The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 807 Meeting the King of War for the First Time

"Continue to set off and rush over as quickly as possible."

Following Long Zhan's order, the convoy stopped for a few minutes to make repairs because the second truck got stuck in the mud, and with a burst of violent engine roar, it once again set foot on the rickety road spraying black smoke .

Or the blessing of the ancestors.

Or maybe God is kind.

On the last 10 kilometers to Ximu Farm, since none of the vehicles in the entire convoy got stuck or broke down, the driving along the way was extremely smooth.

It's a pity that the road full of mud is too slippery, and the speed of the car still cannot be raised.

"Hey, I hope the arms dealer is not impatient."

Looking at the convoy moving forward slowly, Long Zhan knew that being late was inevitable, and he got angry with anxiety, but he couldn't make any changes.

2 points.

The Giant God convoy finally arrived at the gate of Westwood Farm, guarded by two armed sentries.

It is said that the gate is actually two wooden stakes, with a slender tree trunk four or five meters long in the middle, which blocks the road across the road.

The giant convoy was blocked on the road, and it was impossible to pass without a sentry to open the roadblock.

"Hey, guys, we are here to pick up the goods. The owner of the goods asked us to go inside to deliver the goods. It's convenient, let's go in."

Long Zhan walked over with a smile and took out a wad of money, divided it into two and gave one to each of them.

They are all in small denominations of US dollars, which seem to be a dozen thick, but in fact they are only about 1000 yuan.

The per capita annual income of dried golden fruits is only more than 500 U.S. dollars. This 1000 yuan is dismissive to others, but it is a huge sum of money here.

The two were wearing dirty vests and shorts, and they were holding fake AK guns that were so worn out that they couldn't see the model. At first glance, they were sentries of low-level thugs.

After receiving the money from Long Zhan, I sniffed it and used their unique method to confirm the authenticity.

Then he grinned.

The sentry in red shorts kicked the money into his trouser pocket, revealing his characteristic white teeth.

Xiang Longzhan said: "You are late, but fortunately Mr. Olof is a good man, because of the heavy rain, he decided to wait for you for two hours.

He is resting in the farm now, come with me, I will take you in to find him. "


The sentry in red shorts beckoned for Long Zhan to follow, then turned and walked towards the farm.


Seeing that the sentry did not open the roadblock, Long Zhan called the sentry in red shorts and said, "Move these things away, my people need to drive in."

"No no no."

Before the sentry in red shorts could speak, another sentry standing in the way waved his fingers and said, "For the safety of Mr. Olof, your people can't go in now, only you can go in.

I will allow your people to enter the farm only if Mr. Olof agrees. "


Long Zhan didn't say much, and followed the sentinel in red shorts.

The town of Carney is full of crises, and it is extremely dangerous for a large number of arms to appear. No one in Carney Town can refuse this temptation.

Any accidental leak of information is very likely to lead to disaster.

The arms dealer is so cautious, Long Zhan can understand.

Following the sentinel in red shorts all the way into the farm, several breeding sheds and a wooden house covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters appeared in front of Long Zhan.

There was also a gun-wielding sentry outside the wooden house, resting against the outer wall with his gun in his hands, eyes closed.

That big nose is particularly eye-catching!
From the sentinel's stance full of loopholes, the sloppy eyes without any vigilance at all, the slowness that even the sentry in red shorts brought the dragon to Zhan didn't notice.

This guy is not a professional bodyguard at first glance, he is probably an armed man hired locally by an arms dealer.

There is a wide open space in front of the wooden house, and there are several trucks and pickups parked in the open space that are seriously deformed, the paint is basically peeled off, and the model cannot be identified.

"If I'm not mistaken, my ammunition should be loaded in these cars."

Long Zhan looked at these unattractive trucks, thinking that all the treasures he wanted were loaded on them, his eyes suddenly became fiery.

The sentry in red shorts walked to the door of the wooden house. The sentry with a gun and a big nose by the door still didn't make any movements. It seemed that he had a good time last night, and fell asleep at noon.

"Dalu, cheer up, don't be lazy, be careful that Mr. Olof will fire you."

The sentry in red shorts roared, and the sentry with the big nose by the door woke up. Seeing that the red shorts were teasing him, he scolded angrily: "Which eye of yours sees me being lazy? I'm talking nonsense. Your mouth is smashed."

After scolding this, the sentry with the big nose noticed that Long Zhan was standing beside the red shorts.

Originally, with his irritable personality, the rest of the anger would definitely be directed at Long Zhan, an outsider, but seeing Long Zhan's tall and strong body, he was immediately discouraged.

He swallowed twice, moistened his dry throat, and said nothing.


The sentry in red shorts shook his head speechlessly, sighed and did not argue with the sentry by the door.

Stepped up the wooden steps at the door, walked to the door, knocked on the door twice, and shouted inside: "Mr. Olof, the person who picked up the goods has arrived."

"Here? That's great, let him in!" There was an immediate response from inside the room.

"This voice...why does it sound familiar."

Long Zhan was startled by the voice in the room, and a strong sense of familiarity came to his mind. He couldn't think of who it was for a while, so he couldn't help but become curious.

"Sir, go in by yourself."

The sentry in red shorts pushed the door halfway open, and stretched out his hand to signal Long Zhan to go in by himself.

"Thank you."

Long Zhan nodded his head, pushed all the doors open and ducked in.

Long Zhan entered the wooden house, and the moment the eyes of the two sides met, there was a strange light in their eyes.

Olof was shocked by the strength of Long Zhan and the sturdy aura emanating from Long Zhan's hair.

You can tell it's a ruthless character at a glance!

Long Zhan was shocked that the arms dealer who appeared in front of him turned out to be a powerful figure he admired in his previous life, and he met him in a movie.

Surprised and delighted, he couldn't help exclaiming his name: "Nicolas Cage."

"Nicolas Cage?"

The arms dealer was called back to God by Long Zhan, and at the same time confused by the name, he said in amazement: "Your name is Nicolas Cage?"

"Um, Sorry, you look very similar to a friend of mine, his name is Nicolas Cage, so I almost got it wrong."

Knowing that his brain was on a business trip, Long Zhan called out the name of the actor of Lord of War, and quickly thought of an excuse to explain it.

Immediately after reaching out his hand, he introduced himself: "Long Gibran, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can have a happy cooperation in this business."

The arms dealer did not doubt Long Zhan's explanation.

After all, there is nothing special about the name Nicolas Cage.

As a professional arms dealer, he showed his professional qualities and took a few steps forward to hold Long Zhan's extended hand.

He introduced with a smile: "Yuri Orlov, Miss White Rose said that you are very reliable. I have seen it for thousands of years, and I believe it is true."

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