The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 986 The Brainstorming "Foot Washer"

Long Zhan firmly believed that the cultists must be plotting, but he couldn't guess what they were plotting.

The cultists ate a big bomb and were completely helpless. Now they all became obedient boys, staying quietly on the second floor without much movement.

Long Zhan and Dennis completed the booby trap deployment on the third floor, and also chose a place to hide.

Only the USEC captain in charge of the fourth floor, like a wind-up toy full of wind-ups, kept running back and forth between the third and fourth floors.

Became the only busy person in the audience!

He stayed upstairs for half an hour, and the footsteps never stopped. Long Zhan didn't know what tricks he was performing.

In short, all the grenades in his pocket were used up, so he ran down from the fourth floor.

He started to go to the apartment to take his injured comrades back upstairs one by one.

The captain of the USEC knew that there were cultists downstairs, so he deliberately walked lightly. However, walking with a person on his back would be heavy, and no matter how lightly his steps were, there would be noise.

His actions were thus quickly noticed.

The cultists downstairs knew through the sound that someone was running upstairs, like a hornet's nest that was alarmed, and someone responded immediately.

"Bang bang bang..."

The gunfire rang out again.

Instead of pulling the trigger and sweeping randomly like before, but firing with a plan and idea.

Because the stairs were bombed and they couldn't go up, the cultists downstairs didn't have a suitable shooting gun line, so they couldn't directly hit the USEC captain who was running from the third floor to the fourth floor.

So they had to "open their minds" and played "bullet billiards" between useful and useless.

Deliberately hit the bullet obliquely on the wall, and use the bounce of the bullet obliquely hitting the wall and the stairwell to let the bullet refract and hit the third floor and the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

have to say.

The cultists are very thoughtful.

Most of these crackling stray bullets were shot directly into the wall, but a small part of the bullets hit hard places and really ejected.

Some can really bounce up to the third floor!

The stray bullets rebounded completely out of aim, flying around like headless chickens, and those who were unlucky might still be hit.

As long as Long Zhan left the stairwell, these stray bullets would pose no threat to him at all.


The USEC captain is hard to say.

He moved slowly with people on his back, and he had to walk up and down the stairs constantly, so the probability of winning the lottery was actually quite high.

The captain of USEC knew that he might be hit, but for the safety of his teammates, he could only bear it.

Long Zhan couldn't watch the captain of the USEC, he really lost his combat effectiveness due to the bullet, so he had to give up helping him carry people upstairs.

Choose to use the gun to fight back downstairs.

For those who dare to stick their heads and shoot under such circumstances, Long Zhan only wants to give him three words - a real man.

Long Zhan is afraid of death.

So he chose to raise his gun and shoot.

Use firepower to suppress the cultists who shoot below, provide fire cover for the USEC captain, and reduce the probability of being hit by stray bullets.

The cultists who had been holding back for more than an hour became emotional when they saw that someone above was confronting them with guns.

Hulala, a lot of people came running over again.

"Da da da da..."


Eighty-nine guns fired from the second floor at the same time from different angles, and at full firepower, the bullets flew upward like rain.

The number of bullets fired has increased, and the number of stray bullets rebounded after impact has also increased.

Swish to the third floor!
Long Zhan had no choice but to call Dennis over and ask him to dismantle a grenade trap and give a gift to the cultists below. The sudden and fierce exchange of fire was the end of it.

As for how many cultists were blown to death below, Long Zhan didn't know.

However, despite another small victory, Long Zhan's mood did not improve, but became more worried than before.

Because it can be seen from this small exchange of fire that the cultists below are really stubborn.

Dragon Fight for sure!
Cultists are like ticks that gnaw into the meat, once they bite the meat, they will not let go easily.

The obstacle formed by the collapse of a mere staircase will definitely not let them stop and leave, they will definitely stay below.

Until you figure out a practical way to target the "prey" hiding upstairs.

What Long Zhan was most worried about was that these cultists were inspired by his bombing of the stairs, and brought a bunch of explosives to blow up the whole building.

Analysis from the perspective of Longzhan blasting experts...

As for this 5-story brick and tile structure house, its anti-seismic and anti-explosion capabilities are definitely very poor. It really doesn’t need a lot of explosives to blow it down.

He only needs to give Longzhan ten kilograms of TNT explosives, and he can reduce the house to rubble.

"Hope they didn't bring explosives... Huh??"

Just as Long Zhan prayed silently in his heart, he suddenly smelled a smell of burnt rubber, which was very pungent and very unpleasant.

"Smoke? Treat us like rats?"

When Long Zhan came out of the apartment and came to the stairs again, he didn't need to look down at all, he could indeed see the faint light of the fire.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the crackling of firewood.

It should be that the bottom of the door panel and frame was removed, and after the fire was started, some waste tires were thrown on the fire, which produced thick rubber-flavored smoke.

"The burning fire is not very clear. It seems that they should burn the fire on the first floor to maximize the smoke effect."

When Long Zhan guessed the intentions of the cultists, Dennis also ran over from the apartment next door.

He frowned in disgust and asked, "What's going on? Why do I smell a pungent smell of smoke? Could it be that the explosion just started the fire?"

"No, no, they set fire downstairs to smoke us out." Long Zhan replied.

"Then what should we do? We don't have gas masks. If the smoke is too much, we won't be able to survive." Dennis' face became serious.

"It's okay, it's not a big deal."

Long Zhan and Dennis had the opposite expressions, and they were not very worried and relieved: "Whatever, let them burn it, just to buy some time for staying until dawn.

After the big gift I just gave them, all the windows in this house are out of glass.

Now the doors on the third floor are also opened by us, and the ventilation effect of the whole building has been fully exhausted.

No matter how big they burned the fire on the first floor, no matter how thick the smoke was, it was useless. The place was well ventilated so that it could not gather, and it would immediately disperse in all directions.

Although it will be uncomfortable for us to stay here, we will definitely not die.

You don't have to be nervous at all, just guard the corridor windows on the left and right, and be careful not to let them touch from the next building while taking advantage of the smoke. "

"Teng Teng Teng..."

There was a sound of quick footsteps, and the USEC captain also hurried down from upstairs.

Seeing Long Zhan, he hurriedly asked: "What's the matter with the smoke, ahem, it has already floated to the fourth floor, is it the work of the cultists?"

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