The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 906 Threat from Unidentified Submarine

the next day.

After 9 o'clock in the morning.

Team b, which received a text message early in the morning, all gathered at the combat command center.

Wearing the black melon skin hat donated by Long Zhan, Sonny has recovered from the alcoholic state of last night, but his face is still a bit unwell.

He drank until he was completely drunk, and opened a ladle on his head again.

It's no wonder his face looks good.

Fortunately, although Sonny's condition does not look good, he was able to attend the meeting normally this morning, which shows that Long Zhan and Clay's party handled it well last night, and no outsiders found Sonny's violation on the spot.

This has been a fortune in misfortune.

After Sonny woke up this morning and looked back, he also knew how dangerous what he did last night, and he is now more cautious.

When everyone else gathered around the conference table to check the information on it.

Sonny chose to sit in the corner on the right, trying not to let others smell the remaining blood on his body, as well as the smell of alcohol that hadn't gone away in time.

Even after waking up early this morning, Sonny had already taken a shower on purpose.

But Soto didn't pay attention to Sonny at all, and waited until everyone in Team B was in place, leading the opening meeting and said: "According to information, there is a submarine of unknown origin that is heading towards the ship, and has lost its tracking signal.

As you heard last night, the USS Keating has entered Threat Level Y.

From now on, all personnel and non-essential communications on the ship will be cut off and terminated, and they will not be able to have any contact with the outside world. "

Clay was the first to frown when he heard that he had cut off contact with the outside world and was tired of chatting with his girlfriend every day.

He said very dissatisfied: "Isn't it okay to call my family? How long will it last?"

"There is no specific time, and there is only one condition for the cancellation at present, that is, until the submarine approaching us is detected, and it is confirmed that there is no threat." Diaz replied very simply.

"Then what should we do about our actions? Should we also terminate them together?" Long Zhan asked.

If the action is terminated at the same time, the rest of Team B, Long Zhan, will not know. Anyway, for him personally, he must agree with both hands and feet.

It would be nice if the remaining weeks were all on board.

Long Zhan has a lot of time to spare. While fumbling for time, he also takes the time to attack the backbone beauty Mina.

Try something different.

As soon as the last eight weeks of stationing time came, I immediately left with my bag.

Go back to Jinguogan and continue to lead the team, striving to win the tens of millions of orders as soon as possible.

Compared to working hard with the US government and only getting a small salary in the end, Long Zhan is more willing to work hard for himself, and the end result is to make money.


"The current threat level will not affect operations, and our operations will proceed as planned." Soto's answer shattered Long Zhan's dream.

Seeing that the operation will continue, Jason asked curiously, "Is there any specific arrangement for the progress of the mission?"

"Until the action is approved, not yet." Soto replied.


Jason was really uncomfortable with the command's inaction.

Instead of staying on the boat doing nothing all day long, you can take the initiative to find something to do, not to mention there is a very important thing, the preparation work has not yet been perfected.

So he proposed: "The way this operation is carried out is quite special. The transformation of the oil tank is very important. It is necessary to send someone in advance to monitor the progress and check whether there are major hidden dangers.

I recommend sending Sonny and Ryu ashore to inspect the modification of the infiltrated vehicle and make sure there are no surprises once the operation begins. "

The oil tanker is the only external factor. The CIA finds a local refitting factory to refit, and the operators are all outsiders.

People on their own can find out the details of what they do, and know whether it is good or bad. Outsiders have no way to guarantee it. It is necessary to prevent it before it happens.

"Yes, I agree with your proposal."

Soto didn't contradict Jason because of serious matters related to the mission, but he didn't forget to declare his existence either.

Just as the front mouth agreed to Jason's suggestion, the back mouth said critically: "The personnel arrangement needs to be improved. I think Clay is more suitable than Sonny."

As soon as Suoto's last words came out, the atmosphere of the whole venue was suffocated.

This is a contradiction!

A big contradiction that offends several people at once!

Not only does Clay, who has taken Sonny's position, feel very sorry.

It will also make Jason, who once had the absolute right to speak in Team B, and the commander will take it as the standard, and his right to speak and authority in Team B will be challenged.

The most important thing is that Sonny, who was forcibly removed in front of everyone, lost all face.

In order to resolve the embarrassment of being removed and try his best to save his lost face, Sonny could only forcefully smile and say, "I'm happy to stay on the boat. It's so comfortable to stay on the boat. You don't have to do anything."

The more Sonny was wronged like this, the more uncomfortable Jason, as the captain and old buddy, felt.

But he knew that he couldn't take the lead and quarrel with the commander in front of everyone, so he could only choose to forcibly suppress the outburst of emotions.

He said with a dark face: "Okay, that's it, the others will go down immediately to check the operational equipment, and we will receive mission permission at any time.

Clay and Long, go change into your casual clothes, and I will leave the task of checking the vehicle to you two. "

Soto, who had a strong desire to control the team, saw that Jason had robbed him of his words and dismissed the meeting, so he turned around and left first in annoyance.

Jason, who was holding back his emotions and wanted to vent, immediately ran after him when he saw the situation.

After chasing out the hatch of the combat command center and coming to the passage, Soto, who had already walked three or four meters away, shouted very angrily: "Hey, why did you remove Sonny again? Don't you give me an explanation?"

"Hayes, don't play dumb with me, do you really want to say you don't know?"

Soto was even angrier than Jason, and walked forward without looking back.

"Know what?" Jason quickened his pace and chased after Soto.

The passage in the cabin was very narrow, and it was impossible to accommodate two people side by side. Jason couldn't question face to face, so he could only hang in the back aggrieved.

"A picket chief reported violations of discipline. Last night, four members of team B behaved strangely. They stumbled into the foreign aid's dormitory together in the early morning. One of them smelled heavily of alcohol and was injured. With a southern accent."

As the captain, Jason didn't know it. Soto thought that Jason was deliberately covering up, and became even more angry.

Hearing the southern accent and being drunk, Jason immediately knew it was Sonny, and he was discovered. His anger was replaced by nervousness.

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