Chapter 810 Mutiny
"Leaked news? Holy shit, that would be a big trouble. This damn place lacks everything, except robbers and villains. Mr. Gibran, I have nothing to do here, so I'm leaving first."

Yuri didn't want to stay here to fight, and he didn't have any combat ability at all, so he was ready to run away with a few words.

As a result, Yuri just took two steps towards the pickup truck, when the big-nosed sentry who had been following him suddenly changed his face.

From behind, he grabbed Yuri's neck with his left hand, held a knife on Yuri's neck with his right hand, and threatened loudly with a ferocious face: "Everyone stay still, stand there, and I will kill anyone who moves. "

"Fuck, what's going on?"

The contractors who were entering the fighting state had to stop all their actions for a while, seeing the sudden change in front of them.

"Hikaro, what are you doing, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

Yuri didn't expect that the bodyguard he had hired would turn over, and it turned out so inexplicably, besides the nervousness in his eyes, it was more inconceivable.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't move around if you don't want to die." The big-nosed sentry scolded.

"I gave you a lot of money, why did you do such a thing?" Yuri asked.

"What is the money you gave me? As long as I can get this batch of arms, I can get at least 10. You don't know what this means to me. This is something I can't earn in my whole life. , you know? I would do anything for it."

When the big-nosed sentinel said 10, there was a touch of crazy greed in his eyes.

"Just for this little money? Is it necessary? I can give you more, as long as you let me go now, and I will give you 20 when I get to a safe place. If not, I can give you 30 or even more, You know I'm very rich and to me it's just..."


Yuri was trying to convince the big-nosed bodyguard, but was interrupted by a sudden gunshot.

The rest of the unfinished words were scared back to the stomach, his eyes were staring like bull's eyes, his pupils shrank sharply, and he locked on to Long Zhan in amazement.

Looking at the smoking barrel in Long Zhan's hand, he couldn't believe that Long Zhan just shot like that.

He didn't hesitate for even a second, and he didn't care if he was held hostage with a knife, and he didn't care if he would be killed, so he just raised his gun and hit him.

Shooting and killing a living person is more indifferent than killing a chicken.

The frightened Yuri is still full of thoughts...


In the last second, the big-nosed sentinel who was yelling at five and six to take hostages, trying to threaten dozens of people present, fell straight to the ground.

There was a hole in the middle of his forehead, and blood was gurgling out from inside.

The life in the eyes was gone, leaving only unwillingness and astonishment.

The surrounding contractors also stood on the spot dumbfounded, not expecting the matter to end in such a dramatic way, admiring Long Zhan's sharp attack.

When the enemy is taking hostages, dare to shoot decisively and kill them with one shot.

How confident is this in his marksmanship!
"Don't look at it, it's just a clown, don't be delayed by him."

Holding an AK47, Long Zhan killed those in the way with a single shot, pulled back the absent team members, and issued a series of orders decisively and forcefully.

"The person responsible for loading the trucks will continue to stay and load the trucks. All the goods will be taken away, and none of them will be allowed to stay."

"The security personnel will go out with me and be ready to fight against the enemy. Before the goods are loaded, no enemy will be allowed to approach."

"Luka, you are in charge of protecting Mr. Yuri. If there is any problem, I will only ask you."


Among the various orders issued by Long Zhan, he especially sent someone to protect Yuri Olov, so that Yuri, who was panicked by continuous accidents, felt the long-lost stability and what it means to be professional.

Looking at the calm and calm Long Zhan's eyes, there is also a respect that was not there before.

After giving the order, Long Zhan rushed out of the warehouse with an AK in his hand, and walked to the defensive circle built by the armed security team with cars and various items.

After the delay of the big-nosed bodyguard, the situation outside has changed a lot.

Before, I only heard his voice, but not his person.

Now you can clearly see a group of armed men running fast on the road and grass on the side of the farm hundreds of meters away.

Quantities cannot be accurately calculated.

There were thirty or forty people running in the front alone, and there were still people running in from the blind spot outside the farm and entering the Westwood Farm.

Each of them held a gun in their hands, and kept screaming and running forward quickly.

Even if they don't see any enemies in front of them, they will keep shooting while running, creating a noisy scene.

It seems that they want to suppress all the defenders on the farm through this kind of random shooting.

Kind of like hunting.

It is to drive the hidden prey out of the hiding place by artificially making various sounds, and then catch up and kill the prey.

This is a hunting technique that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, but is still very practical.

If Long Zhan and his group were like Yuri just now, and drove away when they heard the gunshots outside, they would have fallen into the trap of these militants.

Assume that the combat power of Long Zhan's group is similar to that of Yuri's bodyguards.

There is only one final result, and that is the loss of both people and goods.

On the wild road is not like being on a farm. There is no place to hide on the bare road, but the enemy can take advantage of various advantages on both sides of the road.

