole, I am the person in charge. I am the planner of this terrorist attack. I did all of this. Hurry up and report to me."

The terrorist leader roared angrily, and his voice was two full pitches higher than before.

This kind of words that tried to prove themselves not only failed to prove that the terrorist leader is real, but further revealed more truths.

"This breaks the defense?"

Long Zhan, who was only suspicious at first, has now completely confirmed his conjecture.

The terrorist in front of me...

It's a counterfeit!

"Since the guy in front of me is a counterfeit, it means that he is a scapegoat. So, where is the real terrorist leader now? What method will he choose to escape?"

Long Zhan suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, always feeling that something was happening.

In order to find out the real terrorist leader as soon as possible and completely resolve this terrorist attack, Long Zhan is not going to spend any more time here.

He needs to end the confrontation here immediately and get back into the action of capturing the leader.

The leader of the fake terrorists had already broken the defense. After seeing that he had made a request and emphasized it many times, Long Zhan still did not respond.

He didn't even seem to be in a hurry at all, and wasn't going to make a show for him at all.

Now he couldn't hold back at all.

He raised the remote control in his hand high and threatened: "I will count down to 5 at the end, if at the end of the countdown, you still don't do what I say.

I'll press the detonator, and we'll die together. With so many of you by my side, I'm not at a loss. "

"Press to detonate?"

The corner of Long Zhan's mouth raised, and the last trace of worry in his heart disappeared.

Long Zhan originally thought it was a loose detonator. This kind of detonator is very tricky. It will explode as soon as a person releases his hand, which is equivalent to an existence without solution.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to fake the show.

After pressing for a long time, the hands are sore and easy to let go instinctively. After the attention is distracted by other things, it is easy to let go if you are not careful.

The final result was that he didn't want to die, but was blown to death by himself.

Because of the jealousy instability of the Loose Hair Detonator, even terrorists would not use it unless they were desperately desperate.

If it is a press-fired detonator, this problem does not exist at all.

These detonators are also safer and more controllable.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to be headshot by a sniper, and it is too late to press the detonator.

This fake terrorist leader uses the press hair style, probably because there is no chance of being killed indoors, so it is safer to use this style.

In addition, the police are more conservative in their approach and rarely use drastic rescue methods.

The press hair style is indeed more useful!

But the fake terrorist leader never expected that only the police participated in this assault, and there was also a very standard team of retired special forces.

When special forces perform various rescue operations, the method is completely different from that of the police.

Soldiers are known as war machines!
As long as it is a way to achieve the goal, sometimes even tough soldiers will use it.

Faced with the ultimatum proposed by the terrorists, Long Zhan was not frightened to report immediately, but suddenly said a word.

"Then you count, if your player is slow, I can count down for you."


Long Zhan's words were too "shocking" to be true, completely out of the expectation of the fake terrorist leader, and he was frightened for a while by the tiger-wolf words.

Just such a moment of bewilderment.

I'm afraid it's not even 0.5 seconds.

In a high-pressure and high-intensity combat environment, it is used to compressing the time to 0.1 seconds, and it is a dragon battle that can kill several people in one breath.

The few tenths of a second that the fake boss was stunned for was too much for him.

Shooting at a terrorist who holds a hostage in his arms and has a bomb on his body is something that the police dare not do as a last resort.

Without even raising his eyelids, Long Zhan pulled the trigger in the slightest.


The gun went off.

Blood splashes.

The false leader who was stunned for a while had a small hole punched between his eyes in the middle of his eyebrows, and blood slowly flowed out.

The fake leader was full of eyes and was not confident, and he didn't believe that Long Zhan dared to shoot.

Under the last crazy obsession.

He wanted to do something, but there was nothing he could do.

Because the position between the eyebrows between the eyes is one of the weakest bones in the entire brain, and the back of the eyebrows is exactly where the brain stem is located.

The role of the brain stem in the brain is equivalent to a "bridge" connecting various units.

As long as this place is paralyzed, the input and output signals of the body and brain will be terminated instantly, and even if there is any thought, it will not be able to execute.

Even the instinctive muscle movements of the body cannot be completed because of the disconnection of nerve signals.

Muscle development requires nerve signal stimulation.

Not to mention that Long Zhan's marksmanship has reached the realm of perfection, at least it is as good as anyone in the field of precise rapid fire, and it is not a problem to hit a hair within 5 meters.

For a place so big between the eyebrows, it can only be described with those four words——

Come at your fingertips!

The submachine gun accurately killed the fake leader with a single shot, and Long Zhan followed closely with the gun, catching the falling corpse immediately.

Carefully took the pressure detonator out of the hand of the terrorist leader.

Then, while comforting the frightened little girl, she quickly checked the model of the bomb on her body, the way it was guided, and so on.

As a professional blasting expert, Long Zhan is very familiar with EOD work.

Although Tim on the side also came from a seal, but before he could react, he just watched the flash in front of him, and Long Zhan had already solved everything.

The high-risk scene that was originally tense, became calm in the blink of an eye.

Such exaggerated mobility...

Even Tim is a very strong man, but at this moment he has to be convinced.

Even if both of them came from DG, the difference in strength between them is a whole level, and they are not above the same level at all.

If Tim belongs to the ace elite, then Dragon War is the ace of aces.

The strongest man-like existence in history!

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