The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 976 Another Team of USEC

Chapter 976 Another USEC Team Comes
"This person is absolutely fucking crazy, or he is overconfident. We must get out of here quickly. I don't want to be harmed by this idiot."

Dennis wasn't just talking about it, he was really scared in his bones, and his pace accelerated a lot.

As a sixth child who lives on Yin skills and has very weak frontal combat capabilities, Dennis should be afraid, and it is right to know how to be afraid.

Only in this way can he save his life.

Long Zhan is interested to go up and see who is so courageous.

In this dark forest, dare to light a lamp to expose.

Naihe has very limited time to travel, Long Zhan wants to reach the block before dawn, then rest and adjust, find a connector as soon as possible, there is no time to waste here.

Therefore, he could only keep up with Dennis's pace, and continued to rush forward under the cover of buildings and ruined walls.

Walked forward for less than 20 meters.

The two entered the second house next door. The smell in the house was very unpleasant, with a strong and pungent smell of rotting corpses.

Something must be dead, rotting away somewhere in the house.

Both Long Zhan and Dennis didn't like this smell, so they couldn't help speeding up their pace and wanted to pass through it, so as to get their noses out of the torture as soon as possible.

But Dennis, who was walking in front, took two quick steps and stopped suddenly.

Lie down in the next second.

He pressed his ears tightly to the ground, and raised his right hand to signal Long Zhan not to move.

Long Zhan knew that something must have happened to him, so he immediately stopped in cooperation and put his ear against the wall next to him.

The wall and the ground are connected together, and it is actually the same when it is attached to the wall and the ground.

Long Zhan held his breath to control the rhythm, and the room suddenly became extremely quiet. Long Zhan heard very clear footsteps in his ear against the wall.

not one.

There are several people.

The sound of footsteps came not far from the left. Long Zhan roughly calculated the distance, and looked to the left 20 meters away, a small slope made up of overturned large billboards, two rusty cars, and various garbage piles.

This small slope can't stop the bullets at all, but it can block the curious eyes.

"Hey, over there, coming over."

Long Zhan reminded with a suppressed voice.

Dennis turned over and got up from the ground, leaned over to the window and looked at Xiaopo.

Only ten seconds later, several flashlights appeared behind Xiaopo flickeringly, and then, a group of people with flashlights came over from behind Xiaopo.

The distance between the two sides was too close, Long Zhan and Dennis were afraid of being discovered by the other side, so they quickly shrank their heads back.

Gather information by listening only with your ears!
"The A-5 team lost contact here. It is temporarily unclear what happened. Everyone, be careful and keep your eyes open."

The person who seemed to be the captain was exhorting, his voice was loud and full of spirit.

"Boss, the terrain here is too complicated, isn't it a bit too risky to go deep at night?"

"The A-5 team couldn't send a single message, and the whole team suddenly disappeared. That batch of goods must have attracted a lot of gangs."

"Why don't we find a place to rest tonight and try to find them after dawn? Just set up camp near here. If we receive information from the A-5 team, we can rush there as soon as possible."

"Alright, then go to the building in front."

The team leader did not insist on going his own way, he chose to follow the advice of his teammates, and gave the order: "Jasper, check the nearest entrance!"

"Yes, sir!"

A team member broke away from the team and ran to the gate of the building ahead.

"The English is used, the terminology is professional, and the tactical execution is very standard. Is it USEC?
Hearing the sound, Long Zhan already had a basic idea. Seeing that the team had already walked towards the building in front, and had turned their backs to the house where the two of them were, he poked his head out again.

A total of 5 people were seen, all wearing urban camouflage uniforms.

The direction of walking was the building in front of Long Zhan, that is, the two of them were going to turn in and go straight through the building that left the nursing home.

Long Zhan actually wanted to go out and say hello.

As people who also came from the U.S. military system, and their current identities are registered PMCs of U.S. companies, they have a connection that grew out of their roots. Long Zhan wanted to get acquainted with the Tarkov USEC team.

If you can build a good relationship, you can ask them to help you in the future.

Then in the following battle for the Terra box, Long Zhan can find a way to use this group of USECs to help him kill some strong opponents.

Drive away wolves and tigers, control the enemy with the hands of others, and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This is one of the dragon battle plans!

Think about it.

Long Zhan gave up again.

Who knows who you are if you are in the dark, and to the extent that there is no foundation for any relationship, the ending of going out to say hello rashly may not be so good.

There is a high probability that this group of USEC will shoot first, and then wonder who the big guy is.

Dennis didn't even go up to say hello, but from his straight eyes, it can be seen that he is also interested in USEC.

Therefore, Long Zhan and Dennis had a very tacit understanding, and chose to hide here for a long time, and were not in a hurry to leave.

The vanguard of the USEC team checked that there was no danger. There were no traps or SCAVs in the area on the first floor, and the entire team began to enter the building in an orderly manner.

Squeaky doors, cautious steps, whispered words...

spread throughout the building.

Long Zhan knew that USEC was cleaning the house inside, so he made sure that they were the only ones in the whole building before officially settling down for a rest.

There is no rat hiding in a corner and popping up out of nowhere to give them a reward.

Dennis is so familiar with this set that he can't be more familiar with it. As a lone wolf who has been alone all year round, he has to do a similar set before every break.

After a few minutes.

A window on the left side of the second floor of the building lit up a very faint light, followed by various crackling sounds from cleaning up the debris in the room.

"It seems that they have found a place to sleep, and they are really planning to settle down here tonight."

Long Zhan felt a little regretful. He had hoped that the USEC team could not find a suitable resting place and had to carry out their mission here.

In this way, if he has been following behind, as long as a battle breaks out, there is a chance to get on line with them.

Unfortunately, the idea fell through!

Another few minutes passed.

The lights in the windows on the second floor were turned off, and the USECs had packed their sleeping bags and beds, and the lights had been turned off to officially start their rest.

This is completely out of play.

"Okay, let them sleep well."

It was meaningless to continue waiting here, Long Zhan spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders to Dennis, which meant that there was nothing left to play.

Then he stood up and said, "Let's go, go out the way they came, it should be safe..."

Long Zhan was half-spoken, and suddenly stopped.

The moment his face changed suddenly, the body that had just stood up shrank back.

(End of this chapter)

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