The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 828 200 to 4000! !

6:30 in the morning.

The daily morning jogging chant of the Jagda base did not fly over the base, nor did the neatly lined up morning jogging team appear.

All contractor team members have already taken their positions in advance and entered their assigned combat fortifications.

I shrank my body at the bottom of the dug trench, held my gun in my arms, and sat on the ground with the butt of the gun between my legs, holding the not-so-rich breakfast delivered by the logistics soldier, and chatting with the surrounding comrades while eating.

Everyone is a veteran who has experienced various wars, and they don't panic at all even if they are surrounded by enemies.

The overall atmosphere is quite harmonious!

As the commander-in-chief of this battle, Long Zhan was under the greatest pressure, but his mature mentality allowed him to control it, but there was no tension on his face.

Sitting on the roof terrace of the two-story main building, he gnawed on a bagged sandwich in his left hand, and observed with a telescope in his right hand.

Mainly observe the side of the palm forest, and the other three sides are flat and flat, so you don't need to pay much attention.


The time came to 6:45.

The morning sun, which turns from orange to golden, rises from behind the palm forest in the east, and the dazzling sunlight shines on the base from the direction of the palm forest.

"At this time, the sunlight is extremely unfavorable to us and seriously affects our sight. It is the best time for the enemy to attack. If the mercenaries launch an attack at this time, they will have an absolute advantage in time."

Long Zhan's eyes were swollen and painful from the sun, he had to put down the binoculars and blink to relieve it, feeling a little bit uncomfortable in his heart.

There is a saying that what comes what comes.

Long Zhan muttered to himself just after he said these words, when he waited for his eyes to feel a little more comfortable, he set up the binoculars to look at the palm forest again.

Seeing this, his expression changed.

"The enemy is coming, prepare to fight."

Long Zhan roared loudly on the roof, and the sound was transmitted very far in the early morning, and the whole base instantly fell into a high-pressure atmosphere.

Regardless of whether the team members in the trench had finished their breakfast or not, they all took up their guns and stood up.

Through the scope, look for the locked target.

The contractor team members in the other three directions did not find the enemy and did not relax in any way. The bullets were loaded and ready to fire at any time.

The team members who were still walking on the ground jumped into the nearby ditch immediately.

The mortar team, which was regarded as the most important weapon by Long's combat power and had to be well protected, ran into the courtyard behind the main building in unison.

The courtyard is surrounded by two-meter-high walls, and it is impossible to observe the inside from a parallel perspective.

The location of the guns is relatively close to the southern wall, which can effectively avoid mercenaries on the hills to the south, and look down to find mortar positions.

Since the mortar is a kind of gun that is fired in a curve, there are walls around it that do not affect the firing.

The Jagda base quickly entered a fighting state, but the mercenaries who appeared in the east were not in a hurry to attack, but started a mighty big move.

Three or four pickup trucks drove out from the left and right sides of the palm grove, and went around the periphery to the north and south of the base.

Behind the pickup trucks in these two lines, there was a long line of mercenaries following them, running fast all the way behind the trucks to keep up.

As the two lines of pickup trucks continued to move forward, the line of mercenaries following them became longer and longer. …

Less than 5 minutes passed.

The two long dragons arrived in the north and south directions respectively, forming a 180-degree encirclement of the Jiageda base.

The pickup truck still didn't stop at this time, and was still heading towards the west at the end. It seemed that it wanted to complete the rendezvous on the west side and surround the Canadian base 360 ​​degrees.

The team of mercenaries following the armed pickup truck also grew longer as the two vehicles advanced.

Behind the palm grove is like an arsenal, spewing out a large number of mercenaries continuously, so that no matter how long the team grows, it will not be broken.

"Is this the whole army dispatched?"

Long Zhan roughly judged the number of people. At least 1500 people came out of the half-siege, and there were still a steady stream of mercenaries walking out behind them. When the siege was completed, there were at least 4000 people.

to be frank.

Seeing the terrifying scale of the mercenaries, Long Zhan, who was very calm before, felt a little uncertain.

There are too many people, all over 20 times.

Even if 4000 pigs are placed here, it will take a long time to kill 200 of them, let alone 400 desperate mercenaries with weapons who can kill you.

There is a deliberate desire to give the order to fire on the enemy, to prevent them from deploying so easily.

However, the mercenaries were nearly 300 meters away, and with the visual impact of direct sunlight from the east, forced shooting would not have much effect.

If you have a high-precision modern rifle, you can, even if you have a good hit rate at 300 meters.

It's a pity that the weapons in the hands of the contractor are all woolen goods. The ak series rifle is durable and has a strong stopping power. Its disadvantages are its poor accuracy.

In addition to buying second-hand goods, the accuracy of the gun is even worse.

Shooting at a distance of 300 meters is a waste of bullets.

Long Zhan was frightened by the battle of mercenaries, and the atmosphere of the contractor team below also changed.

Even veterans who have experienced so many wars can't help but feel guilty in the face of the enemy who wraps themselves up like drizzle.

The position is always scary, and there are very few hole cards in the lower hand.

In this atmosphere where the contractors suddenly felt bad, the mercenaries became more and more imposing, and their symptoms became more and more exaggerated.

After about 9 minutes.

The 6 armed pickups triggered on both sides finally completed the rendezvous in the west.

A huge lineup of more than 20 armed vehicles and more than 4000 mercenaries was formed, forming an encirclement circle with a length of more than 1500 meters, enclosing the Jiageda base in the middle.

More than 4000 mercenaries were relatively evenly dispersed, making the thickness of the encirclement reach an astonishing 20 meters.

If they are allowed to break through the trench defense line, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Tmd, I'm afraid it's coming out in full force, these bastards are really willing to spend their money."

Long Zhan standing on the roof has the best view, and the visual impact he receives is also the strongest. He couldn't help but squeeze the telescope in his hand.

Are you afraid of Dragon War?

Of course afraid!
Most people will be overwhelmed by fear, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced due to fear.

However, as the top special forces soldier in the world, Long Zhan was just the opposite of these people. The more he was afraid, the more pressure he felt, which made him more excited, stimulated his fighting potential, and made his blood boil.

When you meet the strong, you are strong, that's it.

The mercenaries on the opposite side completed their formation and soon launched a full-scale attack.

"Da da da da da..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Heavy machine guns and rifles roared in unison, and the smoke of battle began to envelope the Jiageda base.

From yesterday's attack from only the palm grove to today's force increase of more than 10 times, and the attack from three sides at the same time, the combat tactics of this group of mercenaries have not changed much.

Armed pickups and jeeps are still in the lead, rushing ahead and using themselves as tanks.

The heavy machine guns on the vehicle output ferocious firepower to suppress the contractors in the base and cover the mercenary infantry behind to move forward quickly.

The hairy mercenaries at the back are spaced 2 to 3 meters apart, and move forward slowly behind the armed vehicle.

As you walk forward, fire in the direction of the base.


Although the way of attacking is still the same, the effect reflected is quite different, completely different from yesterday.

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