The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 872 "Hooking Up" Full Metal

Chapter 872 "Hooking Up" Full Metal
Long Zhan looked at the one in the middle of the field. It was covered in rust all over its body and its windshield was glued together, like a small truck that would fall apart when it was started.

Speechlessly, he said, "Captain Musa, are you sure you're not joking with us?"

"Oh shit."

Sonny came over and echoed with disgust: "We have to climb such a high altitude, can this pile of scrap iron be climbed up?"

"Okay, don't complain, it's not like we haven't seen worse." Lei comforted.

"I have seen it before, but..."

Long Zhan walked beside the tattered pickup truck, kicked the rattling carriage, raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you ever driven such a bad car?"

Ray shrugged and said nothing.

This thing is really bad enough!
I can't wash it anymore!

"I think I can understand why I was intercepted the first two times. As long as you encounter enemies on the road, you don't want to throw this pile of scrap iron at anything." Clay complained.

"So, gentlemen from the United States, when you have played well, this is what you are best at." Musa was not angry when he was ridiculed, and said smoothly.

There is no reason for Musa to be angry if a group of special forces can be used as thugs for free.

It's too late to be happy.

"Bang bang bang."

Quan Metal patted the car door a few times and said, "This casing is weaker than the toilet paper I use. We need to install protective armor on it. I don't want it to be beaten into a honeycomb just after the battle begins."

"The horsepower of this thing itself is enough. Adding full body armor will increase the load. The more load the load will be, the slower it will go. When the time comes to encounter the enemy's ambush, it will basically have to sit and wait for death. The situation will be even more troublesome." Long Zhan said.

"Without armor protection, there is only a dead end." Lei said.

"Speed ​​or protection? Sergeant Major."

Both aspects are very important to the action, but we must find a way to choose. Soto threw the problem to Jason, but he did it on purpose.

By the way, a set was secretly set up.

No matter which plan Jason chose in the end, as long as there was a problem in the follow-up mission, it proved to be caused by Jason's choice.

Soto can use this as a basis to attack Jason at the headquarters afterwards, and realize what he wants to do most——

Get Jason out of Team B!

"Long, what do you think?" Jason asked Long Zhan.

Jason has been a special operations captain for so long, and he has never seen any kind of person before. He can see Soto's small thoughts at a glance.

Assigning Long Zhan to answer instead of himself can perfectly avoid Soto's tricks.

The SEALs have a bottom-up command system. As a team member, Long Zhan has the right to make suggestions. Regardless of whether the suggestions will be adopted in the end, or whether there are any problems, there will be no hidden danger of being held accountable.

"Given what happened to the first two convoys, both armor and speed have to be taken into account."

Long Zhan walked along the side of the car and said: "In order to ensure the speed of the car, the armor can only be selectively increased, giving priority to ensuring the core power.

I suggest adding armor on both sides of the cab, a layer of movable armor on the outside of the four tires, and strengthening the engine compartment to prevent the engine from being damaged.

There is no need elsewhere, and the benefit of adding armor is definitely negative. "

"That's a good idea."

What Long Zhan said was similar to what Jason thought, he patted Long Zhan's arm in satisfaction, looked at the crowd and asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"we can only do this."

"This plan works."

"Just do what the dragon says."


Ray, Sonny, Clay and others spoke one after another, basically confirming the final plan.

"OK, let's start, do it."

Jason adjusted the sling of the gun, fixed the gun body, clapped his palms and led the crowd to work.

After half an hour.

After the concerted efforts of all members of the B team, the armored DIY of the truck was successfully completed.

Without tools such as oxygen welding, everyone punched holes in the car body and bound the iron plates to the car with iron wires. Except for a few key positions on the car body, all the iron plates with a thickness of more than one centimeter were hung on the car body. steel plate.

These steel plates, together with the material of the vehicle body itself, are enough to resist the frontal penetration of most of the non-armor-piercing rifles on the vital parts of the truck.

"Command center, this is No. 1, we are ready to go, how is the route?" Jason communicated by radio before departure.

"The command center has received that the drone is already in place, but the signal has not stabilized, and we have not received the data. I suggest you wait." Diaz from the command center replied.

"How much longer?" Jason asked.

"We're working on a solution and will let you know when we do," Diaz replied.

"Jay, it looks like we're on our own until they make a connection." Ray had access to the command channel, so he could hear Diaz's reply.

Soto wears a noise-cancelling headset instead of earplugs like other players. In order to highlight his identity, he just wants to make it different.

He could also hear the conversation in the command center, but he had a completely different view.

Walking quickly to Long Zhan's side, he said with a sullen face, "We can't wait any longer. We have a tactical advantage, so we must go on the road immediately."

Jason glanced at Soto. Although he felt that without the support of the command's drones, it was a bit too risky to set off now, and he could wait a little longer. I finally chose to obey orders.

"Let's go, get in the car and set off."

Following Jason's order, everyone in team B and Musa got into the car one after another.

The convoy kept the two off-road vehicles separated, sandwiching the loaded truck, and the belayers drove along the road.

Long Zhan, Full Metal and Officer Soto took the first off-road vehicle and were responsible for opening the way ahead.

Sonny, Bullock, and Ray were in charge of protecting Musa, sitting in the back of the SUV.

The truck in the middle was driven by Clay, and Jason sat in the co-pilot and was in charge of directing the overall situation. There were several Musa's men in the rear compartment.

This kind of personnel arrangement is very reasonable, fully taking into account the distribution of firepower.

The convoy started from outside the city of Kuwara Ambasar, and the road all the way to the foot of the mountain was very smooth without any accidents.

Everyone in the car can also take a break from their busy schedules and take the opportunity to chat about their parents and interesting things in life.

Long Zhan also took the opportunity of sitting together to chat with Quan Metal, whom he was not very familiar with before, so he had to be familiar with him no matter what.

Only in this way can we have the opportunity to bring him into the company after Full Metal retires.

The people who can be the captains of DG in the T1 unit are all talents of different talents. As long as there is an opportunity, Long Zhan doesn't want to let anyone go.

After running on the road for more than half an hour, there was finally a slope ahead.

Full Metal suspended the chat with Long Zhan, and reminded everyone by radio: "Approaching the first pass, stay vigilant."

Looking at the desolate mountains in front of us, they are filled with various complex terrains.

Although Long Zhan didn't make any movements in his hands, he was still lazily leaning on the chair, holding the gun in his arms, looking unguarded.

In fact, the muscles have tensed up, ready to make a quick counterattack at any time.

The same goes for the other B-team members in the team.

For those in front of me that look desolate, it seems that there is no way to hide a person, but in reality there are ravines and rugged mountains and forests everywhere.

Everyone is bright and loose, their eyes are as sharp as eagles, observing every corner outside the car window.

(End of this chapter)

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