The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 845 Give him a stronger taste

Chapter 845 Give him a stronger taste

"What is this for?"

The contractor team members nearby couldn't understand what Long Zhan was doing.

Although shocked by the giant power of the dragon battle!

But when Long Zhan ran to the side of the fallen jeep, he also fell sideways on the ground, grabbed the Maxim heavy machine gun with both hands, and adjusted the muzzle to the sky.

Everyone reflected and knew what Long Zhan's purpose was for doing this.

It turned out that Long Zhan was temporarily manufacturing "air defense heavy machine guns".

The Maxim heavy machine gun is welded on the bracket. If the jeep is parked in a normal posture, the muzzle cannot be turned 90 degrees to the sky.

And if the jeep is overturned to the ground, it can just make up for this deficiency.

And the most ingenious point.

Long Zhan deliberately overturned the jeep on the left side, so that the belly of the jeep faced the direction of the bomber, and the bottom plate of the car virtually became the best "bulletproof plate".

As long as the bomb doesn't just hit the jeep, the car body can absorb most of the impact of the explosion.

A simple action, but so wonderful.

have to say.

Long Zhan is worthy of his title of veteran on the battlefield, and he has reached the point of proficiency in the flexible use of various items around him in battle.

Seeing that Long Zhan was about to fly, the surrounding contractors followed suit.

Adjust the muzzle that was originally facing the outside to the bomber flying closer and closer to the sky.

Regardless of whether you can hit it or not, let's try our luck first.

What Long Zhan did well was to carry the bombing, give this annoying old bomber a few shuttles, and try his luck to see if he could shoot it down.

But the Stuka bomber flew back this trip, but it wasn't here to drop bombs.

The attack method has completely changed!

It still took a dive this time, but the wings on both sides were empty and there were no bombs hanging on it. There were no bombs in the Stuka cabin, which meant that it no longer had any aerial bombs on it.

The bomber without the bomb swooped down, looking as if it was about to turn itself into a gasoline bomb, and just plunged down like that.

During World War II, the kamikaze special agent team of a certain country made the last bombing in the way of life-for-life.

Not so.

When the bomber was hundreds of meters away from the ground of the base, the front fuselage suddenly swallowed a flame more than one meter long, accompanied by a very rapid chug sound.

The rate of fire can reach 1200 rounds per minute, and the MG7.92 aviation machine gun using 17mm bullets began to tilt the crazy firepower on the ground.

The machine gun fire from top to bottom made all the defenses of the base empty.

The heavy machine gun position on the south side, which was locked first, had a row of bullet holes on the ground by bullets. Fortunately, it was tilted to the side by about half a meter, and escaped by luck.

As the bomber continued to approach the base, it gradually and slowly extended the nose to avoid hitting the ground.

The bullets fired in a line from below the bomber created a vertical gun line on the ground, pulling it from the southernmost point to the north.

Everything in this path will leave a row of bullet holes if it is hit.

Fortunately, the team members made preparations in advance, and escaped from the barrage coverage area after accurate prediction, and no one was hit by the machine gun.

People are alive and know how to run, and escaped a catastrophe.

What happens to the dead is different!
The houses, cars, water towers and other living facilities on the path of the machine gun fire, as long as they are hit, they will leave rows of hideous holes.

Perhaps after this adjustment, the heavy machine gun positions in the north also suffered.

After the barrage from the bomber's machine gun swept past, the Deshka heavy machine gun mounted on the bracket immediately fell to the ground with a bang.

Was knocked down, or was knocked down.

I don't know for the time being, no one has time to pay attention.

If it was hit by a bullet and fell down, it would be a big trouble, and it is very likely to lose one of the only three dershkas.

At this time, the attention of all nearby contractors turned to the bomber flying across the sky.

Aim, predict, fire!
"Da da da da da..."

"Clap clap clap..."


AK47, AKM, and RPK, three weapons of the same series fired at the same time and fully automatic, and the 7.62 bullets swished into the sky.

All the bullets did not aim at the fuselage of the aircraft, but predicted a certain position in front of him.

Can the two finally meet in the air, complete a metal-to-metal collision, and prove who is the ultimate winner in this battlefield.

You can only rely on one point of experience and nine points of luck.

Long Zhan was lying on the ground with his back facing the sky, and the Maxim heavy machine gun in his hand was also roaring crazily, firing bullets continuously with the sound of bang bang.

Under the action of gravity, the hot bullet casings clanged and fell down, just in time to land on Long Zhan who was lying on the ground.

The high temperature is enough to burn the skin, and the average person may be scalded.

However, Long Zhan, who has the ability of "heart flow", as long as he concentrates on one thing, he will completely ignore other things that are not like this.

For example, physical pain and mental pressure will be automatically ignored by the boss.

Long Zhan is now focusing on shooting planes with machine guns. In the state of flow, he feels no pain at all, and he still squeezes the trigger and fires wildly in anticipation.

The bullets swarmed one after the other almost forming a line, paving the sky where the bomber must pass.


Bombers fly by at high speed.

The speed is so fast that the eyes can't keep up with the number of frames flying past. At least one second can fly hundreds of meters, and it passes over the head in the blink of an eye.

After a few more seconds, it rushed out hundreds of meters, easily escaped the fire coverage of the anti-aircraft rifle, and flew towards the distance and became smaller and smaller.

The bomber did not smoke or shake violently.

Obviously, Long Zhan and a dozen nearby contractors, holding various machine guns to shoot down the plane, ultimately failed.

Long Zhan was 100% sure that some of the bullets he fired must have hit the bomber.

The reason why the bomber did not have any effect is probably that the damage of the bullet was too "small" for an aircraft weighing several tons.

Unless it hits vital points such as the fuel tank and the engine, it is useless even if it hits.

"MD, it seems that the power is too small. Hitting it for half a day is like scratching the skin a little bit, and it can't cause substantial damage at all."

Looking at the bomber flying farther and farther, Long Zhan felt unwilling and unhappy.

Recalling that the bomber had been staring at the position of the heavy machine gun, and then looked at the remaining two DShka heavy machine guns, Long Zhan was sure that the bomber would come back, and there was still a chance to give it a fatal blow.

The eyeballs rolled around in the eye sockets, and immediately had a good idea.

Since the damage is not enough to hit it down, then give it to make up for the damage.

The most powerful kind!

(End of this chapter)

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