The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 88 Calm Violence!

Chapter 88 Calm Violence!
As soon as Long Zhan's team entered the house, a target with a weapon in his hand and a bandit hat on his head rushed out from the fork in the front corridor.

It's not the humanoid target used in previous training, but a role-playing partner.

This specification is one level higher than training.

The vanguard in charge of the front controlled the field of vision, coupled with the training of role-playing thugs, although he was a special soldier relegated to the second line, his strength had been greatly reduced.

The thug rushed out straight with a gun in hand, and was shot dead immediately on the spot.

As soon as he entered the door, thugs rushed out, and the students in front were always gunfire every time they were assessed, which made Long Zhan realize that there must be a lot of imaginary enemies to face.

Looking at the corridors leading to the left and right sides less than 5 meters ahead, Long Zhan had to be cautious.

In order to ensure the safety of our own personnel, but also to successfully complete the task.

Long Zhan gave up the more efficient division of the team and divided the team into two two-person teams to count towards the left and right respectively.

I chose to leave one person to guard the T-shaped fork, and the other three people formed a group to attack the right side first.

Since special personnel were sent to guard the fork in the corridor, the other three people in charge of advancing didn't have to worry about their buttocks, and only needed to focus on one side.

Dragon War adopts a more violent counting method to make up for the increased time without grouping.

That is to open the way with grenades!
After the battle plan and action method have been formulated, Long Zhan, as the captain, does not need to speak out the plan once, all he has to do is to use the plan he came up with to direct the actions of other members of the team along the way.


Long Zhan gave the command to move forward, and the team moved forward in the standard CQB formation.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet..."

At the fork in the road, two more enemies appeared, but they were still shot dead by the high-alert Long Zhan team without any impact on the team.


Long Zhan gave an order to one of the vanguards, and attached two tactical actions, which meant that he was in charge of the left side of the fork in the police circle.

"Keep going!"

Then he gave another order to lead the other two team members into the corridor on the right.

After walking less than three meters forward, I came to a room.

Long Zhan pinched the shoulders of his teammate who was walking in front, and the teammate who received the signal immediately stopped advancing and entered the other side of the door to control the front view.

The rest of the team members who followed Long Zhan were responsible for preparing to break the door and clear the house together with him.

Long Zhan first needed to confirm some situations, so he slowly stretched out his hand to hold the spherical doorknob, and turned it to the left and right sides respectively.

It is found that you can move to the left, which proves that although the door is closed, it is not locked.

"Shock bomb!"

In order not to be heard by the people in the house, Long Zhan made a tactical gesture to the team members.

(A shock bomb, also known as a sonic bomb, is a non-lethal weapon. Its main principle is to use a huge sound to create a feeling of dizziness, so as to intimidate the enemy and make the enemy lose its defense ability.)
The team members who received the signal immediately took off a training shock bomb from the tactical vest and handed it to Long Zhan.

This shock bomb for training doesn't have much power, it will only flash for a while, and it will explode like a firecracker, and it will not affect the training partner.

However, in the training setting, its power is linked to the DG special operations shock bomb.

It can produce a strong flash equivalent to about 900 million candles and a loud noise of about 180 decibels.

Because the visual cells of the human eye have a frame-holding effect, movies rely on the principle to connect multiple frames into a dynamic video in the human brain.

In a narrow room with this enhanced shock bomb, it takes at least 5 to 10 seconds to restore vision.

And if there is no sound isolation equipment, the noise is enough to stun people.

If dragon battles are counted in a conventional way, entering a room with no view will be time-consuming and dangerous.

It would be much simpler to switch to a shock bomb.

Taking over Long Zhan who got the shock bomb with his right hand, he nodded to the team member who handed the grenade. The potential tactical meaning was to make him ready to break in.

Then hung the gun on his chest and freed his hands.

Hold the pull ring of the grenade with your mouth, and use it as the third hand to fix the grenade, and get ready to pull it out with your right hand.

Hold the doorknob of the house door with your left hand, pull off the pull ring of the grenade while turning the doorknob, and then send the grenade over while pushing the door.

When the door saw a distance of 20 centimeters, the grenade just reached the door.

Long Zhan stuffed the grenade through the crack of the door, and at the same time grabbed the doorknob with his left hand and pulled it back, closing the opened door again.

The cooperation between the left and right hands is seamless without any delay.

In two seconds!

(CQB combat special grenade, because the indoor combat distance is relatively short, the delayed fuze time is faster than ordinary grenades, picking up the grenade and throwing it out does not exist at all.)

Just after the explosion inside the door, Long Zhan immediately twisted the doorknob to unlock it again.

After receiving the order from Long Zhan in advance, the team members who had already prepared for the assault kicked the door open and rushed in.

There were two armed thugs in the house, watching the team members come in without doing anything.

The power of the training bomb will not do anything to them. In fact, if it is a real special shock bomb, its power will be very terrifying.

The two thugs had either fainted to death, or had turned into shrimps lying on the ground, and could only hug their heads and curl up in a ball, moaning in pain.

The team members who rushed in easily dealt with the two thugs without any effort.


Hearing the signal from the team members in the room, Long Zhan went over the door and squeezed the shoulders of the security team members.

The team members in charge of security and Long Zhan formed a platoon and continued to walk towards the door of the next room, and the team members in the room followed.

The entire time from launching an attack to counting and leaving is less than 10 seconds.

After witnessing the efficiency of Long Zhan's violent command, Adam, the special training instructor on the overhead walkway, and the mobile instructor next to him nodded.

Violence is often associated with Lu Meng and brainlessness, but Long Zhan has achieved "calm violence".

HVT missions generally require conservative actions, and will not use grenade attacks as a last resort to avoid the death of high-value targets in the operation.

As a newcomer, Long Zhan dared to think and act, and he was delicate and calm in the violent and vigorous fashion.

This unique and unique command method surprised Adam and other instructors, and they also saw the infinite potential in Long Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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