The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 964 Oops!It's a heart-pounding feeling

Chapter 964 Oops!It's a heart-pounding feeling

Long Zhan knew that there must be someone hiding in the warehouse, but he didn't expect that he pointed at the right location with a random finger.

The most important thing is that the sixth child who has been exposed, did not shoot himself angrily because of this, but helped himself kill a SCAV.

Thinking that I am completely unfamiliar with this place when I first arrived, if I want to improve my survival rate, I need a local guide.

Even at the minimum requirement.

Long Zhan needed a local to tell him how to find the doctor's station in this place without map navigation.

The information said that everyone knew where the doctor was, so Long Zhan could just ask anyone.

But the problem is that in Takov, where human nature has completely deteriorated, if you grab one or two people with violence, will it really take you to the doctor's station instead of a big fire pit?

Long Zhan expressed serious doubts!
Instead of looking far away, looking for someone who is completely clueless later, and taking myself to find a doctor, it is better to simply cooperate with the people in the factory.

No matter what the reason was, he didn't take the opportunity to shoot himself just now.

At least through this point is enough to prove that the people hiding in the factory have needs or fears for themselves, and there is nothing wrong with building a good relationship with him first after having a foundation.

"Friends inside, thank you for your help. I'm from outside, and I'm here to do some small things. I don't mean any harm to anyone here. If it's convenient for you, I would like to meet you and have a chat and make friends."

Long Zhan first expressed his goodwill, and tried to appear "simple" in language.

To put it bluntly, it is called silly Dahan!
The purpose is to let the people hiding inside know that I am from the outside, my mind is very pure, and I will not be as cold-blooded and cunning as the people here.

And in addition to verbal kindness, there is also physical sincerity.

Long Zhan didn't immediately hide to avoid the gun line, but the people standing in the factory could shoot within sight, and just started to clean up the battlefield.

Lifting his 50-yard foot, one of the three SCAVs hit a backheel under the right chest.

Click ~ click ~ click ~
The sound of bone shattering echoed in the chest cavity, crisp and dull, which was unique.

This is a skill-intensive finishing technique that requires a combination of strong strength and superb technique to break the ribs in the chest and insert them into the heart.

Once the heart is pierced by the ribs, even the gods will not be able to save it.

It's no worse than taking a gun to headshot!

Moreover, compared with bloody headshots, this method looks more "gentle" and does not give people a brutal feeling, so it is more suitable for some special occasions.

Just like now.

Long Zhan's body size is already shocking enough, if coupled with the very cruelty, 90.00% of the people will be scared away, so he changed to a more gentle way.

Compared with the deadpan executioner with a deadpan face, no one would be more willing to be a teammate with a simple and honest stupid big guy.

The stupid big man's fighting power is generally very fierce. When the wind is down, he can lead the team forward with two, and when the wind is headed, he can sell it to block bullets.

Simply perfect teammate!
Moreover, Long Zhan didn't pick up the gun on the ground, and his empty hands would not embarrass the people in the room, which would allow the other party to take the initiative to negotiate.

What's more, this is too time-consuming, he has to untie the rope on his body first, and delay the time for making up the knife.

Long Zhan deliberately played himself to give people the impression that he was a straight-hearted, careless and stupid big man, hiding his incomparably delicate way of handling things and his ruthlessness in killing people.

The sixth child in the house didn't see through Long Zhan, and was confused by Long Zhan's appearance.

He believed in the frankness expressed by Long Zhan, and he was used to saving people and making friends. Although sometimes it would cause disasters, they were generally good, and most of the masters could bring him benefits.

So Lao Liu took his silencer pistol and walked out of the dark and dark factory building.

"Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Richard Gibran. Everyone calls me Dragon King. My boss asked me to come here to find someone."

Long Zhan originally wanted to extend his hand politely, but when he found that his upper body was tightly bound, he could only smile awkwardly.

This silly smile is really perfect!
"Dennis, nice to meet you."

Seeing Long Zhan's embarrassment, the sixth child didn't smile, but said calmly, "Do you need help?"

"That's really a big thank you."

Long Zhan accepted Dennis' kindness, and said with a cold American humor: "Without your help, I would have to become a seal with a balloon."

"You're welcome, it's just a small matter."

Dennis was not amused by Long Zhan's cold humor. Instead, he lowered his head to pick up the commander's penknife, which looked extraordinarily beautiful. When he saw the collapsed chest on the right side of the little boss, his expression changed instantly.

Human ribs are actually very resilient. It is easy to step on it, but it is very difficult to step on it.

He just saw Long Zhan's "make up knife" with his own eyes just now, obviously he just stepped on it lightly, and thought he was just checking whether he was unconscious.

did not expect……

The damage caused by this light kick is so exaggerated.

Fortunately, people who have been alone in Takov for many years have obtained extreme experience in mentality, and adjusting emotions is only the most basic skill.

When Dennis picked up the knife and raised his head again, his expression returned to the previous calm and flat expression.

He opened the folding knife and walked to Long Zhan's side, and began to untie the rope for Long Zhan. At first glance, it was an amateur knife-handling technique, coupled with jerky cutting movements.

"This little man doesn't have a professional background at first glance. Before the blockade, he was probably an ordinary citizen. He can live [-]% because of being a sixth child."

Long Zhan was anxious for Dennis in his heart, so he had to point out: "How about you release my hand first, and I can handle the rest."

Long Zhan still approves of Dennis's hidden skills. If he hadn't just turned his head just now, he really wouldn't have found him hiding in the factory building.

It is indeed the sixth professional!

However, as far as Dennis' skill with a knife is concerned, it is not enough at all. If the full score is 10 points, Long Zhan will give him three points at most.

It's really bad!
Fortunately, there are no other enemies around here, leaving enough time for Dennis to operate, and Dennis also knows how much he weighs.

Following Long Zhan's advice to cut the hand rope instead, it took nearly a minute to cut it.

The dragon war that released both hands is like a tiger out of the cage. The muscles of the whole body are stretched to stretch the rope, and the knife is clicked by switching hands and it is done.

Dazzled by seeing Dennis on the side, he became a little bit more taboo about Long Zhan, and began to be afraid of Long Zhan.

He retreated and said, "There are only these three wandering SCAVs left nearby, and there are no supplies left, but I believe you can survive, and we will meet later."

"Wait, don't rush away."

Long Zhan stopped Dennis who wanted to run away, took back his night vision goggles and Glock 34 from the little boss, and said very sincerely: "I want to find a doctor, can you take me there?

I won't let you make this trip for nothing, this Glock has a capacity of 17 rounds, also has a suppressor, and is better than the gun in your hand.

As long as you take me to a doctor, I'll give him to you as a reward, how about it? "

Dennis likes the silencer pistol very much, coupled with his favorite blue warhead desonic bomb, he has successfully brushed off several "bosses".

Long Zhan's gun has the same power and effect, but it has a larger ammunition capacity.

to be frank.

Dennis was really moved.

(End of this chapter)

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