Chapter 102 97. His single life in Tokyo.

It's a nice day today, with the July sun hitting the ground like a roasting pan waiting to be covered with raw meat.

I took out the folding parasol from the bag, put myself in the umbrella, and walked quietly in the residential area.

She doesn't like getting tanned, it reminds her of herself as a child.

At that time, she didn't know how to dress up, leaving a lot of dark history that she wanted to delete.

Black, literally.

The phone rings, connect.



"Well, Kazuto-sangta, sure enough, I'm alone at home, so I don't like cooking very much, the refrigerator is empty, maybe I will eat cup noodles just to save trouble."


"I bought a lot of vegetables. If I don't go there within a while, Kazuto-san should eat all the ingredients."


"Why are you still talking like this? Didn't I say that I did it voluntarily?"


"I know, I know, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to take the tram, hang up the phone, bye."



Until the evening, Mogami and Portraits seemed to open the door to a new world.

He kept searching for the names of voice actors he knew on Google, video sites, and Twitter.

He was really curious about what kind of creature a voice actor was.

For example Minase Qi, such as Sakura Ayane, such as Murakami Rie.

He only knows these names.

As for why there is no Konishi Saori.

Because when searching for Ayane Sakura, the name and photo of Saori Konishi always pop up at the same time, like Siamese dolls, tied together.

He even found Saori Konishi, who ripped off Sakura Ayane's collar in public, and put his hand into the video of climbing a mountain. Mogami Kazuto gradually doubted the seriousness of that program.

And the job of a voice actor doesn't seem to be as easy as he imagined, and it can make a lot of money.

It is the same in any industry, the public will always see the people at the top of the pyramid.

Voice actor, idol, writer.

The masses only know that seiyuu can play many animated characters, attend events, and sell CDs.

Idols can earn tens of millions of yen by hosting a live, and they can count money until their hands cramp by putting handshake coupons in CD sales.

And when a writer writes [-] words a day, he will fish and play games.

But the public can’t see those seiyuu who can’t get a job and can only audition for passer-by roles during the day and work in a convenience store at night. They can barely support themselves by holding multiple jobs.

I don't know the unknown singer who is submerged in the prosperity of the big city and clings to the stars.

I don't even know how to...

Oh, they did start playing games after writing [-] words, that's right.

In short, Kazuto Mogami fully understands that voice acting is not an easy industry, and it is absolutely impossible to survive in this industry with a half-hearted mentality.

Rather, no matter which industry you are in, it is impossible for such a mentality to gain a foothold in the industry.

Mogami Kazuto has no intention of becoming a voice actor at all.

At the same time, I also realize that it is not easy for Xiaonishi Saori and Qingshui Yousha to gain the popularity they are today.

And after browsing a series of videos, Kazuto Mogami discovered that Saori Nishi in his impression was completely two people at work and in private.

He couldn't figure out why she wanted to act like that kind of comedian. If it was arranged by the firm, then the comedian would be too stupid.

Like her way of pretending to laugh, sooner or later, even she herself will not be able to tell whether she is really laughing from the bottom of her heart, or simply catering to the surrounding atmosphere.

But what does this have to do with Mogami Kazuto?

No relationship.

At night, Kazuto Mogami originally wanted to eat casually, but received a LINE from Shimizu from the sofa, saying that the ingredients in the refrigerator can be used casually, and she may not have time to come over for a meal during this time.

This made Kazuto Mogami feel very speechless, so he casually made a few small stir-fries for himself, which were as delicious as ever.

Thinking about it now, if Saori Xiaoxi hadn't unlocked the cooking skills, I'm afraid that after the divorce, he would have ham sausage and instant noodles, or go to the restaurant by himself.

To be more extreme, it must be a way to have a meal while the husband of the housewife next door is away.

Of course, this is theory at best, and Mogami Kazuto will definitely not take actual actions.

After dinner, go out for a walk, take a shower after the walk, and then enter the writing mode, writing until eleven o'clock in the evening, regardless of whether I can sleep or not, I go to bed and sleep with my eyes closed.



Kazuto Mogami's life rhythm gradually returned to stability. In order to have a healthy body, he would get up early every morning and go for a run. After that, he would take a shower, eat breakfast, and start browsing the daily ACG information.

Since he chose the industry of light novels, these things will become the material of his writing, which is an indispensable part.

For a writer, watching animation and playing games is an important way to find inspiration.

Cook some simple dishes at noon. Although the proficiency is not as high as when there is clear water and sand, the proficiency will not decrease.

If you cook one more time, your proficiency will increase a bit more, there is no harm. When you can rise to LV5, you will probably be invincible.

It's just that Kazuto Mogami is not interested in cooking invincible.

Afternoon is working time. Since I decided to go to bed early, every afternoon will be the stage when my inspiration bursts out, and the second volume is currently in full swing.

As for after dinner, there are a lot of tricks. Indoor projects include watching videos, reading comics, reading novels, and watching dramas.

As for the outdoor project, after receiving the LINE notification from Aimi Terajima, he took a car to Akihabara to watch his idol's LIVE.

It can be said that without Saori Konishi, Kazuto Mogami's single life is very comfortable.

He can wash his own clothes and cook his own meals, and he is not so lonely that no one says "Welcome home" to him, so he will feel empty and unbearable.

Time may really be able to smooth everything out.

Even if he occasionally sees information about seiyuu in Akihabara, when he accidentally sees her name or photo, he will only stop for three seconds.

These three seconds were given to [Mogami Kazuto] by him.

No point, pure formalism.

It sounds hypocritical.

But he is Mogami Kazuto.



Thursday, ten o'clock at night.

The moonlight was bright and the summer breeze was slightly cool. Sitting in the bedroom, Kazuto Mogami read the novel quietly.

The phone placed on the table vibrated slightly.

Originally, Kazuto Mogami, who was reading a book, would not fiddle with his mobile phone when he read the exciting part.

But during dinner, he received a message from Natsuki Yuta, saying that he might be notified about his work tonight.

This involves his future income, so Kazuto Mogami cannot ignore it.

Open LINE, the profile picture on the top is not Natsuki Yuta.

There was a small red dot in the upper right corner of the avatar, and he didn't dare to click on it, so he could only stay on the preview interface of the list.

Once the hand quickly enters, the message will become read immediately.

He looked at the sentence on the preview interface and did not respond for a long time.

"Can I come to your house tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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