The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 948 Sorry!His main business is PMC, and occasionally a part-time killer

Chapter 948 Sorry!His main business is PMC, and occasionally a part-time killer

"We have already met, what you entrusted, you can talk about it now."

Wick, who has been retired for many months, still hasn't changed. He still has the calm, calm, calm look no matter what time, and he doesn't panic when the sky falls. He stops and gets straight to the point.

"Not urgent."

No. 13 looked at Long Zhan with only his masked eyes, looked him up and down, and said indifferently: "Mr. Ye Mo, you said that you have washed your hands in the golden basin and will no longer accept tasks. This is the friend you recommended to me? "

"What? Is there a problem?"

Wick's complexion suddenly turned a little cold, and he seemed to leave if there was a disagreement.

"Do not."

No. 13 smiled, waved his hand, and explained: "It's not that I don't believe in your Night Demon's vision, but that he is not suitable for my job, and he has no way to do it."

"Can't do it? Huh~"

Long Zhan didn't want to be passive, he rubbed his fists, showed his white teeth, and threatened in a cold voice: "No one has ever dared to question my ability, if you don't want to be beaten all over the place by me, you'd better explain it to me right away. "

Seeing that Long Zhan was in an attacking posture, the two bodyguards in suits reacted very quickly.

Almost at the same time, he took a step forward, guarding the left and right sides of No. 13.

"Don't be so nervous, go down."

No. 13 was not intimidated by Long Zhan's intimidation, and ordered the two bodyguards to retreat, and said with a smile: "Big man, I know where you come from..."

"You can call me Dragon King!"

It's not very polite to call him a big man, Long Zhan interrupted No. 13's words in annoyance, and for the first time took the initiative to say this code name that is a bit of a middle school.

This code name was chosen by Heihu at the beginning. Long Zhan has always been very unimpressed with this code name, and since he doesn't have any special mission requirements, he has never taken the initiative to mention it.

Right now, the client is so cautious that Long Zhan can smell the "extraordinary" of this mission.

In order to ensure that his identity will not be exposed, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future, Long Zhan decided to use the code name to intervene in this mission.

"Dragon King? Okay, very good code name."

On the 13th, he was not angry when he was interrupted. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and praised Long Zhan. He looked like a man of the city, and then said: "I can't see traces of a killer on you, but I smell a strong soldier's scent." smell.

If I'm not mistaken, you're from the army.

Since you know Weihai York, you must be a member of the private force circle, maybe a private military contractor, or a mercenary.

I don't care which one you are, you are not suitable for the job I want to entrust. "

Number 13 was very formal, not joking.

"Assassins can do it, but PMCs and mercenaries can't? Interesting."

Long Zhan curled his lips, and said with a smile: "Mysterious Mr. No. 13, may I take the liberty to ask why only killers can do it?

If I remember correctly, what you entrusted is not to kill people, but to find something.

It seems that this kind of work is not suitable for killers, but more suitable for contractors. From my experience, it is not a big problem for me to entrust this kind of work to me. "

"The reason is very simple. You are all from the army. What you are best at is team combat. Teamwork is your advantage. The work I want to entrust requires as few people as possible. It is best for one person to complete it alone. Killers who come and go alone are the most suitable." No. 13 explained.

"That's it?" Long Zhan was amused.

"Yes, that's it."

No. 13 nodded, his complexion suddenly tightened, and he said very seriously: "The mission location is very special. It is an isolated and closed area full of murderous intentions everywhere, and several camps are constantly fighting each other. Ordinary people can't even live a day there. down.

The things I need have been spotted by many people, and the top predators in the world will go there, which will definitely set off a bloody storm.

People who are not capable enough will die if they go. Not only can they not get what I want, but it will also waste my time.

I don't want it to be snatched away by anyone, so I can pay no matter how high the price is, but I need a real master who can bring it back to me. "

talking room.

Number 13's emotions began to become agitated, and bright red madness bloomed in his eyes.

"What is so attractive?"

Long Zhan was infected by No. 13's frenzy, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of thing could make him so crazy that he couldn't control his emotions.

Based on this curiosity, add a commission at any price.

The dragon battle has also started to go "crazy"!

He wants to win this order for himself through his own wave of crazy performances.

"Wasting your time? Hehe, so you don't like me? Very well, if that's the case, I'll let you take a good look at who I am."

As soon as Long Zhan finished speaking, his expression changed suddenly.

The cold murderous look "spouts" from the eyes, and the body is as strong as a Siberian brown bear, but it shows the agility of a cheetah.

With a speed too fast for people to react, he stepped forward and rushed to number 13 in an instant.

Under No. 13's unbelievable gaze, before he had time to dodge any reaction, his right hand clasped his neck like iron clamps.

No. 13's personal bodyguard is already very professional, and can definitely be regarded as an elite PSC.

However, Long Zhan's movements did not have any warning at all, and his huge body gave people a misleading slow speed, so he failed to take precautions in time.

As a result, Long Zhan suddenly exploded at a speed so fast that they couldn't react at all.

The two personal bodyguards only felt a flash in front of them, and Long Zhan had rushed over to control No. 13.

The boss was controlled in front of them, and with Long Zhan's fingers as thick as steel bars, no one would doubt its ability to twist its neck.

The two bodyguards panicked instantly, and they took out their pistols and pointed them at Long Zhan.

"What are you doing, let go."

"If you don't want to be blown out of your head by me, please stop your stupid actions immediately."


The two personal bodyguards whimpered Xuanxuan by the side, constantly intimidating and intimidating Long Zhan.

But Long Zhan didn't bother to talk to the two of them at all, looked down at No. 13 who had been controlled from top to bottom, and said slowly with a half-smile: "How, do you still think that I will waste your time?"

"Beautiful! Well done!"

No. 13, who was controlled by Long Zhan's big hand, laughed without a frame, and stretched out his hands to applaud Long Zhan.

Except for the moment when No. 13 was caught, driven by the body's instinctive self-protection, there was a slight struggle and evasion movement, and the rest was always calm.

Because he didn't feel the murderous look in Long Zhan's eyes, he knew that Long Zhan was just showing his strength.

As for being captured alive by Long Zhan in front of the baby, and grabbed his neck like a chicken, would he feel angry if he couldn't bear it?

Maybe, maybe not.

This guy's city is too deep, and his true emotions don't emerge at all.

"Then am I qualified?" Long Zhan smiled, but his right hand still did not loosen.

At this time, Wick, who had been standing by the side without moving and watching the whole process with cold eyes, finally spoke, and suddenly dropped a small bomb.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mr. No. 13, you guessed it right, his main business is indeed a private contractor, but there is one thing you didn't guess, he also occasionally works as a killer part-time."

After Wick finished speaking, he added: "The strength is no less than my top killer."

"That's really nice."

Hearing Wick himself say that Long Zhan is a top killer, No. 13's eyes flashed with uncontrollable surprise, and then he showed a strong smile.

A treasured smile! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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