The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 942 One person upset the whole Wagner

Chapter 942 One person upset the whole Wagner (third)

Explosions and gunpowder smoke enveloped a few meters in radius.

Under the bombardment of hundreds of small steel balls, the observers and snipers were bombarded on the spot without even making a sound.

Almost at the same time as the grenade on the left exploded, Long Zhan also pulled the trigger of the light machine gun.

"Duk tuk, tuk tuk, tuk tuk."

Three consecutive bursts of short bursts, each with an interval of less than 0.2 seconds, that is, the blink of an eye, completed the attack in a blink of an eye.

The sniper team, who wanted to react when they heard the explosion, just raised their heads and fell down again.

Both were shot several times and died at the scene.

"B1, this is B7, all enemy snipers have been killed."

Long Zhan's report was like a reassurance, which shocked the morale of everyone in Team A and Team B, and they no longer had any fear.

"B7, you continue to fire from behind."

"B2, it's time for you to perform, let them see how good we are."

"B3, push them down."

Jason, who was oppressed and aggrieved for a long time, was like a prehistoric beast that had broken its seal, and issued several orders in a very short period of time.

The members of Team A and Team B were also suffocated, and they could just use this opportunity to vent their anger.

So ever.

Without the threat of snipers, Team A and Team B launched a frenzied counterattack at the same time, and all set up their guns to shoot at the enemy.

Wagner's main force, which was pressing upwards, did not expect that the battle situation would be reversed in an instant.

Team A and Team B, who had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly appeared with full firepower, which really caught them off guard.

Several Wagner contractors were unable to react in time and were knocked down by the intensive firepower on the spot.

In just a few seconds, the number of casualties suffered by Wagner's contractor team was more than that of the previous half an hour combined.

Boss Wagner, who was supervising the battle at the rear, gritted his teeth with anger when he saw this scene.

He had just received a report from Andre that the positions of the artillery and missile vehicles behind had been stolen, and he was so angry that he almost fainted and collapsed to the ground.

I originally wanted to deal with the enemy in front of me as soon as possible, and then the large army divided into two ways.

One team was led by Andrei and Kiklov, went to the back and cleared out the damn big rats, and the other team continued to complete the task and blow up the refinery and the main oil pipeline.

As a result, seeing that the encirclement was about to be completed, Team A and Team B suddenly started a frenzied counterattack, killing several subordinates at once.

How can you not be angry as the boss!
"Buck, Chekhov, what are you doing, quickly suppress these guys, do you hear me, hurry up and move for me."

The contractor boss yelled into the walkie-talkie, but there was no response from the other side.

As a last resort, he could only suppress his anger, and arranged: "Andre, you go to the sniper position immediately and see what those two stupid pigs are doing."

"Okay, boss, I'll go right away."

Andre, like the boss of the contractor, did not expect that Long Zhan would come over so quickly, let alone that he could touch down two sniper teams by himself, so that the two sniper teams could not send out the pre-attack signal .

After receiving the boss's order, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly ran to the rear.

The sniper team suddenly misfired, and the contractor boss could only temporarily stabilize the main force and continue to move forward without taking risks.

The two sides instantly returned to the moment at the beginning, and you came and I shot each other tens of meters away.

In the blink of an eye, 2 minutes passed.

"Boss, they are all dead."

The boss heard Andre's report from the walkie-talkie, and stared at him unsurely, shouting, "What? Tell me again?"

"Buck and Chekhov are dead. They were killed. Those guys must have done it."

Andre always thought that a group of people were going around, but never thought that there was only one person coming to attack. This was also the main reason why he ran away decisively before.

It is too much movie heroism for a person to go around the enemy's rear to join a team.

This is not in Andre's common sense!

The missile vehicle was blown up, and the sniper team was also touched. The most important thing is that the instigator of all this, he doesn't know what he looks like until now, and Wagner is so angry that his nose is not smoking.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Andre exclaimed again: "I seem to see the person who attacked us, my God, that guy's size is too terrifying.

No, he saw me, no, I gotta go, we gotta go, boss. "

Seeing the big man dozens of meters away, Andre suddenly hoisted the muzzle in his direction, and shrank his head to hide in fright.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As soon as he lowered his head, a bullet that looked like a long eye flew past his head, and the bullet hit the earth and rocks on the ridge and flew randomly.

"Andre, what are you afraid of? Immediately pick up the gun for me and kill him..."

"Beep beep..."

Boss Wagner hadn't finished his sentence yet, but the familiar voice from the sky made him shut his mouth and turned his gaze to the west.

I saw a familiar Black Hawk gunship flying towards the warring direction at high speed.

The moment he saw the Black Hawk helicopter, Boss Wagner knew that his situation was over, and it would be very miserable to stay and fight.

Without the threat of weapons to the air, armed helicopters are simply killing ground targets unilaterally.

"Retreat, retreat immediately."

Boss Wagner was very decisive. Now that the general situation was over, he would not make any nostalgia. He gave the order on the spot and took the lead in getting on the armored personnel carrier.

Here he deliberately played a little trick, and only notified in the exclusive channel.

As a result, the only people who received the evacuation order were contractors from the Wagner company, and people from other companies did not notify them.

You can say that Boss Wagner is too treacherous, but for the Wagner team.

This is the safest way to retreat!

When more than a dozen Wagner contractors turned around and withdrew, the more than 30 collaborators who stayed behind without receiving notice became victims of the breakup.

Under the repeated bombing of the Black Hawk gunship flying at high speed, rockets and aviation Gatling.

More than 30 contractors from other companies, as well as mercenaries paid by Boko Haram to act with Wagner's team.

He didn't have any power to fight at all, and he was beaten up and down in an instant, and the number of casualties exceeded half in an instant.

Only then did the rest of them realize that they were sold by the Wagla contractors, and they gritted their teeth angrily but could do nothing.

Only the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers, they all scattered and tried their best to save their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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