After Long Zhan got enough information from the phone call, he called Cook and Bobby, his right-hand assistants, and explained the more important matters to them.

Let the two go down immediately to arrange and deploy, so as not to give the enemy any opportunity.

Bobby and Cook were a little surprised when they heard that they gave up on foot and chose to stick to the base. After all, the change was too big.

But both of them believed in Long Zhan very much, and believed that Long Zhan had his reasons for doing so.

Therefore, he didn't raise any objections, but left Long Zhan's office as soon as possible, and immediately went to divide the work and started to act alive.

Also out of absolute trust in Long Zhan, the following contractors have no meaning for the new decision of Long Zhan.

Cooperate with Cook and Bobby's various arrangements, seize the time to further improve and strengthen the fortifications, and organize and classify all the equipment and materials on hand.

Including the old World War II toys in the warehouse, they are all classified in detail.

Although these toys have been around for a long time, the way weapons are launched has never changed since World War II, and they are still driven by the old gunpowder.

The power of bullets is no worse than modern guns.

Sort out these old toys and prepare them. In case the newly bought Maozi goods run out of bullets, the old toys can also last for a while.

Even if the failure rate may be a bit high, it's better to go up and fight with your fists.

Long Zhan's order was successfully conveyed to the bottom, and was effectively implemented by all team members, and the entire base was turned into a working state.

No one is idle, they are all working hard.

Compared with the hot sweat in the base, the open space just over 100 meters away to the east is a completely different scene.

Dozens of corpses were lying in the sun to bask in the sun, a large number of guns and weapons were left on the ground and no one cares about them, bullet casings, pieces of meat and dried blood can be seen everywhere.

Two jeeps that were scrapped and scrapped stood there alone, which was particularly conspicuous.


Several shadows appeared on the periphery of the battlefield.

Head lowered, waist bowed, tail tucked, all the way under the cover of low weeds, approaching stealthily like a thief.

take a closer look...

The non-mainstream khaki-brown fur of different lengths, coupled with irregular black spots all over the body, has the same appearance characteristics as a domestic dog, and his identity is ready to be revealed.

Isn’t it a unique beast in Africa——

Spotted Hyena!
Known as the second brother of Africa, the hyena is found all over the African continent. Its combat effectiveness is also amazing, and its hunting ability is only lower than that of lions.

In terms of cutting-edge technology, it is number one in the world.

Looking at the creatures on the entire African continent, even if they are as big as elephants, bison, lions, rhinos, hippos, etc., the chrysanthemums have been picked up by the second brother.

Hyenas are not afraid of anyone in Africa, and are notoriously greedy when it comes to food.

The cheetah didn't say anything, it was snatching it face to face, even if it was the prey in the lion's mouth, the hyena would dare to take a piece of it, and humans were naturally not enough to make it fear.

The dozen or so spotted hyenas must have smelled the strong smell of blood and meat from the battlefield, so they organized a group to prepare a big meal.

After Long Zhan arranged the task, he went to the roof of the main building, picked up the binoculars and observed it personally. …

When the group of spotted hyenas were still far away, Long Zhan discovered their traces through the telescope, and didn't pay much attention to them at first.

Until the group of train dogs went straight to the eastern battlefield and began to bite the corpses of mercenaries on the ground.

Now the Dragon War has to be taken care of!
It happened that radio soldier James walked downstairs, and Long Zhan asked him to go to the arsenal to get a Springfield sniper rifle and send it upstairs to him.

Long Zhan is going to use the old sniper rifles from World War II to kill or disperse these hyenas.

The Springfield rifle uses .30 caliber bullets. Although the caliber is 47 mm like the AK7.62, the length of the bullets is quite different.

The former uses m1906 rifle ammunition, and the length of the projectile body is 63 mm.

The latter uses the m43 intermediate power bullet, and the length of the projectile body is only 39 mm.

It's not universal at all!

Since it can't be used universally, it is equivalent to half-waste ammunition. It can't be digested at all when it is used for sniping. It can just be used to disperse wild beasts.

As for why Long Zhan had to get a sniper rifle to shoot these hyenas that came to hunt.

It's not that Long Zhan wants to take this opportunity to practice marksmanship, it's not that he can't accept such a bloody scene, and it's not that he is kidnapped by morality and benevolence.

As a super veteran on the battlefield, Long Zhan has long since lost this kind of hypocrisy.

The main purpose is a...

That's for safety reasons!
The prey that has eaten human flesh will no longer be in awe of humans, but will include humans in its diet and become one of its hunting targets.

If these hyenas are allowed to eat the corpses of mercenaries, more and more hyenas will definitely come around.

It will even attract other beasts.

Long Zhan has decided to lead a team to defend the base. If more beasts appear near the base, it will pose a huge potential threat to the Cold War.

It's good to have a good vision during the day, and you can see it from a long distance to prevent it.

It's troublesome at night.

Beasts have a natural advantage at night, and they walk so quietly that they can’t be heard at all. The trenches dug can’t stop the beasts from entering, and there’s a high probability that they won’t even notice when they touch you.

If you get used to letting wild beasts eat corpses, there is a high probability that they will sneak into the camp at night to hunt and kill them.

Long Zhan didn't want to be bitten on the neck by a hyena, leopard or lion suddenly while sleeping at night, and die for no apparent reason.

In order to prevent the emergence of this danger, the best way is to kill hidden dangers at the first sign.

When radio soldier James brought the sniper rifle over, Long Zhan picked up the sniper rifle and started hunting on the roof, giving the contractor team members a perfect performance of an ace sniper.

Except for the first shot because there is no calibration gun, I don't know how big the error of the aiming point is, and it was a little crooked.

After the deviation was found, the second shot started, and each shot would kill a hyena, and there was a scream of dogs barking in the open space.

Hyenas are very intelligent pack animals.

Hearing the screams of their companions before they died, the rest of the hyenas fled to the distance with their tails between their legs.

Long Zhan chased and fought all the way with a sniper rifle, and didn't stop until he was out of sight.

Looking at the nine hyena corpses lying on the ground, although Long Zhan really wanted to get them back, they became one of the food supplies for the base.

A hyena weighs tens of catties, and it is definitely enough to feed 200 people for several days.

But out of the same concern as not sending someone to clean up the battlefield before, taking back the guns and bullets that the mercenaries dropped on the ground to replenish the wear and tear.

That is to say, there are still mercenaries hiding in the palm grove, who will secretly shoot cold shots and cause unnecessary losses.

No matter how much Long Zhan wanted to drink hot dog meat soup, he didn't take the lives of his brothers. He chose to let them lie in the weedy field and be exposed to the sun like the corpses of mercenaries.

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