The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 847 1 send into the soul

Chapter 847

Long Zhan was on the path of the aviation machine gun's firing. If he continued to stand there, he would be beaten into a pile of rotten meat by the machine gun in two seconds.

"Looking for death~"

The pilot who easily avoided the two rockets didn't pay attention to Long Zhan at all.

But he secretly competed with Long Zhan.

He also no longer adjusted the direction to straf the heavy machine gun positions, nor did he pull up the nose of the aircraft and leave the battlefield in advance when encountering rockets.

Instead, he just directed at Long Zhan and killed him, assuming that he must kill Long Zhan.

Just when the distance between the two sides was less than 300 meters.

Long Zhan, who had been holding his backhand behind his back, suddenly made preparations to make the pilot sweat.

Move forward with the hands behind your back, carry the large pipe in your hands on your shoulders with one hand, and stabilize your body with T-steps back and forth with your legs.

Aim, fire, roll sideways.

The three movements are fast and accurate, all in one go.

The tail of the rocket sprayed out scorching flames, and at the same time as it flew out with a whoosh, Long Zhan jumped sideways and rolled to the right, hiding in the ditch next to him.


A row of bullets swept the ground.

At the position where Long Zhan stood just now, a row of deep holes were left.

As long as Fan Long Zhan moved so slowly for 0.5 seconds, these bullets didn't hit the ground, but hit Long Zhan's body, tearing his body apart.

The bomber's killing barrage fell through, failing to kill the one-man tough bomber's dragon battle.

Long Zhan braved the risk of being shattered by the aviation machine gun to resist the rocket fired from the front, but he lived up to Long Zhan's expectations.

Under the acceleration of the engine, the rocket flies forward at a speed of more than 300 meters per second.

Under the high-speed dive, the bomber's flight speed also exceeded the maximum speed of level flight, reaching an astonishing more than 100 meters per second.

As the two sides rushed towards each other, their approaching speed reached an astonishing 500 meters per second.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than 300 meters.

The rocket flew for less than a second, and before the bomber pilot had time to dodge, the nose and the rocket "kissed" in the air.


The rocket exploded.

RPG can even penetrate tanks, and it should not be too simple to break egg skin planes.

The shock wave energy of the warhead explosion, coupled with the powerful armor-piercing force of the metal jet, immediately severely damaged the nose, the propeller was blown away, and thick black smoke billowed.

The bomber, which was about to pull up, reacted very quickly when it lost power.

There is no chance to glide forward, the several-ton fuselage will really turn into a big iron bird, and it will plunge down to the ground.

"Great, well done."

"The commander is too fierce, he is a real man."

"This damn thing has finally been killed, and I will go crazy if I am beaten by it."

Seeing the smoking bomber falling, the contractors, who had been crushed and depressed for almost an hour, became excited as if it was Christmas.

When the mercenaries on the other side saw that the bomber had an accident, they couldn't help but pause as they rushed forward.

The joys and sorrows between the two parties were once again exchanged.

The mercenaries in the other three areas were fine, but the crash of the bomber just shocked their spirits, and their mood fell from heaven to rock bottom.

The mercenaries on the northeast side are the ones who are really miserable.

The bomber lost control and fell from the sky. Driven by the inertia of the flight, it slid over the Gagda base, and just happened to go straight to the attacking mercenaries.

The one or two tons of gasoline that hadn't been burned turned it into a petrol bomb virtually.

Less than two seconds passed.

"Boom~ Boom!"

The Stuka bomber slammed into the ground, and a huge explosion was triggered at the moment of impact, raising a flaming mushroom cloud.

The shock wave and various fragments of the explosion contained a large amount of liquid gasoline, covering a radius of [-] meters.

The mercenaries attacking from the northeast were in for a bad situation.

More than a dozen people were killed or killed by the bomb on the spot, and more than [-] people were blown away by the shock wave of the bomb. a burning man.

In an instant, four 50 people were injured at the same time. The visual impact of this scene was very explosive.

All kinds of heart-piercing screams were loud enough to cover the gunshots.

The mercenaries, whose morale had plummeted because the bomber was shot down, heard such a tragic cry from their own side, and saw the crash site like purgatory, their desire to attack was completely shattered.

The mercenaries on the east and south sides were the first to explode under the pressure.

Give up the attack, turn around and run.

Because of the thick smoke and dust formed by the explosion, the battlefield became hazy, and it also provided psychological support for their escape.

That is the so-called excuse, reason!
The bombers were all destroyed by the opponent, and it was impossible to attack them. The smoke was just a good time to retreat. If the smoke and dust cleared, it would not be so easy to run. Running quickly is the kingly way.

In fact.

It really is.

The dozens of contractors defending on this side were themselves affected by a little explosion, and the explosion was so loud that it almost didn't deafen their ears.

Now that the mercenaries took advantage of the explosion to evacuate, the contractors really couldn't help Chen Sheng pursue them.

From a personal psychological point of view, the contractors have insisted on locking it for so long, and the barrel of the gun would probably have melted if it hadn't been watered all the time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the mercenaries retreated, and they didn't have the energy to hunt them down.

Offensive pays attention to momentum, and what pays attention to is coherence.

Once the offensive momentum is gone and the coherent rhythm of the overall offense is lost, the outbreak of the broken window effect is inevitable.

When an attack encounters setbacks, several retreats may cause a chain reaction.

What's more, the mercenaries on the east and north sides broke out together and retreated in a large area, and it was impossible for the mercenaries on the other two sides to sustain it.

As the commander of the French cannon, no matter how unwilling he was, no matter how much he gritted his teeth.

Success is in sight, just gone.

Facing the mercenaries who had slipped away from the battlefield in droves and had no desire to attack at all, he could only withdraw with the large army.

Otherwise, when his younger brothers all slipped away, he, a polished commander, would become a living target on the battlefield.

As the mercenaries retreated in large numbers, the gunshots on the battlefield became less and less, until the last mercenary disappeared from sight, and the last gunfire stopped.

Only a purgatory-level battlefield was left that was much more tragic than the previous four waves of battles.

Especially in the area where the bomber exploded, the other mercenaries only cared about saving their lives and running away, and didn't care about other people at all.

As a result, dozens of mercenaries who were injured and burned, and rolled on the ground in pain, were just thrown on the battlefield.

That scene...

How miserable it looks! !

(End of this chapter)

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