The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 902 The Evolved Terrorist

Chapter 902 The Evolved Terrorist

Soto ran over to find Jason early in the morning, and getting back the management rights was actually just a side goal.

The main purpose is to announce one thing. The mobile phone that team B got back from the last operation has been deciphered and some key information has been obtained.

Inform Team B to attend the plenary meeting in the conference room on time at 1 o'clock this afternoon.

It's just that he didn't expect it to happen so suddenly, he didn't have time to say it officially, and was forcibly dragged to the stage by Long Zhan to have a meal.

His whole body fell apart and hurt so much that he wanted to cry, but he couldn't turn his face.

In the end, in order to save the man's face, he had to leave in a hurry without even having time to tell the specific time and content of the meeting.

Soto went to the medical center for a check-up on the grounds that he accidentally fell.

I was sure that there was nothing serious in the third grade of junior high school, so I took some painkillers and went back to the office to relax for more than an hour before my body finally felt better.

It was only at this time that he realized that he hadn't been notified of what he was supposed to do in the past, which was equivalent to a waste of time.

I was so scared that I ran out in embarrassment just now, and there is no way to re-inform now.

The old face is still needed!

As a last resort, Soto could only change it temporarily, and asked Diaz to notify Lei alone to hold a so-called small meeting of the officers.

Then let Lei go back with the information and repeat it to other B team members.

Lei's current identity belongs to an intelligence officer, and relaying intelligence content and conveying instructions from superiors is one of his job responsibilities.

Diaz could see Soto's strange expression, but he didn't know why Soto changed his mind temporarily.

Ke Suoto is the leader of this overseas dispatch, which is equivalent to the supreme commander sent here by DG, and Diaz has to listen to his arrangements.

So Soto decided to change the format of the meeting, and Diaz had to follow his lead.


According to the notice given to him by Diaz, Ray came to the combat conference room on time. As soon as he entered the door, he asked curiously, "Jason didn't come? Where are the others?"

Ray watched a few fights in the morning, and returned to his luxurious dormitory alone as usual.

Later, he didn't care about the notification from Diaz. He thought it would be the same as the previous action meeting, and everyone would be notified to participate, but he was the only one.

"We still need to sort out the information now, and it is enough for you to come here alone." Soto explained.


This explanation is still barely reasonable, and Lei is now suffering from post-traumatic syndrome, and he is not very focused on work, so he didn't care too much about it.

"This task is a special activity, the process will be very complicated and the difficulty will be very high."

Mina, a foreign intelligence aid, took out a stack of documents, spread them out on the table, and said, "According to the analysis of the information obtained from Attenga's mobile phone, it turns out that its intelligence value is much higher than the CIA imagined.

There is a very interesting piece of information in it. We have already taken preliminary evidence collection. The specific content will be explained by Second Lieutenant Davis. "

After speaking, Mina reached out to signal Diaz that he would be in charge of intelligence analysis.

Diaz held the remote control and pressed it against the screen, and a high-definition image shot by a drone was displayed on the screen hanging on the wall.

"According to the intelligence in the mobile phone, here, in Kano, Nigeria, about 30 kilometers to the north, there is an abandoned base of the former Boko Haram organization, with 60 members stationed there for a long time."

"There are still so many people in the abandoned base? Has it turned into a hornet's nest?" Lei interjected teasingly.

"You may think so."

Diaz pouted at Ray noncommittally, and then continued: "The existence of this base itself is not the main reason for the CIA's attention. Similar terrorist organization bases are everywhere, and the special thing is here."

Diaz pressed the remote control on the screen and switched to a more accurate map of the small building.

To be precise, it is a single-storey flat-roofed house, with four rectangular white boxes standing on the roof, which looks very much like the external radiator of the central air conditioner.

"Based on careful checking by graphic analysts, it has been confirmed that these are air conditioners used to cool servers, and they are computer server air conditioners.

Through intelligence analysis and data comparison, there is now a probability of more than [-]%, and it is determined that this should be the data center of the Boko Haram organization. "

Lei listened carefully to Diaz's analysis the whole time, and heard that terrorist organizations have such a large database?
Can't help being surprised: "A group of terrorists who only know how to kill with machetes actually have this kind of high-tech system equipment?"

"We are making progress, and Brocade is also developing, just like the Chicken Land Organization and the Islamic State extremist organization." Mina said with her lips curled up.

"Boko Haram is no ordinary small fish and shrimp, but a terrorist organization with 2 people."

Diaz gave Ray a look that you understand, and returned to the conference table and said: "Now that their data center is located, if we can hack into their network, it will bring us huge gains.

We can find out their detailed organizational structure, economic situation, personnel data, premeditated target information, etc. through the data center.

The CIA wanted Team B to infiltrate the base and put information-stealing devices in it.

In this way, their CIA technicians can use this device to invade the data center and retrieve any information they want. "

Although the CIA and the military have ended their strategic cooperation, they still need to cooperate in many places.

After all, the CIA is just an intelligence agency. It is quite good at petty theft, but it is far inferior to professional troops in terms of tactical combat.

An agent invaded the enemy's base, with a pistol and one person, and easily overwhelmed the whole field with one enemy and one hundred, and finally completed the mission and triumphed.

This only exists in "fantasy" movies, and agents in reality are not so awesome.

Most agents prefer technicians!

In reality, the invasion and infiltration of a medium and large base, even the world's top intelligence organization, the CIA, is difficult to solve only by its own agents.

Basically, you still have to rely on the first-level special forces, the most professional killing war machine in the world.

CIA is only responsible for providing technical and intelligence support.

Lei has participated in this kind of operation of invading the enemy's headquarters and completing certain tasks quietly, dozens of times, without any pressure at all.

But the purpose of this operation is quite special, just to install an intrusion device, and to ensure that it can be used later, it is destined that the mission needs to be as concealed as possible, and it is absolutely impossible to kill and rush in.

The conventional airborne helicopter ride in the past is definitely not feasible in this mission.

This makes Lei feel a little difficult to handle!
(End of this chapter)

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