The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 909 There Are Routines Everywhere

The lid and the tank body are too tightly seamed, and the lid was smashed down when it was put on just now, so the two are firmly embedded together.

Even though Long Zhan had already removed the plug and exerted all his might, he couldn't push the lid away.

Clay heard that Long Zhan's voice was wrong, and Yiyi, who was straining hard, turned around and saw Long Zhan holding the lid with his hands, his face flushed.

He laughed and joked, "Boss, do you want to take a shit here?"

Long Zhan pushed for a long time and couldn't push it away, so he gave up. He deliberately scared the gloating Clay and said, "You just pray that the emergency door can be opened, otherwise let alone shitting here, I'm afraid the two of us will have to stay here tonight." .”

What Long Zhan said may be a little exaggerated, but at that time, no matter whether it is to forcibly tear off the lid, or use oxygen welding to cut open the tank body.

Those in the jar will suffer very much.


Clay guessed that there was a problem with the main entrance and exit. It must have been stuck due to miscalculation of the size. Realizing the seriousness, he quickly walked towards the cab.

There is a downward cover on the floor at the end, which is the emergency exit that Clay found just now.

"Let me do it."

Long Zhan didn't like to stay in a narrow, confined space, and was much more anxious than Clay, so he couldn't wait to cross over in two steps, bent down and grabbed the handle of the lid.

Twist to the left with all your strength, and then lift it up.

Thank goodness.

The emergency exit was very loose, and it was opened by Long Zhan all at once, because the force was so strong that he almost lost his footing and fell.

The only downside is that the emergency exit is relatively narrow, just the width of Clay's shoulders.

And because the exit is facing the relationship below, the chassis of the car is only less than half a meter high from the ground, so you can only lie on the ground and move out from the exit.

Clay got out quite easily, and was able to roll out sideways while under the car.

It is expected that it will not be too troublesome to wear the equipment later.

But the whole process of Long Zhan coming out was relatively more embarrassing.

When coming down from the exit, you have to lean your shoulders sideways, one hand comes out first and then the other hand, and you can only move on your stomach when you get to the bottom of the car.

I have practiced crawling and crawling in the army for many years, but I rarely use it on the battlefield, but here it has become the only solution.

Witnessing Long Zhan's gorilla climbing, the female liaison officer almost didn't laugh out loud on the spot. It wasn't until Long Zhan came out and stood up that she forced a smile and walked over and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm very OK."

Long Zhan patted the dust on his body, forgetting the embarrassment, and said seriously: "The main entrance and exit are too tight, it must be repaired before we leave, no problem."

"It's a small thing, of course it's fine."

The female liaison officer wrote down the questions in the notebook and answered them very confidently.

After checking the core "Trojan horse", Long Zhan and Clay checked the performance of the truck carrying the tank.

Including the truck's engine, gearbox, tires and bearings, etc.

Long Zhan and Clay didn't leave the refitting factory until they made sure that there were no missing points, and returned to the Keating along the original road first by car and then by helicopter.

The two got off the helicopter with their bags, but they hadn't had time to put them down.

The work phone buzzed.

It showed that it was a group message sent by Diaz, and they found a new situation, so everyone in Team B rushed to the combat command center to attend an emergency meeting.

"Is it time to start action?" Clay said expectantly.

"I hope so, start it sooner, finish it sooner." Long Zhan was also looking forward to it.

"Then do you want to change clothes?" Clay asked.

"There's no need to change it, just go directly, I can't wait to know the answer."

Long Zhan threw the backpack into a corner at random. Anyway, it contained some unimportant things, and strode towards the combat center.

"It's better to take it with you and put it outside the command center, it's better than throwing it here."

Clay was not as free and easy as Long Zhan, and he picked up the backpack that Long Zhan left behind, and chased Long Zhan with him.

It didn't take long to meet Jason, and the three walked forward together in a team.

"How's the tank truck?" Jason asked.

"It's okay, there's no big problem, and it can be done before dark." Long Zhan replied.

"That's good."

Jason was very satisfied and didn't say any more.

Soon everyone gathered at the combat center. Diaz didn't even say an opening remark, but went straight to the point and said, "From the latest images targeting the Boko Haram camp, we accidentally discovered a new element."

After speaking, Diaz picked up the remote control and pressed it, and a satellite aerial view popped up on the screen.

Soto also produced a stack of photos, explaining: "They took a prisoner, what we understand is kidnapping for ransom, Boko Haram's housekeeping."

"Do you know who he is?" Jason asked looking at the unclear photo.

"The facial recognition system confirmed his identity. His name is James Parker, an American medical worker who was kidnapped and disappeared five years ago." Diaz replied.

"Being kidnapped for five years and still alive, this guy's life is really hard." Sonny exclaimed.

"Okay, that means we now have one more mission, and we have to perform hostage rescue at the same time?" Long Zhan asked.

"No! Not at all."

Mina, who was in charge of communicating with the CIA, shook her head and replied affirmatively: "The CIA's attitude is still very clear. Installing spyware devices is the only mission objective."

After a few days of Long Zhan's strategy, Mina's attitude towards Long Zhan has changed significantly.

The previous meetings were basically just procedural, and they never took the initiative to answer anyone's questions, but now they took the initiative to solve Long Zhan's doubts.

"The above is just to tell you this new situation, just to let you know that everything in the target location is not necessarily for you to save." Diaz added.


Long Zhan smiled and said nothing more.

It is said that politics is the most difficult game in the world, and the same is true in the professional circle.

The CIA clearly stated that as long as the spy device is installed, it has an attitude that it has nothing to do with me. The Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of Defense and other high-level officials know the behavior of Team B, but after telling Team B that there is an American hostage at the mission point, they say It is not necessary to save people.

This is the most typical dumping routine.

The underlying meaning is...

The Admiralty, the DG, and the CIA all hope that the B team can install the spy device and rescue the American hostages.

Since the information is provided by the three parties, everyone can get more credit.

It couldn't be better to pick it up in vain.

If Team B fails to rescue the hostages, then everyone at the top will assume that no hostages were found, and there will be no other factors.

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