The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 937 Safe Shooting Mode

Chapter 937 Safe Shooting Mode
The Wagner contractors parked their cars across the road as a cover to block the firepower of the AB team from the front, and all the people in the car opened the doors and got out from the back.

Then they searched for cover on the spot in an orderly manner, and started long-range shooting with Long Zhan and his party.

The way and rhythm of shooting are very sophisticated.

It's not like in many TV dramas, ignoring the enemy's bullets and shooting all the time, waiting to be locked and shot by the opposite person.

Not to mention standing in the open space with a gun in hand and sweeping like old African buddies.

The magazine is not empty, I will not let go.

Instead, it adopts the most commonly used safe shooting mode when fighting at medium and short distances——

Listen to the sound or judge the approximate position of the enemy from the gaps in the bunker, take the opportunity to shoot a few shots, and immediately retract the head and gun.

After a while, he showed his head again, fired a few shots and then retracted.

This shooting mode is the safest, and it is basically impossible to be accurately locked by the enemy.

Even if it was hit by a bullet, it was basically caused by a stray bullet.Or it was really unlucky, and he was shot within a second or two of his exposure.

To know.

This is not a 1v1 duel, but a team fight.

The enemy on the opposite side doesn't dare to stick their guns out all the time, they stick to a point like in the game, and want to wait for you to show up before shooting.

If you keep your head out for a long time, others will beat you.

If the enemy on the other side dared to play like this, it would be like a living target. He probably would be killed by the opponent's people before he squatted down.

Both Contractor Wagner and Zhan Long are masters, and they are both proficient in survival on the battlefield.

Low-level mistakes, no one will make.

This led to the fact that both sides wanted to take down the other side, which was simply impossible in a short period of time.

A tug-of-war started like this.

The two sides were separated by more than 100 meters, and they kept shooting bullets at each other's positions. There were no casualties on either side after fighting for a few minutes.

This situation seems to be a tie between the two sides, but it is actually very unfavorable to the AB team.

Contractor Wagner is in the best condition, a fresh force who has just joined the battlefield with full ammunition and full ammunition. Both physical strength and bullets are very full.

Team A and Team B have been fighting fiercely for a long time, not to mention their bodies are exhausted, and there are not many bullets left.

If the shooting continues like this, it won't be long before Team A and Team B will run out of ammunition, while the contractor Wagner still has enough ammunition.

Special forces without bullets are in vain no matter how awesome they are.

What's more, the artillery carts on the opposite side have not yet joined in. When the artillery carts on the opposite side join the battle and bombard the bunkers where Team A and Team B are hiding, the two teams who are out of ammunition will definitely be reduced to a chopping block. of meat.

Let the other party dispose of it!

Long Zhan didn't want to fall into a situation where he was bound to lose. He didn't want to keep shooting at each other until he ran out of bullets and waited to die. He needed to break through the deadlock in front of him.


The thought that had been brewing in my heart for a long time rushed out uncontrollably.

"B1, I'm B7, it's going to be bad if this goes on, our ammunition won't last long at all, we must get air support as soon as possible.

As long as the enemy's surface-to-air missiles can be destroyed, the command center can send helicopters to support and resolve the passive situation in front of me. I apply to go around the enemy's rear from the side to find and destroy their missile vehicles. "

Long Zhan dared to apply to go behind the enemy's rear alone. I have to say that this is really courageous and fat.

But this is also the only possible way.

Infiltrating behind the enemy, the fewer people the better, this is basic common sense.

Out of consideration for Long Zhan's safety, Jason refused without hesitation: "No, we don't know anything about the enemy's situation. It's too dangerous to rush into the enemy's rear. We must have other ways."

As soon as Jason finished speaking, Sonny yelled over the radio: "B1, I'm B3. I've been hit too hard here. The enemy's snipers have locked on to me, so I can't show up."

Compared with Jason's last sentence above, Sonny's words can be said to be a slap in the face.

"Fack, the shot is so accurate that I can't find it. Has anyone seen where the enemy's sniper is?" Clay also asked on the radio.

"It sounds like it's about 300 meters to the northeast, and there's more than one."

As expected of Lei being a professional sniper, he obtained very important information by analyzing the sound of the sniper bullets and the impact trajectory.

"B1, we are suppressed, repeat, we are suppressed by snipers, we must move as soon as possible." Full Metal called out hurriedly.

"damn it!"

The configuration on the opposite side was so perfect that it made Jason feel very tricky.

Thinking that the current situation was imminent, Jason couldn't care less about the life-and-death situation that could not be destroyed, and ordered by radio: "I am B1, B7, you should immediately find a way to get out of the battle, and I will leave the task of destroying the missiles to you."

"B7 received."

After Long Zhan replied to Jason, he retracted the light machine gun and crawled out in a low posture.

Jason then gave the second order.

"B3, you take two groups to move to the left and one group to move to the right. Move, use the movement keys to keep hidden, fast, fast."

Jason stretched the troops to both sides, with the purpose of pulling the gun line apart and destroying the best shooting range of the sniper.

This is also one of the more effective ways to deal with sniper suppression.

Lei is also an old ashes player on the battlefield. As soon as he heard the order, he knew what Jason was going to do, and shouted Move to lead the team to move to the left side of the mountain.

The second group on Jason's side also moved in sync, moving towards the mountain on the right.

The opponent's snipers noticed their movements and wanted to stop them by sniping. However, there are too many bunkers in these two mountains, strange rocks, and there is no way to effectively snipe.


Although there is no way to accurately kill anyone, but they can continue to suppress Team A and Team B.

As long as they stopped and wanted to show their heads to fight back, the Wagner contractor snipers would be able to lock them down and pin them down with two shots.

With the strong suppression of two sniper rifles, other Wagner contractors also moved.

With the pickup truck armed with heavy machine guns as the core, other people walked forward from the mountains on both sides, pressing towards Team A and Team B step by step.

As long as the two sides can be pressed into close combat, the Wagner contractor will be able to secure victory.

Both Jason and Lei knew that the situation was getting worse, but they had limited firepower, and there was no way to kill the Wagner sniper, who was protected by heavy machine gun fire and didn't even know the precise location.

The only thing they can do now is to keep moving with a group each.

If you procrastinate, procrastinate.

Put all your bets on Long Zhan, and buy more action time for Long Zhan, who has already sneaked out to hunt bottoms.

As long as Long Zhan can kill the surface-to-air missiles, the first action group will still have a chance.

If you can't knock it out...

There will be no life at all!

(End of this chapter)

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