Since Long Zhan entered the territory of Jinguogan until now, it can be said that he has basically been with the broom star all the time, and has never encountered anything smooth.

There is no professional large-scale military training base, only a dilapidated abandoned mine.

There are no sophisticated equipment and weapons, only a bunch of super old antiques from World War II.

There is no guarantee of basic living and food, and I have to go to the city to buy it out of my own pocket.

It didn't progress as steadily as expected, and even before the work started normally, it encountered a mutiny that was caught off guard.


and many more.

And so on, too numerous to count.

The unlucky Long Zhan along the way may have verified an old saying from China-feng shui turns in turn.

The bad luck has completely turned around, and the good luck has officially arrived.

The first step of sneaking out of the encirclement went smoothly, without being discovered by any vigilant mercenaries.

They sneaked into a mercenary lair with hundreds of 2000 people and stole a pickup truck that big, but nothing happened.

The way to meet Gan Nuo went smoothly, and the negotiations between the two parties made a lot of money.

the whole process……

Really good luck.

But it's not over, it's just the beginning.

Long Zhan and his party drove back with two trucks of munitions. They still did not encounter any accidents on the road, and arrived at the outskirts of the Canadian mine very smoothly.

Starting at 1:[-] a.m. in the middle of the night, and now returning with ammunition, the sky is still not bright.

It's only a little over 4:[-]!
The whole process of going out to buy arms, and the return of the goods from Layuri at Ximu Farm before, is simply another extreme.

The former is smooth and smooth as silk, while the latter is unlucky and rough.

have to say.

Luck is something invisible and intangible, and you don’t have to believe in its existence, but it cannot be denied that it does exist.


Long Zhan and his party brought the goods back to the Jiageda mine. If all the mercenaries surrounded the periphery and did not evacuate, it would be impossible to transport them in.

Fortunately, Long Zhan's journey went very smoothly without any delay.

There are still only a few mercenaries outside, and there is no change from before they left.

Moreover, at this special moment when night and day alternate, people are often the most drowsy and most fatigued, and they will fall asleep as long as they are not paying attention.

Unless there is a strong will to support it, or there is very strict discipline.

Obviously, the mercenary army composed of dozens or hundreds of small mercenary groups put together temporarily will never have these things.

Long Zhan parked the car more than 300 meters away from the only road in and out, and sent a team member to investigate.

The result feedback is that most of the sentinels have now found a place to sleep by themselves.

There were only three or two mercenaries guarding the intersection, and their condition was also very poor. They were basically staggering, and they were in the stage of falling asleep at any time.

After Long Zhan knew about this situation, he immediately decided to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

No longer use the previous plan and start a new plan.

First send two team members to lurk there in advance, absolutely not alarming any mercenaries, and then wait in ambush by the roadblock set up by the mercenaries on the road.

Three of the remaining people were in charge of driving, and two more became available in the end.

That is, Long Zhan and another team member, the two of them were in charge of opening the road in the pickup truck at the front, with one firepower point on the left and one on the right side of the car.

Two full trucks followed, protected by the pickup truck ahead.

Make a plan and act now.

"set off!"

Long Zhan squatted halfway on the back of the pickup truck, and at the same time gave the order, he slapped the iron roof to remind the driver inside.

The team member in charge of driving the pickup truck started quickly and drove the car forward slowly along the road.

The two trucks started simultaneously, also at a slow pace.

And also turned off all the lights, relying on night vision to identify the ground and move forward.

This was specially explained by Long Zhan just now, the purpose is to reduce the sound of the vehicle as much as possible, and wake up the mercenaries at the checkpoint as late as possible.

This trick of Long Zhan is not complicated, but it played a very crucial role.

There were quite a lot of mercenaries guarding the road, but most of them went to meet Zhou Gong in their dreams, and the rest of them sat on the ground holding their guns and staggering.

The three vehicles were almost gliding, approaching the checkpoint continuously along the road, making very, very little sound.

Basically just the hum of the engine idling and the rattle of the tires on the ground.

You can still hear it from a distance, but it disappears from a distance.

In addition to having turned off all the car lights, in this dark night when the morning star has not yet risen, it is like a silent ghost.

Not to mention hundreds of meters away, even tens of meters are hard to see at a glance.

Relying on this special driving skill, the convoy drove smoothly from 300 meters to less than 20 meters without being spotted by the mercenaries at the checkpoint.

Until the two contractors who had ambushed in advance ran out to remove the roadblock made of a whole tree trunk.

Prepare for the next convoy to pass through the checkpoint without hitting the roadblock and causing a rollover accident.

One end of the roadblock was erected on a Y-shaped tree branch, and the other end was tied with wire to a stake driven into the ground. When the roadblock was moved away, the sound of friction was harsh.

The few mercenaries who were in a daze heard a voice nearby, which finally caught their attention.

Then he casually opened his heavy eyelids and looked in the direction of the sound.

This look.

Their hairs stood on end in fright.

"There are enemies..."

One of the mercenaries who reacted quickly, raised his voice to warn loudly, while holding a gun and wanted to fire, killing the contractor who was moving the roadblock.

But he just opened his mouth and shouted two words, and the gun in his hand was not even loaded.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack..."

A single gunshot with extremely fast frequency pierced the quiet night.

The mercenary who opened his mouth to shout was the first to bear the brunt of being hit by two bullets fired by Long Zhan, one on the head and the other on the chest.

His head fell and he was killed instantly.

For a special soldier at the level of Long Zhan, it is easier than eating and drinking to carry out mobile single-shot precise shooting within 20 meters.

Two bullets killed one person in less than 0.5 seconds, and Long Zhan switched to a new target in the next 0.5 seconds.

Two shots again.

Another mercenary next to him was killed.

In just over a second, Long Zhan fired 4 shots in a row, switched targets once in the middle, and accurately killed two enemies.

Long Zhan opened fire and killed one person, and the other team member also achieved outstanding results.

Although the gunshots were a little slower than Long Zhan's, and it might only add up to a few tenths of a second, he also killed the two mercenaries in just over two seconds.

While Long Zhan and the team members were shooting, the three drivers also made their new moves.

That is to change from a silent driving state to a high-speed sprint state in the shortest possible time, rushing through the checkpoint in front of you and entering the base.


The floors of the three cars stepped up at the same time, and the roar of the engines was like the roar of a giant lion.

The three cars moved forward more than 200 meters at a turtle speed, and the speed began to rise sharply in a short time, rushing towards the checkpoint close at hand.

The gunshots that pierced the night were like thunder, and the engines of the three vehicles roared.

All the mercenaries around were awakened!

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