The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 980 Cult? ? ITCQB!

Chapter 980 Cult? ? ITCQB!

Because of the two consecutive explosions downstairs, and the fact that someone came up from behind and killed one of them, the mysterious gang attacking upstairs was wary, and had to separate some people to deal with Long Zhan and the others.

But the only way down was blocked by Long Zhan, and he would be beaten if he showed his head, making it impossible for him to go downstairs.


The mysterious gang quickly found a solution.

Long Zhan heard someone upstairs coming to the rear window, shouting at the other accomplices guarding outside the back door, and reported the situation of Long Zhan and their floor.

It seems that the boss gave the order to let the people on the second floor continue to attack above, and the people below don't care, he will send people to solve it.

This is the biggest flaw of no walkie-talkie and no tactical language.

Long Zhan downstairs heard all the communication and deployment between the upper and lower levels of the mysterious gang, and Long Zhan could immediately make corresponding countermeasures.

"They are coming in, ours is leaving, we must go to the second floor, I will lead the charge, and you will follow me."

Long Zhan patted Dennis on the face. Although his condition had improved a lot, Dennis, who was still a little dizzy, nodded to accept it.

In order to ensure the quickest response, Long Zhan put away the night vision goggles and chose to fight with guns in both hands.

Without the field of vision brought by the night vision goggles, Long Zhan can only rely on his body's night vision ability to see the road. Although the clarity has dropped significantly, the outlines of everything can still be seen, which is basically enough.

The two left the room one after the other, turned left, and there was the staircase.

Long Zhan suddenly raised the nozzle and pointed to the left, and shot a black figure emerging from the window, the head was smashed right in the middle.

These are obviously the bosses of the mysterious gang, sent here to kill Long Zhan and the others.

After easily killing an enemy who touched it, Long Zhan continued to move forward, and soon came to the stairs, and moved up quietly in a standard CQB posture.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet..."

The submachine gun in Dennis' hand fired, and he pulled the trigger to shoot.

Standard gangster shooting method!

The recoil of the submachine gun is relatively small, and Dennis is not a beginner in shooting.

The method of emptying a magazine when meeting each other made up for Dennis's inaccurate marksmanship, and there was a laser transmitter on the gun to indicate the ballistic trajectory.

Letting Dennis continue to fire can also suppress the gun, and the bullets spread within half a meter.

As for the front door where he shot, the door had basically been smashed into a sieve, and a masked man was lying on the ground next to the door, bleeding all over, and the ground was instantly wet.

With the exaggerated bleeding speed of this masked man, he was hit by at least 10 bullets.

"This guy really doesn't take bullets for money. Fortunately, he is playing the old sixth style. Basically, a wave of sneak attacks will end. If it is a normal combat mode, this kind of inclined fire will soon die from reloading."

After Long Zhan heard the sound, he knew that Dennis was firing without turning his head to hear the gunshot, so he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

If it weren't for the current situation that doesn't allow him to turn his head, Long Zhan must teach him what it means to fire effectively.

With Dennis in charge behind him, Long Zhan continued to concentrate on dealing with the enemies upstairs.

Lift the head upwards, and the muzzle of the gun is slanted upwards. The muzzle turns with each step, and always maintains the best angle of cutting the gun, so as to find the target and fire at the first time.

Perhaps it was the boss's order that was working. Long Zhan walked the entire stairwell until he reached the second floor with one foot, but he didn't encounter any enemies.

The stairwell was empty.

"Dennis, leave the top of the stairs to you and the inside to me, it's okay."

Long Zhan communicated with Dennis through the radio, which ensured that even if the voice was suppressed, the communication between the two parties could be completed smoothly.

After all, the earplugs of the radio are plugged into the ears, and the sound of the same size must be heard more clearly by the radio.

"Okay, no problem." Dennis replied.

After confirming the safety behind the buttocks, the second floor has become a new battlefield for dragon battles.

Use the "ITCQB" detection technology to confirm that there are no active targets in the corridor on the second floor, and then use the single-person CQB technology to start clearing the house.

Before proceeding to the floors above, one must make sure the second floor is sufficiently "clean".

Otherwise, if you rush to the third floor rashly, if an enemy hides somewhere on the second floor and sneaks up from the side while the people on the first floor rush up, it will be very fatal.

As soon as Long Zhan took two steps forward, he kicked an obstacle.

A little soft, a little heavy.

It's a corpse!
Long Zhan kept the shotgun facing forward with one hand, and pulled out the silencer pistol from his waist with the other hand. Without looking at it, he kicked it left and right twice, judging which side was the head and which side was the foot, and facing the body by feeling Three shots under Jiu Jiu Jiu.

In the single CQB state, replenishing the gun will become a very dangerous action.

Once you bow your head and fire your gun down to make up the knife, the enemy may take the opportunity to appear, and no matter how fast you react, it will be too late to react.

And if you don't make up the knife and go forward, the "corpse" is likely to give you a shuttle from behind.


The best way is to feel the position and direction of the corpse with your feet like Long Zhan, and use the other hand to add weapons to complete the gun.

After completing the gun-dragon battle, he continued to move forward, and found two corpses lying on the ground in front of him in advance.

Through the faint moonlight coming from the window, coupled with Long Zhan's personal night vision ability, it can be vaguely seen that both of them are wearing cloaks or something like that.

"Every one of them looks like Assassin's Creed. Could it be some kind of cult organization?"

Thinking back to the fact that people in these organizations didn't cry when they were injured, and thinking of the "death-oriented" man nailed to the fence, Long Zhan couldn't help but think of the legendary cult.

Only that kind of evil organization can bring out members who have been washed as "fools".

The thought flashed by.

Long Zhan continued to move forward without mercy.

While keeping the one-handed sprayer moving forward, the left-handed pistol pointed at the heads of the two corpses on the ground, and delivered a peanut one by one.

Check the 1st room on the left, the single-player door-to-door dragon battle is as smooth as silk.


Come out and continue forward, turn to the first room on the left.


Come out and move on.

When I came to the door of the second house on the left, I smelled a special sour smell before entering Longzhan, which was the unique smell of nitric acid after the grenade exploded.

Long Zhan knew that this was the hidden point of the USEC sentinel, and it was also the first location to be attacked.

The door of this room is open, and the layout inside looks like a kitchen, which has been blown into a mess.

Did not see the sentinel's body, it seems that he is not dead, was rescued by his teammates.


Exit and continue to investigate.


Maintaining an orderly and forward investigation, Long Zhan cleaned up the room very quickly. The entire second floor was inspected without any danger.

Long Zhan turned back to the stairs and began to prepare for the third floor
(End of this chapter)

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