The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 911 Terrorists blocking the way

Chapter 911 Terrorists blocking the way

The atmosphere in Kano City is not bad. After all, it is a historic city, and there are people coming and going on the streets, many of whom are foreigners.

After leaving the city, I didn't go far, and everything I saw before my eyes completely changed.

The houses I saw along the way were all empty, not to mention the foreigners who came here for tourism, even the locals could not see a shadow.

Obviously threatened by Boko Haram, everyone ran to the city to survive.

The large tracts of land outside the city have all become terrorists' paradise.

This desolate scene outside the city can only be seen by Lei and Soto sitting in the driver's cab. The six people including Long Zhan have been bored in the jar.

I can't see what's going on outside, and I don't know how far the car has traveled.

All I knew was that half an hour later, Soto's communication code came from the headset: "Call Team B, we have crossed the blue boundary line."

This is a line marked by the headquarters on the map, crossing this line means entering the danger zone.

That is, Boko Haram's control area!
Entering the enemy's battle zone means that danger will come at any time. Jason took pictures of the dragon war and full metal on both sides, and clapped his hands to urge others: "Hey, wake up, there are still 10 kilometers to the destination, and we expect to arrive in 15 minutes .

It's time for us to prepare in advance, and we can't waste any minute or second, understand? "

The people who were leaning against the tank wall and resting their eyes closed their eyes, they all started to move when they heard Jason's words, and finally sorted out their gear and equipment.

It took the terrorists 12 hours to return, and now more than three hours have passed, and they will arrive in 15 minutes.

This time seems to be very rich. In fact, these 12 hours are no different from 1:2 hours, and they are also unpredictable.

No one knows that the large force of terrorists who left will return at the next time.

The only best way to deal with it is to complete the task as quickly as possible. The shorter the time-consuming, the safer Team B will be.

At this most critical last moment, the combat command center of the Keating lost the chain.


The rapid alarm sound mixed with the red alarm light appeared on the Keating again.

The combat center is tracking in real time, locking on to the main screen where Team B's vehicles provide information to the command center, and the black screen is turned off after swiping.

Diaz and Mina had been staring at the screen, and the screen went black, covering both of their faces.

Then the radio rang:
[Attention all departments, increase threat level Z, prepare for battle, prepare for battle. 】

Diaz didn't understand why the danger level was raised, and the preparations for battle made her flustered, so she could only go to Major Whitshaw of the fleet.

"This is not a drill." Diaz asked seriously.


Major Whitshaw hesitated for a while, and then said: "There are already clues to the identity of the submarine that followed us, and it is preliminarily determined to be a Chinese submarine.

The captain is worried that they will intercept the signal and obtain the data on the ship, so..."

Major Whitshaw raised his brows, and did not continue, but added: "We can't take any risks, understand?"

Diaz doesn't care what kind of submarine or whether any data will be intercepted, she only worries about one thing.

That is Team B, which has reached a critical moment, what should you do after losing contact with your headquarters.

So he asked with a cold face anxiously and angrily: "Is our communication completely interrupted? Don't you know that Team B is on a mission? We don't know anything about the outside world and can't help. You know how serious the consequences are." ?”

Major Whitshaw was also expressionless, staring at Diaz without any movement.

Perhaps because of the fact that Team B's identity is too special, if all members sacrificed because of the Keating, the consequences would be very serious.

Whitshaw and Shaoxiao still gave up, turned around and picked up the switchboard to call the captain.

After about half a minute of communication, Major Whitshaw returned and said: "The above approved an encrypted transmission channel for drone signals and a radio message from Team B to inform them of the situation.

This is already the limit of what I can help you with. Remember that text messages must be blurred. "

As long as there is no critical information in the text messages sent by the fuzzy assistant, even if they are intercepted by a certain country's submarine, they will be useless.


Diaz knew how taboo the United States was towards a certain country. She was already very satisfied with being able to provide a channel for text messages and a signal channel for drones.

"We can only use a text message to inform Team B that their communication has been interrupted, and you go and transfer the right to use the drone signal to Team B's mobile terminal."

While Diaz was operating the computer to send a message, she asked Mina to operate the other part.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Mina knew how much pressure Pair B would face without the communication with the command center. The drone signal was the only help, and it had to be done as soon as possible.

After ten seconds.

"Drip, drip, drip."

Sitting on the co-pilot of the water truck and staring at the front, it could be seen from the expression on Soto that he was very nervous, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

After taking out his mobile phone and reading the text message, Soto suddenly lost his mood.

Said to Lei who was driving: "The ship is already in danger level Z, we have lost contact with the command center, and the mission cannot continue."

"Why can't we continue?"

Lei choked back, and said plausibly: "We have already understood all the parts of the plan, and there is no problem at all when we lose contact."

Seeing that Lei's confidence was so strong, Soto hesitated for a while, not knowing whether to continue or retreat.

at this time.

Soto saw a group of militants appearing in the middle of the intersection under the hill in front of him, blocking the road. It looked like a card set up by Boko Haram terrorists.

Originally losing contact with the combat center, Soto was already a little panicked.

Now there is another card set up by the terrorists in front of him, which shows that if the car wants to pass this road, it will definitely be blocked and searched by them, and it is completely panicked.

Quickly urged Lei: "Stop, Lei, there is a checkpoint ahead, stop quickly."

"Stay still, the guards are watching, keep calm."

Lei didn't stop, he stabilized Soto first, and then explained with his face straight ahead: "If we stop here, they will never let us in again, and then the mission will really fail.

Either go or give up, 2 choose 1, no stop, no third choice. "

Seeing the checkpoint less than 20 meters away, Soto's heart rate began to rise suddenly, his face became stiff, and his thinking became rigid.

Before Soto could figure out how to choose, Lei had already driven the car in front of the checkpoint.

(End of this chapter)

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