Chapter 105 100. This is your own dream. (two in one)

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Aimi Terashima carefully looked around, thinking that he seemed to be living alone.

After pouring two cups of hot water, Kazuto Mogami put it on the coffee table, Aimi Terashima remained calm on the surface, but felt a little strange in her heart.It's just that this is exactly what she wanted, so she thanked her obediently.

"Terashima, it's really quiet today, it's not like your style at all."

Sitting down on the sofa opposite Aimi Terashima, Mogami Kazuto said so.

She pursed her lips slightly, instead of talking back as usual, she stood up and bowed solemnly: "Mogami-san, I've caused you trouble this time."

One thing to say, it really caused him trouble.

When I first saw the preview page of LINE, Kazuto Mogami was stunned for three to four minutes.

Finally, considering Terashima Aimi's character, she should be a girl who would not say such strange words suddenly, so she asked her what happened, and then learned about her situation.

Mogami Kazuto waved his hand: "Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway."

"Thank you very much for taking me in." She thanked again.

"Let's stop here for the polite words. It sounds awkward, but you are really amazing. You don't even bring your wallet when you go out."

"Hmm..." Aimi Terashima lowered her head in frustration.

"I didn't mean to mock you."

"Yes, I know."

Her tone was a little weak, mainly because the position of her stomach was a little uncomfortable, but this kind of thing can't be told to outsiders, let alone men, so she had to endure it secretly.

Kazuto Mogami naturally didn't understand her thoughts, and asked again: "What happened?"

Aimi Terashima shook her head: "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

The air fell into silence for a while, even in his own home, Mogami Kazuto still felt a little awkward, so he had to take charge of finding a topic.

"Is it going well recently? Live."

"Well, thanks to Ms. Asano, more and more people support me, although there are also voices of opposition."

"be opposed to?"

" should be because of my specialization.

Not all bands can go to Across to sing live, and those who can go in to sing are all bands that are quite famous in Akihabara.

But I don’t even have a band, but I’m in charge of the show…”

"Squeezed out by people from other bands?"

"Well... well, no." She shook her head

"As far as fans of other bands are concerned, there are more voices of opposition.

On the contrary, everyone in the band is very easy to get along with, and they can get along and share their experiences, and I also got advice. "

She didn't seem to be disappointed, she lowered her head quietly, slightly pursing her cat's lips, as if she was smiling.



Hearing Kazuto Mogami's words, Aimi Terashima looked at him in surprise.

"Terashima, you look very lonely now."

"Do I look lonely?" Her eyes were a little blank.

"Well, an expression that wants to be surrounded by partners."


The girl murmured: "Maybe it's really like that."

No one likes to be alone, even a person like Aimi Terashima who doesn't like to communicate with others, deep down in his heart, he should be yearning for something.

"If you want to say that, isn't Mogami-san the same?"


"Mogami-san occasionally shows a very lonely expression, didn't you cry when you heard my song for the first time?
I've never met anyone like that, Mogami-san was the first. "

Her eyes were a little serious, and she drew Mogami Kazuto to her side in her heart.

At one end of the line are them, and at the other end of the line are the rest of the world.

"We are the same."

Mogami Kazuto was silent for a long time: "Perhaps, it really is like that."

Holding the glass filled with hot water, Terashima Aimi took a sip, the warm water flowed into her throat, warming her stomach, and the pain seemed to have eased a lot.

"Hey, why does Mogami-san want to control me?"


She showed a slightly self-deprecating smile, and said in a pretendingly relaxed tone: "A girl like me who is out of gregarious and has a stubborn personality, no one will like it except those lecherous middle-aged uncles."

"Are you cursing me around the corner?"

"No! It's just... a little incomprehensible." The girl waved her hands hastily.

Kazuto Mogami can actually understand her feelings. He has also felt this way before, when he accepts others' kindness, he will be at a loss.

Those who are embraced by loneliness dare not even drink the hot water handed by others easily.

However, the 19-year-old girl at this time is trying to trust others.

"Mogami-san, why on earth would you want to help me?"

Kazuto Mogami looked up at the warm yellow light in the living room, thought for a while, and let out a long breath: "Maybe, just like you said, we are the same kind of people."


"Nothing, just wandering in this world, without anyone around, like being excluded from the world, alone."

"How could there be nothing? Mogami Sang Mingming lives in such a big house."

Mogami Kazuto heard the words, smiled lightly, looked at the empty room, the room where he was the only one living now, and spoke slowly.

"I have no dreams, no nostalgia, and I live aimlessly in this world. Compared with you, Terashima, who has great dreams, I am just an empty shell.

Terashima, you have much more than me. "

"No such thing!

It is Mogami-san...Mogami-san gave me the motivation to continue singing, and is willing to become my fan.

Most Shang-san, it’s not that there is nothing. "

Compared with the indifference on Kazuto Mogami's face, Aimi Terashima seemed a little excited for some reason. It had nothing to do with her, but she showed a sad expression.

"I'm here.

I will be Mogami-san's partner, and I will not leave Mogami-san alone. "

Kazuto Mogami looked at her in surprise and remained silent for a long time, finally he could only say "thank you".

