The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 876 If You Can't Be Killed By Blowing Up, You'll Be Scared To Death

Chapter 876 If You Can't Be Killed By Blowing Up, You'll Be Scared To Death
The three vehicles in the interception convoy were chasing after him. Even if Sonny didn't make an emergency on the radio, everyone in team B could realize the seriousness of the situation.

It's also clear...

The opponent has the advantage of heavy machine guns, and the delivery convoy cannot stop.

However, if the car is not stopped, everyone in Team B will not be able to give full play to the advantages of accurate marksmanship, and it will be very difficult to exchange fire at high speed and bumpy.

How to resolve the immediate crisis?
Everyone on the B team is figuring things out.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The heavy machine gun of the armed vehicle rang out.

The previous problems have not been resolved, and new problems have been encountered, and the crisis of Team B has escalated again.

The .50 bullets are too lethal, and a random shot will cause a big hole in the car. If it hits a tire, the car will definitely have to stop.

Fortunately, the shooting accuracy of heavy machine gunners is worse than that of rifles.

The base of the heavy machine gun was welded to the rear of the car, and there was no buffer during the bumping of the car, so the muzzle could not be aimed effectively at all.

As a result, the gunshots roared like thunder, but the bullets were scribbling.

But heavy machine guns can make many mistakes, even if 100 of the 99 rounds are fired, there will be no problem.

The delivery convoy has no chance of making a mistake. Once a car is hit in a key part, the entire convoy will be forced to stop.

At that time, the output of Laoganma's heavy machine gun will be a devastating disaster.

"Hey man, hold on to the car, I'll go out and feed 'em."

Long Zhan patted the shoulder of the CIA agent who was driving. He didn't care about how to get rid of the convoy behind, and decided to kill the guy who threatened the most first.

The CIA agent who was driving also had eyesight, and knew what Long Zhan was going to do as soon as he heard it.

Immediately began to stabilize the steering wheel of the car, trying to make the car drive as smoothly as possible.

Seeing that the CIA agent understood the meaning, Long Zhan immediately started to act. In order to try his best to make his shooting more stable, Long Zhan had to take risks and make dangerous shooting movements.

The feet are hooked under the front and rear chairs, the entire upper body is leaning out from the side of the car window, the buttocks are sitting on the car window frame, the left hand is crossed from the chest to clasp the upper edge of the car window, and the right hand is holding a light machine gun on the left forearm superior.

Using his own body as a bracket, he built a machine gun rack with its own buffer outside the car.

Focusing on the armed pickup truck tens of meters away, the first two consecutive bursts of rapid bursts were fired.

"Tu Tuk, Tuk Tuk, Tuk Tuk..."

The frequency of Long Zhan's burst firing is very fast, and the interval between each trigger pull is less than 0.3 seconds.

Under the premise that the shoulders bear most of the recoil and rely on its huge body as the best energy absorber, the quasi-heart beats back quickly.


Bad luck.

He fired eight bursts at the heavy machine gun in a row, but failed to hit the heavy machine gunner on the pickup truck behind. An militant in the right car was unlucky, and was shot in the head by the bullet missed by Long Zhan.

The body fell out of the car as soon as it tilted, and it rolled and slid a long way driven by the huge inertia.

"Fack, the heavy machine gun fire is too strong, the roof of our car is almost knocked off, get rid of them quickly." Sonny shouted on the radio again in a hurry.

Sonny couldn't wait to think about it.

The C-pillar on the left was hit by a heavy machine gun bullet, and a big gap was cut out of the thick C-pillar, leaving only a little bit of skin attached.

Fortunately, the angle of the bullet was flying outward, otherwise the bullet would fly into the car and kill at least one or two people.

The heavy machine gun bullet has been hit once, and it is only a matter of time before the second round is hit. Whether Sonny and the others can dodge it again is hard to say at that time.

At this critical moment of crisis, Long Zhan finally stood up.

With the double blessing of personal strength and experience, the dragon battle, which has been going on with double bursts, was finally favored by the goddess of luck.

After more than a dozen bursts of double bursts, he finally hit a burst.

The heavy machine gunner hiding in the pickup truck at the back was hit by a bullet fired by Long Zhan in the chest on the right side, and fell out of the car with a crooked neck.

The heavy machine gunner who intercepted the convoy died, and the pressure on the delivery convoy suddenly dropped.

The sound of "bang bang" was really scary.

Long Zhan's "Gorilla Trailer Playing Skills" made a great contribution to killing the heavy machine gunner on the opposite side. Jason also thought of a solution at this time.

"B7, find a way to suppress them, I need a little space." Jason ordered.

"Got it, it's done."

As soon as Long Zhan killed the enemy's heavy machine gunner, when his hands were hot, he heard Jason's order and immediately thought of a way.

The threat of trying your luck with machine guns is too small, and you must use a big guy that is enough to intimidate.

Like grenades.


The high-explosive grenade with the safety pin removed, the safety handle flicked off with a crisp sound, and flew out in a parabola.

Long Zhan's time calculation is very accurate, his throwing technique is very accurate, and his luck is also good.

The grenade flew over the truck driven by Clay, and the SUV behind Sonny landed precisely on the ground in front of the enemy's four-seater pickup.

Just as the pickup truck was driving over the grenade, it exploded with a bang.

The rear compartment of the pickup truck was bombed, and the huge shock wave lifted the car's buttocks, but because the pickup truck's chassis was relatively high, the shock wave was buffered, and there was no other subsequent impact.

The militants in the car were taken aback, and quickly braked to distance themselves from the truck convoy.

The grenade did not blow up the car, which was expected by Long Zhan.

After all, the power of the grenade is only that great, and it is completely impossible to blow up a one or two ton car, unless the tire happens to be crushed on the grenade.

It is difficult to be so precise, and it depends entirely on luck.

The same is true for high-explosive grenades, and the same is true for fragmentation grenades.

The purpose of Long Zhan is to scare the enemy away, and now his purpose has been achieved. Seeing that the first grenade was effective, he threw the second grenade.

The attacking convoy obviously didn't know that at a speed of more than 70 miles per hour, the car can run nearly 20 meters in one second, which is the killing radius of two or three grenades.

If you want to blow up a car with a grenade, you can only rely on luck.

Therefore, seeing the second grenade flying, the three vehicles that attacked the convoy were frightened and braked again, increasing the distance to more than 50 meters.

With this distance as a buffer for the explosion, continue to hang behind and chase with a gun.

The crisis can still be resolved.

The performance of the dragon battle is over, and it's time for Jason to perform.

"Where are the hexachloroethane smoke bombs? I need two for emergency."

Hearing Jason's question, Clay, who was driving, took off two smoke bombs from his body while driving with one hand, and handed them to Jason who was sitting in the co-pilot.

Jason turned around and took out a bag of supplies from the compartment, and emptied the food inside, leaving only the empty nylon bag.

(End of this chapter)

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