On the farm, there are various construction equipment as bunkers, and the enemy will have to pay more to attack.

Once you leave the farm, you lose a layer of protection.

Fortunately, Long Zhan and his party are not ordinary people. Yuri, who wanted to run away, can only be forced to stay with Long Zhan because he has no bodyguards.
Therefore, no matter how fierce the group of militants yelled and how hard they fired their guns, they did not gain any practical effect.

Long Zhan and his party were still as steady as old dogs, waiting to hide behind their respective bunkers.

The front door of Westwood Farm is a bit far from the warehouse, more than 150 meters away, and the militants would have to run for a while with their guns.

The direction of running is also not uniform, and they start to disperse after entering the farm.

"Don't rush to shoot, keep concealed, they probably don't know our situation, and don't know where we are, this is our chance, bring them close before hitting them, as long as they hurt enough once, we You can get a period of buffer time and listen to my orders."

By analyzing the route of the militants, Long Zhan analyzed the relevant information of this group of militants, and immediately put it into actual combat.

Facts have proved that Long Zhan's prediction was correct, and this group of militants did not have detailed information.

Not even a unified command.

It looked like a group of stragglers, or various small groups, all tangled together to form a temporary alliance.

With the current chaotic situation in Carney Town, it is only possible to form such a temporary alliance so that they can rob houses together.

If there was a single family that ruled the whole situation and had enough strength to completely control the entire town, Carney Town would not be as chaotic as it is now.

The militants who rushed in had no idea that the timing of their arrival was too unfortunate.

As long as it is an hour earlier, the success rate is 100%.

Among the crooked melons under Yuri's hands, one of them was a traitor, and it was impossible to resist the enemy's attack.

But it was an hour late, and things turned 180 degrees.

Long Zhan and his team are like full-level players, who can be top thugs if they pick out any one. From the moment they drove to Ximu Farm, this piece of tender tofu that was originally readily available has become a monolith.

As for the militants who came to attack here, the intelligence is still in the past.

That is to say, the information received was that an arms dealer came and secretly brought over several truckloads of arms, which were said to be worth more than one million dollars.

Moreover, this arms dealer was very careful. In order to avoid exposure, he did not hire a large number of armed security guards. The total number of security guards including the driver was less than 10.

Originally, to deal with such a mere 10-member arms team, a dozen or twenty people would be able to handle it.

There is no need to make such a big fanfare like now, and hundreds of people rushed over in a mighty manner. In the end, everyone won't get much.

The cause of the incident was that Hikaro, the big-nosed bodyguard, secretly contacted his brother in town when he saw Cai.

Said that there is a batch of munitions worth millions here, and asked him to find a group of reliable guys in the town, and have a pot with him.

In the end, his brother was very unreliable, and he didn't consider keeping secrets in the process of finding someone.

In the end, the person was found and the news was leaked.

It became "everyone in the town"!
The people in Carney Town are not good birds, they are all ghosts and monsters who can go crazy for money, how can they watch such good things by themselves.


After one pass to ten, ten to a hundred, there is the current situation of this group of demons dancing wildly.

It is precisely because the militants are fighting on their own, without any sense of team combat, let alone a unified command to coordinate the overall situation.

The militants who rushed in divided into several groups, and ran over without any precautions.

Among them, there are the most militants in two directions, which are the big wooden house that symbolizes the entire Westwood Farm, and the warehouse that looks the most obvious.

There was a row of cars parked at the door of the big wooden house, and a row of cars parked at the door of the warehouse.

It looks like it's for loading.

The big wooden house was closer to the gate of Westwood Farm. Under the influence of short-sighted thinking, more than half of the terrorists ran towards the big wooden house.

As soon as he got close, he pounced on the big wooden house and the trucks like a hungry wolf.

They all want to find the ammunition at the first time, and then realize the legendary sudden wealth in one day.

to this end.

The scene became more chaotic, and conflicts broke out.

Some people were fighting to grab the truck, those who hadn't climbed up dragged those who were climbing down, and those who had climbed up frantically kicked the people below.

Others were rushing into the gate of the wooden house for the first time, and began to push and pull each other several meters away.

There are also people who run slowly with bad legs and feet, and who see that they have no part from a distance, they just don't do anything, point their guns at the people in front of them, and kill all the competitors.

The greed, madness, and cruelty of human nature are fully displayed at this moment.

The militants first occupied the vicinity of the big wooden house, and chaos also broke out in this place, with gunshots, beatings, scolding and screams.

The militants who rushed into the farm later continued to enter in an endless stream like locusts.

It's a bit like the scene in "The Walking Dead" TV series, where zombies overthrow the outer protective wall of the human stronghold and attack the human stronghold from the breach.

Tell the truth.

This picture looks quite scary!
(End of this chapter)

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