The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 923 Team A takes over, Team B's final move!

Combat Command Center.

"You're welcome, Pete."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

Jason rushed from the dormitory to the combat center, just in time to meet the leader of Team A who came in first, and was already shaking hands with Soto for a meeting.

Seeing Jason coming in, neither of them said hello, just pretending to be nothing.

Rei arrived at the combat center one step ahead of Jason, leaning against the wall on the right, with a dark face and a very ugly expression, showing no sign of welcoming Team A.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Team A's early succession and Team B's immediate cold treatment.

Pete, the person in charge of Team A, said politely at the conference table, "Thank you for Team B's dedication and cooperation, allowing us to have a seamless connection."

"On behalf of the headquarters, I welcome your arrival. After the official start of work, you will find that our work has achieved remarkable results."

Soto smiled very happily, and his attitude when talking to Jason of Team B was completely different.

"That's right, it's a really good idea for Team A to enjoy the fruit that Team B has worked so hard for, and it's really worth celebrating for Team A."

Jason suddenly made a mockery with a cold face, making the atmosphere suddenly awkward.

Standing next to Pete, the person in charge of Team A, it could be seen that Roynes, who had a great status in Team A, wanted to avenge the embarrassment of being kicked back just now.

The yin and yang counterattacked strangely: "God bless, we won't have diarrhea after eating."

Roynes, a mere young junior, dared to taunt face to face at the meeting. Team B worked so hard to obtain information. He was a worthless existence.

Jason and Lei, as 20-year-old special fighters, suddenly turned black to blue.

Diaz keenly noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and the two teams were ready to fight, so he quickly interjected: "The intelligence recorder planted by Team B allowed us to discover Boko Haram's ambitions and capabilities.

The organization is more complex and organized than we have previously known.

Their ambitions are very large, and all kinds of intelligence are showing that they are trying to establish a Christian country in West Africa, and they are likely to succeed.

So we must hurry up and let them be destroyed before then. "

The information that Diaz gave was indeed astonishing. A terrorist organization actually wanted to establish a country. If he succeeded, the whole world would probably be shocked.

Despite the development of the current international situation, there is already the possibility of a terrorist organization establishing a state, which is almost a certainty.

However, the appearance of a terrorist organization in Africa is still unacceptable to the US government.

Everyone in Team A and Team B was shocked, and temporarily ignored the conflicts between them, and focused their attention on the meeting.

"Okay, listen..."

Jason focused on the essence of the mission, also to declare the existence of the b team.

He stood up and asked: "We know that these people have been engaged in terrorist activities for many years, but is the founding of the country too sudden? Is this news reliable?"

"Information shows that they have been receiving financial support from a group of unknown organizations. The amount is very large, and their number has increased to [-] in a short period of time. This possibility is very high." Diaz said. …

"It may be the Islan Nation or the Chicken Land Organization. They want to use Boko Haram to establish a stronghold in West Africa, not necessarily to establish a country." Lei has a different opinion.

"It is also possible that they are learning from a certain country and Russia, the world's major powers, with the intention of gaining rare resources by establishing influence in the region." Mina guessed.

Although Mina participated in the deciphering of these intelligences, she did not believe that terrorists could establish a country.

Team A's Roynes' eyes lit up when he heard the news. He likes big and challenging goals, and couldn't wait to ask, "What's Boko Haram's next plan?"

"It mentioned destroying infrastructure," Mina replied.

"Destroying villages, demonstrating their own strength, destroying infrastructure, and consolidating their own strength are the consistent methods of terrorist organizations."

Lei has a very good understanding of terrorist organizations, and his words are concise and to the point.

"Listen, I don't want to know what Boko Haram's ambitions are. I want to know if we have any targets we're going to hit. We've been doing nothing for weeks." Jason asked, raising his voice two times .

"The information we obtained from the server has now been transferred to the local government."


Jason was surprised to hear Diaz's answer, and sarcastically annoyed: "It's great that everything is handed over to the local government.

So, we don't have to do anything now, just sit and sit, okay, then we can wait to go home, go back and lie down and sleep. "

Before he finished speaking, Jason turned around and left.

Just the way Jason left in such a hurry, he was almost so angry that his head burst into flames.

"Hey, Master Chief, wait."

No matter how conflicted Soto and Jason were, he was also the commander of the first action team, and the team members were dissatisfied with the arrangement, and he needed to do his best to take care of it.

So he chased up all the way and comforted him: "We admit that it is because of the efforts of Team B that we have a deeper understanding of the internal situation of Boko Haram, and these are all thanks to you.

So you don't have to get emotional, just enjoy your victory, Master Chief. "

"There's no winning, you understand?"

Jason, who had already walked out of the combat conference center, stopped moving forward and turned around and said, "This time, all aspects of the stationing are empty with iron nets, in every aspect."

Jason emphasized the last four words to show how angry he was now, and then turned and left again.

This time Soto didn't hold back, and didn't catch up to say anything. After bowing his head and thinking for a while, he returned to the combat command center.

Jason left with anger, instead of going back to the dormitory, he went to the cargo hold to relax.

When I first arrived in the dormitory, I announced the good news to everyone, saying that there will be actions soon, which made everyone very excited, but now the result is to pack up and go home.

The front and back are completely opposite, and Jason doesn't know how to go back and talk to his brothers.


Only an hour passed.

Didi rang on Jason's work phone. When he opened it, he saw that it was a text message from the headquarters.

Jason, who was originally depressed and depressed, immediately regained his energy when he saw the text message.

at the same time.

The group of Long Zhan, Ke Lai, and others who were still bragging in the dormitory, their work mobile phone rang, and the content was the same text message.

Realizing that there was finally an action, Long Zhan and his party, who had never been so eager to perform a mission, immediately rushed out of the dormitory as quickly as possible.

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