The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 904 Sonny Gets Into Catastrophe

Chapter 904 Sonny Gets Into Catastrophe

Although Soto appreciated Team B's plan, he also wanted to finish this troublesome task as soon as possible.

However, he does not have the power to issue an action order. He needs to notify the Ministry of the Navy to go through layers of review and authorize the action before he can issue an action order to Team B.

This process is beyond the control of Soto, and there is no bottom line on how many days it will take to review.

The answer that Soto can give to Team B is that it will be two or three days before the last sentence, so that everyone in Team B can maintain their best condition at any time and seize the time to enrich themselves.

In the end, the last thing to give up is to mention it again, and it is best to accept his daily management suggestions.

This is obviously impossible.

In the past few days of intensive discussions on the plan, everyone in Team B thought they could act upon the plan, and adjusted their status from morning till night.

It can be said that every rope of the body has been tightened, and it is ready to take action at any time.

Now that the action plan has been finalized, it has entered an indefinite waiting period for action permission, and there is nothing that must be done.

There is such a big gap between tightening and loosening, and life suddenly becomes extremely boring again.

Boredom is naturally to find a way to pass the time, and adjusting the mentality and personal time, reducing stress, and keeping the mentality in the best state at any time are the skills that every special combat team member must master.

Everyone has a different way of killing boredom, and the seven members of Team B have seven ways.

There are those who make video calls with their wives every day, some who hang out in leisure and entertainment areas every day, some who read books every day and choose to be writers, and some even go fishing.

And Long Zhan's way of killing boredom is the most primitive of all.

That is to find "running friends" for in-depth communication, and use up the extra time and energy through the most primitive and indispensable human sports.

The sexy sea girl I had been eyeing when I first got on the boat was hot enough and unrestrained enough, and I could basically come by beckoning.

The relationship between the two of them is purely kidney failure.

Such a pure runner is too easy to get started, and it is easy to lose interest in playing. Long Zhan needs to find a new goal with enough challenges and playability.

So taking advantage of this spare time, I stared at the prettiest girl on the bed——

Intelligence foreign aid Mina!

have to say.

This bitch Mina is really thin. She is about 1.7 meters tall and probably weighs less than 110 kilograms, giving Long Zhan a kind of skinny beauty that she has never experienced before.

Beautiful is also really beautiful, her skin is as fair as jade, and her facial features are exquisite and charming.

According to the legend, it is the case to take a look at the soul.

The most important thing is that this girl is skinny, and there is no shortage of places that should grow flesh.

The perfectly protruding collarbone is deeply sunken in the neck, without a trace of excess fat, but just where the punch is, the fat accumulates abnormally "abundant".

Even the loose camouflage uniform can't hide the "sharpness" of the buttocks below.

Living on an airtight boat that can bore people to death, there is such a superb beauty, and it is naturally impossible for Long Zhan to be the only man who has thoughts about her.

It can be said that as long as he is a normal man, when he sees him, he will have a few fantasies in his mind.

Even Major Whitshaw, who is in charge of all intelligence work on the Keating and is Mina's immediate boss, is also emotionally attached to this girl.

Even in order to force Mina to follow him, he even used his position status to suppress him.

Attempt to PUA!

Here, Long Zhan is his biggest hobby as always, focusing on how to get Mina on the bed to "play cards" together, and doesn't pay much attention to the lives of other people in the team, and as a result, troubles soon arise.

On the third night of the standby period.

Because Long Zhan helped a lot, he got Sonny's pregnant wife to a professional maternity hospital, and offered the best "package" for waiting for delivery.

Sonny, who no longer had to worry about the future, was so happy that he got very drunk at night.

When you are unhappy, drink to relieve your worries, and when you are happy, drink to celebrate. Anyway, no matter how you feel, you must give him a drink.

This is "Dynamite Keg Straight Man" Sonny!
I don't know where to get the wine and drink it. The problem is that when Sonny went back to the dormitory to sleep, he was so drunk that he couldn't even climb out of the upper bunk.

When he got halfway up, his body tilted and fell down, and his head hit the bed frame with a big hole.

Except for Lei, who doesn't live in the dormitory, and Jason, who always wants to dig out Lei's mind and is always hanging around outside, the other Clay, Full Metal, and Brock, who were already sleeping in the dormitory, were all awakened.

They ran over quickly in a daze, what they saw made them frown.

There was a pungent smell of alcohol far away, and Sonny, who fell to the ground, was talking nonsense without knowing the pain, and the back of his head was completely wet with blood.

Drinking high alcohol during the stationing period is itself a taboo, not to mention the operational standby period during the stationing period, it is simply a taboo among taboos.

If this is discovered by military officers and those in charge of discipline, the consequences will be very serious.

"Hey, keep your voice down, everyone is asleep."

Clay is well aware of the seriousness of this matter, so that Sonny can keep his job, and even more so that the team will not be implicated, so he quickly ran up to stop Sonny in a low voice to prevent Sonny from talking nonsense loudly.

"Shh, keep your voice down, hey, keep your voice down together, we have to be quiet, haha..."

Sonny continued to grin and babble, and even played a little game of whispering with Clay, but fortunately he stopped yelling.

"We can't let him stay here any longer. It would be bad if someone came in and saw it."

Clay scratched his head angrily, very anxious.

"Why don't you send him to the locker room first, no one will go there at this time, and there is a first aid kit that can deal with his injuries." Full Metal suggested.

"No, Jason might go, he can't find out about Sonny."

Clay rejected Quan Metal's suggestion, scratched his head for a while and had a flash of inspiration, and said, "Yes, you two help him up and take him to Long's room. There must be no problem with him. I will deal with the problem here first." blood."

"Okay, then do that."

Full Metal and Bullock agreed, and carried Sonny to the outside of the dormitory.

Clay immediately took out a roll of paper towels, wiped off the blood on the ground, arranged the cabinet that Sonny had overturned, and chased after him with the bloody paper towels.

When he caught up with Quan Metal and the other three, he had already knocked on the door of Long Zhan's room.

"Holy shit, what's going on here? Why is Sonny's head covered in blood? And the smell of alcohol is so strong?" Long Zhan asked in astonishment.

"Let's talk about it later, let us go in first, if we let Soto know, we will be finished." Full Metal said while leading people in.

"Okay, let him sit on the bed."

Zhanlong gave up the position at the door, allowing Full Metal and Bullock to bring Sonny in.

"I'm going to the locker room to get the medical kit."

Clay didn't follow in, and ran to the other end after saying a word. Before leaving, he didn't forget to close the door to prevent anyone passing by.

(End of this chapter)

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