The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 819 The Only King

At the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, USA, during the period when Long Zhan transported the arms back from Carney Town, a formal meeting passed a collective vote.

Agreed to accept the invitation of the Jin Guogan government, and sent a Lianhe delegation to Jin Guogan to coordinate with the rebels to stop the civil war.

At the same time, a peacekeeping force of 500 troops will be dispatched from various countries.

Specially responsible for the security of the delegation, as well as going to Jinguogan with the Lianhe delegation, and responsible for the security of various humanitarian work organization teams.

The presence of the Lianhe delegation and the peacekeeping force has a very positive significance for the suspension of the civil war.

Moreover, with the official intervention of the Lianhe Kingdom, a large amount of international aid will continue to arrive in Jinguogan, which can greatly alleviate the food and medical needs of a large number of refugees in Jinguogan, a country caught in civil war.

Not to mention that Lian Heguo was invited by the Jin Guogan government to intervene this time.

In theory.

Whether it is the Jinguogan government or the anti-government, they should be very happy to hear the news, and will take the initiative to contact the Lianhe delegation.

However, it was such a good thing that touched the interests of some "outsiders".

What these people need is that the more chaos the better, only by taking advantage of the chaos can they find a way to rob, stability is not what they want.

They know very well that once the peacekeeping force arrives and contacts the government and anti-government, no matter what they think of it will be ineffective.

Only by making this mess worse before the maintenance troops arrive, can they reap enough benefits.

So ever.

After the vote of the Lianhe National Congress was released, less than half a day later, a shocking event broke out in Jinguogan.

As the chief of staff of the Jinguogan National Army, Montero Toose, who controls a large number of troops, suddenly launched a mutiny and hijacked President Kentra who was reviewing the training of combat troops in Djayada, the capital of Dembo Province.

Forced President Kentra to sign and voluntarily resign, and then single-handedly elected President Kentra's younger brother, Vikadu, to become the interim acting president of the government.

The high-level government officials who were busy with civil war affairs in the capital, including General Thoron, who was not long in defense, were all stunned by this news.

Now that the matter of the rebel army has not been resolved, the president was kidnapped by his own family and forcibly resigned.

What's the matter?

Not to mention that the high-level officials of the Jinguogan government were collectively confused. They were at a loss for a while and didn't know what to do. Countries around the world were also shocked.

However, at the time when the Jinguogan government had no leader, and it was in great trouble for a while.

Montello, who kidnapped President Kentra, organized a manpower to convene media personnel from all sides shortly after dawn at 7 o'clock in the morning of the same day, and held a grand inauguration ceremony in Daengbo Province, the capital of Djayada.

Let the "new president" Vikadu officially take office, become the interim president of Jin Guogan, and formally take over state affairs on behalf of the Jin Guogan government.

And uttered wild words at the inauguration ceremony.

Let the important officials of various government departments of the Kentra government take the initiative to come to the new government of Dorjayada to report.

If you do not arrive within a week, it will be regarded as an automatic resignation.

At that time, interim President Vikadu will activate his rights, skip elections and presidential privileges, re-select a group of new officials, form a new interim government system, and fully replace the current government.

If the president was kidnapped before and a new interim president was elected, it was just an appetizer.

Everyone is not in such a hurry!
Montero used his own words to engage in dictatorship. If he wanted to form a new government in the provincial capital of Dembo Province, it would be tantamount to offending the entire Jinguogan government.

In a presidential democratic republic like Jinguogan, from the president to the officials are all elected.

Regardless of whether there is any tricks in the middle, at least it has been doing this all the time. It is still necessary to be careful about the face project. No one has ever dared to do it so blatantly.

And now Montero's actions are equivalent to completely tearing his face.

Including Soron, who is not long-term, all high-level government officials are absolutely impossible to support Montello's interim government no matter what their reasons are, and they are even so angry at Montello's actions.

But Montero, as the chief of staff of the national army, is in charge of more than half of the army of Jinguogan.

Not to mention that Dinbo Province is the base camp of Montello, and everyone in every city corner of the army is on Montello's side.

No matter how angry the top government mobile officials were, there was nothing they could do about Montero.

Not to mention sending troops to rescue President Kentra.

But just watching Montero doing things like this, and immediately forming a new interim government, as a genuine government, it is impossible for him to do nothing while watching, and he will lose his face internationally.

In order to prevent Montero's interim government, the current government has come up with a countermeasure.

Less than an hour after Montero's interim presidential inauguration ceremony, the Jinguogan government gave a strong counterattack.

Led by the President and the Vice President, with the strong support of Guo Fangbuchang and other high-level officials, a press conference was also held.

At the meeting, he strongly condemned Montello's mutiny, and determined that all his actions were illegal and belonged to personal authoritarian atrocities.

He was limited to release President Kentra within three days and immediately disband the interim government.

If Montero insists on going his own way, they will launch all means to sanction and make Montero pay for his evil deeds.

What the Jinguogan government said was very tough, but because they didn't have any extra soldiers on hand, they could only talk about it.

No action at all.

Most of the main forces controlled by the Jinguogan government are now engaged in fighting the rebels.

Can't get it back at all.

The remaining 60% of the troops that can be mobilized, that is, almost 1 National Army, are now in the Dinbo Province within the sphere of influence of Montello.

The reason why these troops are assembled in Dinbo Province is to prepare for professional training so that they can be used in subsequent wars to change the situation of the war.

The units in charge of training these troops are the contractors sent by Jushen Company.

It's just that I didn't expect the plan to keep up with the changes. The training base in Gagda has not yet been repaired, and even one day of training has not yet started.

The assembled army beat dogs with meat buns, all of which went into Montero's pocket.

It became a tool for him to help the evildoers!

The Jinguogan government at this time, let alone how angry it is.

Montero has so many troops under his command, and with the full support of a group of mining company bosses, a huge mercenary group with a total of more than 3000 people.

His heart is hard enough to make him confident, and he is not afraid of the so-called sanctions of the Jin Guogan government at all.

It doesn't even count as wind in the ear, and I don't care at all.

Still go its own way to quickly form a provisional government, and began to send out his minions to clean up and rectify the current government agencies in the entire Dinbo Province.

He wants to firmly control the province of Dinbo, without leaving even the slightest hidden danger.

Build it into your own super base camp, and then use this place as a springboard to develop, and finally get the whole dried golden fruit into your pocket.

Thus he became the Master of Human Beings, the only king of Jin Guogan.

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