The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 958 Tarkov welcomes a "newcomer"

Looking up at the sky, you can see the sky full of stars. Such a night scene is so charming for a celebrity.

Looking down, there is only darkness!
In such a world where the sense of direction is almost zero and everything can only rely on electronic equipment, Long Zhan started his journey of lonely drifting.


More than half an hour passed.

The oxygen provided by the high-altitude skydiving system was finally exhausted at this time, leaving only the last 5% of the oxygen, and a beeping alarm sounded.

Long Zhan looked at the altimeter on his right arm, which showed that the altitude had dropped to 16000 feet.

That is about 5 kilometers!

At this height, you still can't see anything below. In Long Zhan's eyes, the whole land is still black regardless of land or sea.

Fortunately, the oxygen content at this altitude is enough to guarantee the normal breathing needs of humans.

Long Zhan simply turned off the oxygen output, opened the ventilation hole of the mask, and used the last remaining 5.00% for emergency use.

In case the operator made a wrong operation and fell into the sea at the end, he could still struggle with this bit of oxygen.

With no oxygen and air pouring in, Long Zhan took a deep breath, feeling like he couldn't breathe in despite his great effort.

This proves that the oxygen content of 5 kilometers is not enough, but it can barely maintain breathing.

If one breath is not enough, take two more breaths.

Floating down for another half an hour, Long Zhan was finally able to see the light coming from the sea surface through the thick night and the not very bright moonlight.

To be precise, these lights are dots of light, the kind that flicker once in a while and then disappear.

Probably it was the waves that rose up, intensifying the moonlight.

More likely to be patrol boats and warships!
In the information provided to Long Zhan by the No. 13 client, it is clearly recorded how tight the defense of this coastline is, to an exaggerated degree.

Tarkov is a town near the sea in the south, with a coastline several kilometers long.

In order to prevent people who were blocked in Tarkov, they left Tarkov with a "secret" by taking a boat or swimming.

In addition, many PMCs are blocked in the city. They are all retired special forces, and there are many means of escape.

The Russian government and the United Nations peacekeeping force have formed a joint fleet to jointly control this area of ​​the Gulf of Finland.

Especially near the coastline, it is so tight that it is outrageous.

It can be said that a boat takes three steps and a boat takes five steps.

Even under the surface of the sea, there are all kinds of high-tech sonar testing equipment.

If people in Takov want to leave by boat, they will definitely be discovered by joint patrol ships. Once found, they will immediately fire naval guns and destroy them directly.

Try to swim out from under the water if you want to use scuba and underwater propulsion.

The sonar all over the water will play a role, accurately lock the specific location of the absconders, and the nearby United Fleet personnel will rush over to kill the absconders underwater.

It is this impenetrable high-pressure blockade that has kept Takov's secrets for so many years, and the access channels have always been controlled by the Russian government and the United Nations, and no third party can get involved.

If Takov's blockade leaked everywhere, the secrets would have been robbed long ago, and it would be the turn of the dragon battle. …


Long Zhan saw these flashes from a high altitude, and it may also be the searchlights on the large patrol ships. During the first daily patrol on the sea surface at night, the beams of light that illuminate the sea surface and reflect to the sky due to the angle of the waves.

The lumens of the searchlights are very high, and some can be seen at an altitude of two to 3000 meters.

Long Zhan raised the altimeter on his right hand again, and the altitude displayed on it was not much, only less than 4000 feet left.

That is, the appearance of the early 1000 meters.

Long Zhan looked forward carefully, and was able to vaguely see the dark land hidden in the night, but it was difficult to see the lights in the huge town.

This place where the night is dark is the Norvinsk Special Economic Zone where Long Zhan is about to go.

The destination is already in sight, and the height is only about 1/10 left.

Long Zhan, who had been very calm before, finally felt a little uneasy.

In order to ensure that he can fly into Tarkov without falling into the sea and drowning, he is bombarded by the combined fleet's naval guns.

Or they almost fell outside the customs, took 99 hard steps, and lost at the last step.

Or even more sadly, when it is time to cross the customs, only the last few tens of meters are left.

As a result, it was discovered by the security sentry at the customs, and then the anti-aircraft machine gun and heavy machine gun burst out, and they were beaten to pieces in the sky.

Long Zhan began to devote himself wholeheartedly, trying his best to control the sliding and floating of the parafoil.

And in order to be able to slide further, the oxygen system was completely dismantled while floating, and everything including the oxygen cylinder was thrown away.

The effect of reducing the load by more than ten catties is obvious, and the speed of falling from the height is slowed down again.

In a blink of an eye.

Altitude came to 1000 feet.

From an altitude of 300 meters, Long Zhan could clearly see the customs headquarters in front of the sea, and the various lights used for lighting that night.

This is the most stressful.

It is also the most exciting time.

There are more than 300 meters left in the altitude, and there is only less than 1.5 kilometers left to enter Tarkov. If you don't change the direction of drifting, you can already float in 100% of this distance.

In order to avoid being detected by the customs equipment, Long Zhan decided to take the risk of turning to the left by more than ten degrees and flying over the coastline.

Doing so will make the distance hundreds of meters farther, and I can't guarantee whether I can fly to Longzhan.

He can only try his best!

300 meters...

200 meters...

100 meters...

As the skid height continues to drop, Long Zhan is getting closer and closer to the border.

But the altitude was less than 100 meters, and Long Zhan found that he was still floating on the sea, and he was still nearly 400 meters away from the clearly audible high-voltage isolation barbed wire on the coastline.

The lower the altitude, the smaller the wind speed, and the faster the parachute glides.

Whether it can float over or not, Long Zhan has no bottom line at all.

He could only fill the operation as much as possible, staring eagerly at the nearly 10-meter-high barbed wire fence, staring at it as it continued to enlarge in his eyes.

20 seconds later...


A gust of wind blew by.

The barbed wire was rattled by the wind.

Fortunately, this location is remote enough, more than 200 meters away from the customs checkpoint, and there are various buildings outside the customs in the middle.

Although the commotion here was loud, it was not enough to attract the attention of the customs peacekeeping force.

Whether this will alarm the scavengers nearby scavengers is unknown.

Almost sliding across the top of the barbed wire fence and the top of the power grid connected to high-voltage wires, Long Zhan crossed the border line and entered the territory of Takov in a thrilling manner.

It's just that the height is less than 10 meters. If there is a tree or building in front, it will definitely be hit hard.

Long Zhan didn't have time to care about whether there were predators or not, the first priority was to land safely.

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