The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 895 Use ingenious tactics to deal with the aftermath and evacuate safely

Chapter 895 Use ingenious tactics to deal with the aftermath and evacuate safely
The method Long Zhan came up with is not complicated, but it is very useful for the current situation.

After the others listened, their eyes lit up.

Now that the third wave of Boko Haram attacks will come at any time, there is not much time left for Team B to evacuate. Time is running out and there is no need to discuss it.

According to the method Long Zhan said, everyone immediately began to divide and cooperate.

2 minutes later!

Clay came to the third floor of the hospital, a corner of the balcony facing the main entrance, pointed his gun at two cars parked at an intersection on the left side of the hospital gate.

Long Zhan and Sonny carried a stretcher to the small door on the left on the first floor to prepare.

Jason was next to the two of them and was in charge of coordinating.

Atenga's body lay on a stretcher.

This small door is a specially selected location, it is not suitable to be used as a breakthrough for evacuation, but it is most suitable for carrying out the dragon battle plan.

The reason is that...

This place is the closest to Boko Haram's surveillance car. As long as you go out, you will be spotted by the surveillance car, and then you can connect to the next action.

As for the corpse of Atenga carried on the stretcher, it was also part of the Dragon War plan.

In order to protect Atenga, everyone in the B team fought fiercely with Boko Haram terrorists in the hospital for two reincarnations, and now it is time for Atenga to pay back.

"B6 is in place and ready for action."

Clay arrived at the designated location on the balcony, and locked onto the innocuous rear roof of one of the cars in the way Long Zhan explained.

"Stand by, listen to my password."

After replying to Clay over the radio, Jason turned to Long Zhan and Sonny and asked, "Clay is ready, are you two ready?"

"Okay, no problem." Long Zhan nodded.

"Let's do it," Sonny said too.

"Okay, get ready!"

Jason glanced outside through the crack of the door, making sure that the Boko Haram car was looking at this side, moved out of the door, stretched out his finger and started counting down: "Three, two..."

When Jason started counting down, Long Zhan and Sonny lifted up the stretcher with one end.

When Jason counted down to one, the two tacitly lifted the stretcher and moved towards the door. Long Zhan kicked the door open and walked out first.

The two walked less than three meters outside the door, and immediately put the stretcher on the side of the road.

Put on a posture of waiting for the car.

The Boko Haram vehicles watching at the intersection saw someone walking out carrying a stretcher, and immediately started chatting.

Maybe it's because they are just in charge of investigation, or maybe they don't understand what Long Zhan and the others are doing.

Therefore, it is limited to communication and no other actions.

This was expected by Long Zhan from the very beginning, and the next thing Long Zhan and others have to do is to use tricks to make them come over on their own initiative.

Belonging to Jason, Sonny, Long Zhan and Clay, the four-person Hollywood drama officially begins.


Jason gave the order.

Clay, who was preparing on the balcony on the third floor, raised the corner of his mouth, pulled the trigger and fired a few single shots, which precisely hit the doors and rear of the two cars.

The tinkling sparks sputtered, scaring the terrorists in the car into panic.

They didn't want to die, and they didn't forget the mission.

Clay took the lead in shooting and attacking passionately, causing the terrorists in charge of the investigation to have the illusion that the person who was carried out was Attenga, and the people from team B were going to take Atenga to run away, so they attacked them.

In order to prevent Attenga from being taken away, the terrorists in charge of the investigation couldn't bear it anymore.

Not caring about waiting for the third wave of people to arrive, he drove the car towards the stretcher. The people in the car took up their weapons and were ready to shoot.

When Long Zhan and Sonny saw the car rushing towards them, they had no intention of exchanging fire at all.

They looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, according to the plan, decisively dropped the stretcher, ran back to the small door, and closed the door.


There was a piercing screech of tire grinding.

The Boko Haram pickup pulled up next to the stretcher, and two armed terrorists jumped out of the vehicle and hurried over to examine the people on the stretcher.

After confirming that the person on the stretcher was the old acquaintance Atenga, he carried the stretcher neatly and stuffed it into the rear compartment.

Then everyone jumped into the car, and amidst a violent engine roar, the two cars drove away from the hospital quickly one after the other.

During the whole process, Clay has been acting, constantly performing various strokes and marksmanship.

People in Boko Haram were so scared that they didn't dare to stay for a second.

"They get what they want, and they run away really fast." Sonny joked.

"Dragon, your plan has succeeded, it's perfect."

Jason gave a thumbs up to the dragon rushing battle with satisfaction, and then gave an instruction via radio: "Call all B team units, I'm B1, all gather at the assembly point, and we are going to return to the base."

Relying on Long Zhan's plan to eliminate worries, Team B can now safely evacuate.


More than 7 pm.

In the evening, the night fell over the land, and the helicopter carrying the B team returned to the Keating.

Attenga was not brought back alive, which meant that the mission was a failure, and it was lucky for Team B not to be dumped by the terrorists.

The core factor causing this consequence is that the handover location and time are too bad.

If all this is left to the b team to take the lead and arrange an optimal handover location and time, it will definitely bring Atenga back smoothly.

It will never be like today, team B is still on the way and the target has already been attacked.

In the end, I had to change from a simple escort mission to an extremely difficult Athena defense battle, and was forced to fight round after round of terrorists.

But what.

Once there is credit, no one will think too much, but no one wants to take the blame if something goes wrong.

As the commander of this operation, Soto definitely wouldn't think it was his mistake. According to his character, in the end, Team B and his team would have to bear the blame.

Fortunately, Atenga himself was not able to bring it back, and the thread was not completely broken.

Team B brought back Attenga's cell phone.

Now this mobile phone is not only related to whether it can continue to fight against Boko Haram until the organization is destroyed.

It is also related to whether team B can regain face through this mobile phone after the operation fails.

Therefore, after Jason returned to the USS Keating and unloaded the equipment in the locker room, he immediately ran to the combat command center.

Along with him are Lei and Long Zhan, both of whom also care about the information on their mobile phones.

Jason hurried into the command center, and couldn't wait to ask: "Did you find any useful information on Atenga's phone?"

"I have found some cache files, maybe there is some hope in them." Mina, who was in charge of cracking A Teng's cell phone, replied.

"It seems that the operation did not fail completely, which is good news." Long Zhan adjusted the atmosphere with a smile.

"Don't rush to open the champagne."

Soto jumped out again to pour cold water on his black face, making his black face even darker.

(End of this chapter)

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