As the saying goes: everything depends on human effort,

The first prerequisite must be people.

Long Zhan plans to draw 20 team members from the base and use all the existing equipment and materials in the base to form a professional armed escort team.

Armed escort is the business of the PMC industry, and it is not difficult to find 20 professional escorts.

Bobby was in charge of all personnel management related tasks in the base. Long Zhan could only call Bobby who had not finished the last job, and arranged another new task for him.

After the armed escorts have been determined, the next step is the equally important "arming of the convoy".

It can also be said to be a fleet configuration!
For the standard armed escort convoy, the vehicle planning is very strict.

Escort in the wild is even more complicated!

There must be a fast and flexible path-finding car in front, which can also be called a trail-blazing car.

You must run at least 500 meters to 1 kilometer in front of the convoy to complete all work such as exploring and opening the road, and guide the most correct route for the convoy behind.

It's a bit like the scouts who walked in front of the ancient march and need to feed back all the information to the rear.

Let the large troops in the rear have a safe marching environment.

Behind the pathfinding vehicle is the large force. In order to ensure that the large force has offensive and defensive capabilities, it also needs to be divided into three steps.

The division is somewhat similar to the cqb foursome action formation.

The lead car is at the forefront, which needs to have extremely strong mobility, certain firepower and protection capabilities, and the ability to flexibly switch between advancing and retreating.

Advance can kill the enemy through attack, and retreat can cover large troops from ambush.

Only in this way can the role of the leading car be completed when encountering danger.

Then walking in the middle, the three trucks full of ammunition are the ones most in need of protection, and they are also the core of the entire armed escort convoy.

There is no need to say more about the transport vehicle. It is the most important thing to do maintenance and troubleshooting in advance.

The front of the transport vehicle is protected by people, and the rear also needs to be protected by people.

You can't ignore your head!
The rear of the convoy needs to arrange rear vehicles, and the existence of rear vehicles is extremely important, so stronger firepower and higher protection capabilities are required.

Even if necessary, they have to stay and rely on vehicles to build blocking lines on the spot.

Stopping the enemy and forcing them to fight, there is no way to continue chasing the convoy headquarters, so as to buy more time for the convoy to transfer and evacuate.

The responsibilities of each location are different, and the vehicles that need to be configured are also different.

Long Zhan decided to contribute his exclusive car, which is the only Lutsk jeep at the base, as the car that opened the way in front of the "scout" mission.

Under the premise that they are all old antiques...

The off-road capability and maneuvering speed of the jeep far surpassed those of the remaining trucks at the base.

It could not be better to be used as a "scout".

The only jeep in the base is used up, and the vanguard behind will also need mobility, so what should we do?

After much deliberation, Long Zhan could only use local materials.

Change it with a truck!

As long as the truck is not used to pull goods, the high torque of its own diesel engine and the high ground clearance brought by large-sized tires.

As long as the modification method is in place enough, the weight of the car is light enough.

It can run and move, and its firepower is not in vain.

The maneuverability is not as good as jeeps and off-road vehicles, but it is not so bad.

In order to ensure that this vanguard truck has sufficient maneuverability and firepower, Long Zhan personally drew a modification diagram.

The first is to remove the tarpaulin support of the truck's rear body, remove the baffles on both sides of the rear body, and cut off the rear half of the rear body.

Only the front half of the truck body is left, exposing the bottom bridge of the truck.

After such a drastic cutting and dismantling, the weight of the truck was dropped all of a sudden, and the model seemed to have shrunk a lot.

In the case of constant horsepower and torque, the lighter the car, the faster it can run.

This is common sense physics!

The mobility of the truck that Long Zhan wanted was perfectly solved.

The next step is to modify the vehicle in the second step, so that the truck has a good output capability to ensure that it can output fierce firepower when it encounters an attack.

For this aspect of modification, Long Zhan simply imitated the Mark M915 armed military truck.

In the position of the remaining half of the truck body, a 360-degree movable gun turret that can be operated by two people is made with various steel materials that can be seen everywhere in the mine, plus the plates removed from the previous truck.

Then move the Maxim machine gun in the arsenal to the gun tower and weld it in place.

Finally, in the remaining positions of the car body, some compartments that can be used to store ammunition are welded, and thousands of rounds of bullets and cooling water are used for backup.

After such a transformation.

The old truck of the last century, which was originally old and full of bells and whistles, has been transformed into a high-speed armed pickup truck with impressive speed and firepower.

"Perfect, I'm a transformational genius."

Looking at the "armed truck" he drew, which brought the old guy back to life with armor and guns, Long Zhan felt that he had to give himself 100 points.

The three vehicles in the middle were responsible for transporting arms, which had been arranged before Long Zhan.

After finalizing the leading vehicle with both firepower and speed, you can directly step over these three transport vehicles, followed by the rear vehicle with both defense and firepower.

As the pinnacle of firepower of the entire convoy, it is also the strongest defensive shield.

The maneuverability of the vehicles at the rear is the most important thing. While possessing a strong enough attack capability, the defense capability has become an important aspect.

The Mark M915 armed military truck has still become a reference template for Dragon War.

The tarpaulin roof of the rear body should also be removed, so that people in the car can get more vision, and it is also convenient for the next heavy firepower installation.

The first is to strengthen the defense.

Under the premise that the existing materials are extremely scarce, Long Zhan can only learn from the armed vehicle modification plan of the Middle East, and use the only materials to strengthen the bulletproof.

A circle of steel plates is welded in all directions in front of the front of the car, including the front windshield.

However, in order for the driver to see the road conditions better, a hole the size of a computer screen needs to be cut out in the middle of the steel plate in front of the windshield, and a foldable fence-shaped cover should be made on it.

Open the cover when driving normally, put the cover down when encountering an attack, and block the opening of the front windshield.

The driver observes the road conditions ahead through the gap in the fence of the cover.

Although driving in this way will be very tiring and the field of vision will be very limited, but the safety factor is higher, so pay attention to ensure the safety of the cab.

Then, including tires, fuel tanks, etc., all hang hanging steel plates in a circle to prevent someone from specifically hitting the tires and fuel tanks.

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