The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 888 Identity Exposure, Doctors Strike Together

"What's the matter? What's going on?"

The black female doctor didn't care about Lei who was grabbing the phone, but asked the flustered female nurse.

"That man, that man is a beast, a butcher. I saw him lead a group of lunatics and brutally kill my neighbors. Are we going to help him?" the female nurse began to cry as she spoke.

"Listen, doctor, listen to me..."

"It's none of your business, please take a step back and immediately, ok?"

Jason saw that something was wrong and wanted to interrupt, to prevent the female nurse from telling the truth, but was interrupted by the female doctor with a cold face.

Jason had no way to restrict the female doctor's communication, so he could only frown and back away again.

Immediately said to Lei: "We are in trouble, you immediately notify other people, let them get ready, I will handle it here."


Ray nodded, walked aside to avoid it, and started communicating with other members on the radio.

"There's been a little bit of a situation on our side where someone has identified the true identity of the high-value target, and they may not save lives anymore, and the message has been sent out that Boko Haram is likely to come soon..."

Lei explained the situation in the operating room to other members in detail.

Over there, Jason watched a large number of medical staff gather around the crying female nurse. Hearing her accusations of Attenga's various atrocities, each and everyone's expressions became filled with righteous indignation, realizing that there would definitely be problems if this continued.

So he tried to walk up and said, "Doctor, can you listen to me? I can understand..."

"You don't understand anything."

The female doctor above who had already heard turned around angrily, interrupted Jason who was trying to get closer, and shouted: "My staff have personally experienced the fear that this person on the hospital bed brings to their neighbors and friends.

This is my ward, and I will not ask them to ignore their feelings and save a butcher who has hurt them. "

"It's… okay."

Jason wanted to say something and fight for it, but he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Talking is not what Jason is good at.

But in the face of an enemy with extreme emotions, wanting him to die is a normal human emotion. Jason can't ask everyone to be a saint.

Even if the female doctor is forcibly forced with a gun, there is a high probability that Attenga will not be saved.

The two sides have come to a stalemate.

Jason knew that he was not good at persuasion, so he couldn't resolve the situation in front of him, so he chose to find a suitable person to replace him.

Taking psychology as an elective and being familiar with it, Long Zhan became the first object that Jason thought of.

"Call b7, I'm b1, you come to the operating room immediately."

"B7 received it and is coming."

Long Zhan received a radio call from Jason, adjusted the position of the light machine gun on his body under his armpit, put on a loose coat to cover his chest strap and ammunition bag, walked out of the monitoring room and walked quickly to the surgery department.

The advantages of the oversized body are fully demonstrated here.

To ordinary people, it is a huge monster, with a light machine gun that is difficult to move, and it is hidden by Long Zhan in his clothes, and there is not much difference from the outside.

That is to say, the belly is supported by the bullet bag, like a general's belly is straightened out. …

Less than 1 minutes.

Long Zhan rushed to the operating room and saw Jason full of anxiety.

Lei had reported on the radio before, and Long Zhan already knew what was going on, so he went up to communicate without Jason talking.

"Hey, don't be so excited, listen to me."

Long Zhan, a huge man, stood forward. The female doctor, who had a bad tone just now, had a flash of panic in her eyes, and couldn't help but take a step back.

Invisibly, the momentum dropped.

Long Zhan looked down at the female doctor who was only as tall as his abdomen, and said with a strong attitude: "I bet, you must have treated the wounded at Barak Farm who were attacked by Boko Haram two weeks ago.

There was also the Gaillac market massacre a month ago, which caused more than 100 casualties, and you also participated in the treatment. "

Hearing the two massacres mentioned by Long Zhan, the female doctor's expression immediately changed.

He said very painfully: "That is a painful disaster for all of us, and it is precisely because of this that we refuse to save a demon."


Seeing that the other party's emotions had been mobilized by him, Long Zhan seized the right to speak and went further: "You and we both know that the guy lying on the hospital bed is a beast, but we were sent here to take him away alive.

Only in this way can we learn more useful information from him, so that the disasters that made you sad will not repeat themselves.

I think, you definitely don't want to cause more demons to do evil because of you. "

The female doctor was a smart person, and he understood the hidden meaning in Long Zhan's words.

In addition, Long Zhan mastered psychology to death, and used a wonderful trick of moral kidnapping, which greatly increased the psychological pressure on the female doctor.

He thought that if he saved a demon's life, he might deal a heavy blow to the demon's organization, and even destroy the organization behind the demon. If he didn't do this, he would become a sinner.

The female doctor was already moved.

There was only that remnant of disgust and repulsion that resisted her going to the rescue of a butcher and executioner.

Jason observed the female doctor's emotional change, and immediately chimed in and said, "Sometimes, in order to save more lives, we need to do something that we are not proud of you.

If you don't want the massacre at the Gaiac market and the Barak farm massacre to happen again, we have to find a way together to keep Attenga alive. "

"Okay, give me some time."

After Long Zhan and Jason's psychological offensive, the female doctor's inner thoughts have been completely shaken, but an operation is not something he can decide alone.

She needs to go back and discuss the situation with other medical staff before she can finally decide whether to save or not.

Long Zhan and Jason watched the female doctor go back and discussed with all the medical staff. They looked at each other and didn't speak again, so as not to disturb them.

I chose to quietly watch the female doctor and others, and wait until they discussed a result.

The one with the most emotional changes was the female nurse. She saw Attenga lead someone to kill her female neighbor. The female doctor needed to persuade her emphatically.

More than a dozen medical staff in the department discussed together and chattered.

When the conversation got more exciting, some people even used the indigenous dialect.

It's babbling, I can't understand it at all.

This process is their internal emotional adjustment. Long Zhan and Jason have no way to intervene in it. They can only hope that the female doctor can persuade others.

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