"Tom tom tom tom..."

When the distance between the two sides was within 200 meters, the armed pickup on the left opened fire first, and the .50 old godmother on the rear trunk roared wildly.

The armed pickup on the right followed closely and also fired wildly at the Gagda base.

Heavy machine guns are just different.

The sound of firing was like thunder, and the heart would tremble along with it.

The more than 300 mercenaries who followed were separated by a distance of about 1 to 2 meters from each other, forming a large area behind the two pickup trucks.

While the two armed pickup trucks roared wildly, the mercenaries, encouraged by the sound of heavy machine guns, also walked forward and continued to shoot towards the base.

All of a sudden, all bullets were fired.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sound of bullets piercing through the air at supersonic speed almost covered the entire sky above the Gagda base. As long as you stood on the ground, you would definitely be smashed into a sieve.

Fortunately, Long Zhan already had the foresight to prepare sufficient defensive measures in advance.

The contractor team members hid in the trench, and there were sand bags half a meter high on the outer side, leaving only a shooting hole in the middle.

The horrific sight of the mercenaries firing all ammunition could not affect the contractor at all.

It can only be hit on the bag of sand and dust, bouncing bursts of smoke and dust.


Although hiding in the trench can avoid all dangers, all team members know that hiding in the trench is not a long-term solution.

Every time the mercenaries advance one meter, the effect of the trench will disappear by one point.

Trenches are only a side effect in melee combat.

In order to ensure the greatest advantage of the trench positions, contractors need to do their best to find opportunities to fight back while ensuring their own safety.

Only by finding a way to kill the enemy can we ensure the enemy's defensive advantage.

With the instructions given by the boss before the dragon battle, the team members can fire freely without notification, and the counterattack of the contractors has also begun.

"Da da da da da..."

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"Clap clap clap..."

The AK47 assault rifle, the AKM assault rifle, and the RPK light machine gun, the three products just bought back, started their first debut.

Bullets rained on the mercenary camp, and the killing situation was just the opposite of that of the contractors.

There are no bunkers to use, and the two armed pickups cannot provide effective defense at all. The mercenaries are tantamount to pushing forward with their bodies.

The giant contractors fired the first round of bullets, and several mercenaries fell to the ground.

This is still enough to organize the offensive command, pulling the formation forward and pushing forward, instead of crowding everyone together and rushing forward.

Otherwise, if the giant contractor hits with a round of bullets, not a few will die.

of course.

The mercenaries had the advantage of having a larger number, and the suppressed firepower they formed had a certain effect, making it impossible for the giant contractors to concentrate on shooting accurately.

This leads to a sharp drop in the hit rate, and most of the bullets only have a suppressive effect.

As soon as the battle started, there were casualties on one's own side, but none of the enemy's specific people were seen, and the mercenaries did not retreat.

Except for some people who took the wounded away, the rest of the mercenaries still followed the pickup truck forward.

The two sides fired at each other, and the bullets seemed to be free of money.

"Why tnd, just these three or four hundred cannon fodder, you want to wipe out my team? Are you looking down on people so much? I will have fun with you."

Holding the RPK light machine gun, Long Zhan finally saw how many people there were on the other side, and his heart was also angry.

Treating a tiger as a cat is true. Dogs look down on people.

In order to show the strength of the Giant God team, deter these ignorant youngsters, improve the morale of the Giant God team, and survive this "earthquake" that will last for an unknown period of time, Long Zhan decided not to show mercy.

Putting the RPK light machine gun on his back, he ran along the trench to the heavy machine gun position.

Push down the half-man high sand bag in front, lift off the camouflage cloth covering it, and reveal the big killer hidden below - the DShka heavy machine gun.


Pull the gun and load it.

As the world's top machine gunner, Long Zhan completed all the preparations before firing in less than two seconds.

Aiming at the pickup truck heavy machine gun at the front, the old man Deshka began to roar.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The powerful 300×12.7mm bullet with a rate of fire of more than 108 rounds per minute exits the chamber at a speed of 850 meters per second, carrying a huge kinetic energy of more than 19000 joules, and rushes forward to the armed pickup truck in the quasi-center.

jingle bells...

There was a noise.

In less than three seconds, the heavy machine gun armed pickup truck 150 meters away on the left was accurately hit by more than a dozen heavy machine gun bullets.

Not only did a lot of fist-sized holes be left behind, but the people sitting in the car were also blown up on the spot.

A bullet with a kinetic energy of nearly 2 joules hits a person. It is not a child with a hole and a scar, but it will produce an explosion effect wherever it hits.

Legs are broken, heads are shot, and hands are broken.

Hit the waist and break it in two!

Relying on his terrifying ability to suppress the gun, Long Zhan seemed to ignore the huge recoil of the large-caliber heavy machine gun, and pressed a dozen rounds of bullets onto a vehicle, successfully destroying the first armed pickup.

Immediately afterwards, before the mercenaries could react, they turned their guns and there was another burst of precise shooting.

Killed another armed pickup.

In just a few seconds, Long Zhan used his powerful technology to quickly destroy one of the main output forces of the enemy with a previous generation heavy machine gun that had been eliminated by Mao Zi.

Don't talk about the contractor team here.

Turning his head to look at Long Zhan's eyes, apart from the stunned shock, there is nothing more to worship, and he is completely convinced by Long Zhan, the boss.

As the direct victim, the mercenary camp felt the impact a hundred times stronger.

Fully automatic firing is an extremely difficult technology. They can't even suppress so many bullets with their rifles. If they can suppress the first two or three rounds, it will be against the sky.

The heavy machine gun at the opposite base is good enough to suppress the first 10 rounds of the heavy machine gun.

Is this still human?

With such a perverted guy on the opposite side, how can we fight this battle.

Get a dick.

Run now!
Mercenaries are a loose group of people. As soon as such an idea appears in their minds, some people turn around and run away.

It doesn't matter whether you have an order from the commander or not, it's important for me to save my life first.

If one person took the lead and turned around and ran away, it would immediately trigger a group effect.

There were more than 300 mercenaries who were rushing forward behind the pickup truck. After the two armed pickup trucks were blown up, the style of the painting immediately changed 180 degrees, and all the mercenaries turned around and started running.

The running speed was much faster than the rushing speed, and they all ran back to the palm forest in less than half a minute.

Only corpses were left.

There are also two armed pickup trucks that are nearly scrapped with more than a dozen heavy machine gun bullets in their bodies.

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