The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 864 This is a Miracle!

Chapter 864 This is a Miracle!

Montero died in his private villa, along with a dozen guards.

However, the villa was completely cleaned up, and the people living around did not notice any movement, not even a single abnormal noise.

The entire assassination scene was neat and neat, without any mess.

It seems that all this is the work of ghosts.

But the scars left on the corpse at the scene told everyone that this was not a supernatural event, but a premeditated assassination at a super high level.

The assassins involved in this operation have the world's top technology.

Starting from the back door to infiltrate, until touching the bedroom and stabbing Montero's heart with a knife, it was all a unilateral massacre.

A dozen guards and Montero himself died before they could make any resistance.

Who can do the sneak attack and assassination so cleanly?
Everyone outside is curious!

On the day Montero was assassinated, the domestic political situation became turbulent again, and all parties started a new wave of contests openly and secretly.

The first major event that happened was that the training camp announced its support for the current government and would boycott the interim government by force.

The national army soldiers in the training camp were originally drawn by the government from various places and were going to be sent to the Gagda base for intensive training.

It's just being suppressed by Montero, no one dared to stand up before.

Now that Montero is dead, no one is holding back any more. It is not surprising that the National Army, who didn't want to follow the door and mutiny, jumped out and returned to the motherland at the first time.

Thousands of national troops in the training camp fell to the current government, and the interim government established by Montello in one fell swoop lost the "right" to control Dinbo Province in an instant.

A government without an army absolutely cannot have the right to speak.

The interim president Vikadu was originally a puppet. Seeing that the situation was not good, he decisively chose to run away and fled to a neighboring country for political asylum by plane.

Montero, the real mastermind behind the scenes, died, and "President" Vicardo ran away with oil on his feet.

The only remaining provisional government is alone.

In less than a day, the senior officials in the interim government either ran away like the president, or chose to rush to the embrace of the current government.

The third force of Jinguogan, which was built with great momentum, collapsed overnight.

Those old troops under Montero, seeing the situation, are not stubborn, and continue to choose to be loyal to the dead Montero, who has been so cold, and have made their own choices.

Those troops with a clean foundation announced their return to the government army.

Those troops with dirty hands and feet, fearing that they would be settled by the current government after "surrender", chose to join the camp of the rebel army.

The Dienbo Province, which was originally controlled by Montero, was split into two parts.

One part goes to the current government and one part goes to the rebels.

It has been less than half a month since the siege of the Jagda base, and the mercenaries who paid a terrible price had to make their choice.

The father who gave them the money died, and the backer who protected them on the site also died.

They all died in the hands of Long Zhan!
The mercenaries continued to fight without gaining anything. No one wanted to fight this kind of meaningless battle, and they quickly withdrew from the vicinity of the Gagda base.

Some mercenaries choose to leave this land of right and wrong, and find a better place to be cannon fodder.

Some mercenaries chose to stay in Jinguogan, but they changed from a boss who gave them money, changing from the Montello camp to the rebel camp.

Thousands of mercenaries retreated in an all-round way, and Montero's army completely disintegrated.

The Jiageda base finally ushered in peace.

However, this piece of tranquility is only short-lived. When the current government and the rebel army fully accept Montello's "inheritance", Dienbo Province will definitely become a new battlefield.

The Jushen team came here to be "teachers", not to fight hard.

Taking advantage of the "competition" between the current government and the rebels for the inheritance, Dr. Kane fulfilled the conditions he had negotiated with Long Zhan and sent a second UN peacekeeping force to enter the Gagda base for the second time for rescue.

Compared with the last time they came here and were beaten to the crap, the peacekeeping troops who came here this time went very smoothly.

No one came to attack them along the way, and there was even a company of 100 people from the original Montello, who took the initiative to join the rescue team and went to the base together.

The purpose is only to follow the rescue team and return to the current government headquarters relatively safely.

It will not be attacked by rebels on the road.

The peacekeeping force successfully merged with the Jushen team and officially started the rescue journey back to the city, leaving Dinbo Province and returning to Robe Province.

After carrying out the secret operation, Long Zhan has come to Jin Guoqian's capital with the help of Dr. Kane.

Found General Thoron here.

With Dr. Kane as the witness in the middle, Long Zhan used the unfair experience of the Giant God team during this period as an excuse to request a new supplementary agreement.

General Thoron himself was at a loss and did not fulfill the terms agreed in the contract.

In addition, although he did not have specific information, he basically guessed that Montero's death was related to Long Zhan, which solved a major problem for the Jin Guoqian government.

At the same time, I didn't want to provoke Long Zhan, which made me become the second Montero.

General Thoron readily agreed to Long Zhan's conditions and signed a supplementary agreement with Jushen Company.

I won’t talk about a lot of details, but I made big concessions in two aspects, basically following the requirements of Long Zhan.

First of all, in terms of living security, it is written in black and white.

The new training base must be built in the capital, and it must be built in accordance with the standards of the international general military training ground. The money for the construction is not enough to allow the use of mines to offset the debt.

The second is that all the rules of the future training camp must be arranged by the giant team.

How many people are training at a time, how long is the training, what is the content of the training, and so on.

It's all decided by the giant team.

The dried golden fruit government must not interfere in any way.

If this had happened more than half a month ago, General Soron and the Jinguogan government behind him would definitely not have agreed to the supplementary terms of Long Zhan.

But now that he has seen the giant god team, General Thoron has been convinced by the terrifying strength.

With a mere 200 people and outdated weapons, they carried 4000 mercenaries to attack for half a month, but they were not taken down by the mercenaries.

The most outrageous thing is the 20 times difference in the number of people. The two sides together fired more than 40 rounds of bullets.

With the addition of Commander Long Zhan, there were only 201 giant god teams. Although many people were injured, no one was killed.

As for the attacking mercenaries, according to a rough count, more than 500 were killed, not counting the seriously wounded.

Being overwhelmed by enemies 20 times as large as your own, you killed twice and a half times the number of enemies as your own. The final number of deaths was a perfect "zero".

This is no longer outrageous, it can be described.

It's a "miracle"!
(End of this chapter)

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