The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 79 The Big Man's Advantage

Chapter 79 The advantage of the big guy (seek monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

Long Zhan's method is a bit opportunistic. Even if Long Zhan doesn't propose it at this time, the Syrian army will attack here an hour later. Jason can think of this method by seeing the poison sample in Lucien's hand.

With the help of the "cheat" that knows the plot, Long Zhan explained this method first, which just happened to reap great benefits for himself.

After receiving Jason's report, the combat center immediately reported the situation to the squadron headquarters.

As soon as Eric heard that the samples could not be collected, this operation was tantamount to wasted. This was not bad, so he immediately contacted the higher level.

The situation was communicated layer by layer, and soon reached the highest Ministry of Defense.

The civil war in Gulia looks like a civil war, but it is actually a secret game between the United States and Russia behind it, and its impact is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

The Syrian rebels backed by the United States have to discredit the Syrian government forces if they want to gain an international image.

The Syrian army has developed biological and chemical weapons banned by the United Nations. Once the news is confirmed, the United States can use this evidence to make a big fuss.

At the least, they dispatched planes as international police to bomb the so-called biological and chemical weapons research centers of the Syrian army.

Russia has nothing to do with him!

The more serious point is that international force can be used to impose global sanctions on Xulia from the United Nations and various international alliances that have established alliances with the United States.

The most uncomfortable thing for a country to suffer from sanctions is ranging from economic collapse to severe poverty.

The Ministry of National Defense received this task of "smearing" and dispatched the most elite special forces. Naturally, the last thing they wanted was to see the plan fail.

Hearing that evidence about biochemical agents could not be collected, the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense couldn't sit still on the spot.

You can't always pretend to be "washing powder"!
So he immediately issued a death order to DG, no matter what method he tried to pay, he must get the poison sample back.

At this most critical moment, Jason made another report just right.

All of the 23 civilians who survived in the hospital were infected with the VX agent. They are living samples. If they are brought back, the desired evidence of the agent can be extracted. It is recommended to take them all back.

The action group commander Eric and the red team commander Blackburn have been old friends with Jason for many years.

Looking back at Jason's previous application and adding this seemingly subtle suggestion, I immediately guessed the tricky elements in it.

Both of them are practical command officers, and they don't just talk about politics like the Ministry of Defense.

So it's all tacit, and it's all taken as true.

Immediately, the new request made by Jason was truthfully conveyed to the DG headquarters, and finally passed on to the high-level ears of the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of National Defense is in a state of desperation at this time, and it immediately cheers up when it hears that there is a solution.

In line with the ugly face of politicians bargaining, at first they only agreed to take one or two civilians away, and still did not mention sending special forces to respond.

As a result, Mandy, a senior CIA intelligence officer, answered the phone and made a statement as an expert.

"It is currently impossible to determine the extent of civilian infection. The number of people is too small to extract enough samples. It is best to bring everyone back."

What kind of existence is the CIA biochemical team? It is an awesome existence that can extract enough samples even if you throw a Viagra into the swimming pool.

With such a perverted biochemical gas as the VX virus, it's as easy as pie.

It's a pity that the people in the Ministry of National Defense don't know. They don't know what biochemical extraction is, and they don't need to know this kind of thing.

They just want to achieve what they want, and they just want to know the end result.

Perhaps it was because he realized that DG had "colluded". After all, it is impossible to be a fool to climb to such a high position, and it is useless to continue talking.

In order to obtain samples of the poison, the people of the Ministry of National Defense were able to turn against Russia internationally.

For this larger purpose, the Ministry of National Defense finally let go at this time and agreed to send border special forces to assist in the retreat.

Mandy, Eric and the others, who were exhausted after staying up and arguing with the Ministry of Defense all night, finally smiled when they heard the news.

From the beginning of the "Nighthawk" operation until now, the first smile from the heart.

Then he contacted Team B non-stop and told Jason, who was anxiously waiting, the good news that the special forces convoy was coming.

"Good job, tell Eric Ben that I owe him a favor."

Fighting with Eric Ben, the commander of the American red team, is the key point in the whole incident, and Jason has not forgotten this officer.

Let Eric help convey his thanks, and then shouted to Lei and others who were also waiting for the result: "Hey, guys, we won.

The special forces are on their way and are expected to arrive in 30 minutes.

We need to make all the preparations for the retreat before the special forces arrive. The time is short, but we must complete it.

Long, Trent, you two are in charge of the civilians, move them to the gate on the first floor, and take them into the car as soon as the convoy comes over.

The blasting team hurry up and pull the wires. I will give you 20 minutes to plant all the bombs.


Jason quickly issued an order to everyone, and then the order was arranged normally, and the latest situation of the combat center came from the headset.

After hearing the news, Jason's face darkened, and the good mood of receiving special forces support was swept away.

"Hey, guys, new situation."

Jason raised his voice, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said with a serious expression: "Just received new information that the Syrian army has already marched towards the hospital.

Satellite imagery analysts predicted they would arrive ahead of the special forces convoy.

Everyone must speed up the progress and try to get all the preparations done within 20 minutes, and then go to the roof to snipe the Syrian army to buy time for civilians to get on the bus. "

20 minutes may seem like a long time, but it's actually not enough at the moment.

The civilians have been hungry for so many days and have been poisoned. Basically, everyone has lost the ability to act alone.

The remaining 80% of the people need to be carried or hugged to the first floor.

The stairs from the second floor to the first floor have been blown up, and every person who is sent needs to wear a gas mask and go through the basement to reach the first floor.

There are so many procedures here and there, and every civilian will consume a lot of time.

Right at this moment...

The advantage of Long Zhan, a super big man, was vividly demonstrated in this mission.

Trent could only carry one civilian downstairs at a time, but Long Zhan could easily carry one on his back with one hand, and hold another on his chest with one hand.

It can send two civilians downstairs at a time, which doubles the efficiency at once.

(End of this chapter)

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