The atmosphere turned into silence again. Unbelievably, the embarrassment disappeared. It may be because they are of the same kind, so after communicating, they will feel the similar smell emanating from each other.

"I, I had bandmates before."

After hearing Terashima Aimi's words, Mogami Kazuto was not particularly surprised.

Aimi Terashima calmly talked about her past, and the corner of her mouth raised at this time must be a genuine smile.

"When I was in high school, I was invited by a band for the first time, and in the two years since then, I have been living in the ocean of music every day.

Music is really powerful. Even people who couldn't communicate at all before can really understand each other through music to convey their hearts.

What cannot be conveyed in words, music can surely convey it smoothly.

At that time, I always thought so. "

"At that time?"

Kazuto Mogami noticed her words.

"However, I was wrong.

There is nothing we can understand each other. Even if we understand each other's music, if we cannot agree with each other's ideas, it is all futile, and there is no way to disagree.

At that time, I knew that the band is connected by each other's dreams and music. If there is no dream, sooner or later it will become torn apart. "

"Terashima's dream is to become a famous singer."

Unexpectedly, Aimi Terashima shook her head slowly, with a slight smile on her lips, but a lifeless look in her eyes.

"Actually, I'm the same as Mogami-san, and I don't have a dream. Ah... I found another one, our similarities.

It was incredible, we seemed to really hit it off.

All alone, and all without dreams. "

She pretended to smile calmly, although she smiled beautifully, Kazuto Mogami did not feel any joy from that lonely smile at all.

As if she was tired from laughing, the corners of the girl's upturned mouth slowly fell, returning to its original curvature.

"Because I don't have a dream, I have to pick up the dream that others don't want, and wait until one day, if this dream can be realized, I will go back to that person and say to her proudly.

See, there's nothing I can't do, I can do it, but you can't.

Haha... Is my personality bad? That's what I am. "

Mogami Kazuto quietly looked at her exaggerated smiling face, this was the first time she laughed so unscrupulously.

"Well, but, very Terashima style."

"Don't you think it's annoying, with my personality."

"will not."

The corners of Aimi Terashima's mouth were slightly stiff, and she couldn't help but squeeze the glass in her hand tightly. The palm of her hand gradually warmed up and felt a little hot, so she quietly relaxed: "Why?"

"Because Terashima, you really like singing."


With her head lowered weakly, she looked at the transparent liquid in the glass, which rippled round and round.

"Well, I like it, I like it the most."

"In that case, this dream is not someone else's, but your own. It is Aimi Terashima's dream."

Aimi Terashima raised her head, looked at Mogami Kazuto opposite, and suddenly realized that she was in the other party's home.

For the first time, when I walked into the home of a strange man, I revealed my heart unbelievably, and inadvertently, I was touched by the other man's words.

"Mogami-san, at the right time, always say what girls want to hear most, even at that time, as expected of a Tokyo native who is good at deceiving girls."

"Is it a compliment?"

"Well, it's a compliment."

"Thank you so much."

Looking at each other, they both smiled.

"Hey, Mogami-san..."


"Mogami-san also thinks that it would be better for me to join Blessing Star."

"If I remember correctly, we have talked about this topic before."

"Girls are hesitant and restless, so there are girls who ask their boyfriends every day if they like them.

Mogami-san, if you want to capture the girl you like, it's better to learn more. "

"Girls are really troublesome."

"Well, girls are trouble."

After thinking for a long time, Mogami Kazuto met the girl's eyes and slowly replied: "I don't know what you really think, nor what kind of answer you expect to hear from me.

But I understand the simplest truth, if this choice can make you feel happy, it will make you more excited than it is now.

Then I think there is nothing wrong with joining Blessing Star.

On the contrary, if Terajima is unwilling, just to cater to others, he wronged himself to integrate into a group that he does not want to integrate into.

In that case, I think it is better to maintain the status quo. "

Kazuto Mogami is not qualified to make decisions on behalf of Aimi Terajima, so he will not answer. It sounds very cunning, but Kazuto Mogami is such a person.

"I see, I will think about it carefully." Terashima Aimi nodded her head slightly, and did not continue to ask.

Perhaps, in today's situation, if Kazuto Mogami told her that he wanted her to join Blessing Star, she might really join because of this.

But such a decision cannot be called "Aimi Terashima's will", let alone "freedom".

Kazuto Mogami understands, and so does Aimi Terashima.

"Then, it's getting late. It's time for me to go back to my room. You should go to bed earlier." Mogami Kazuto stood up from the sofa, they had already talked enough.

"Well, that's what I said. I really appreciate Mogami-san for taking me in. Good night."

"Good night."



Regarding Aimi Terashima's room tonight, Kazuto Mogami arranged her in a guest room on the first floor.

In the beginning, because of the consideration that there would be friends coming to stay overnight, Saori Konishi arranged the guest room so that it could be checked in at any time.

Aimi Terajima expressed her gratitude again, and after Kazuto Mogami went upstairs, Aimi Terajima looked at the strange environment she was in.

Sitting on the bed, she was somewhat unaccustomed to it. She had always slept on tatami, but unexpectedly she didn't reject it, and felt at ease from it.

Thinking about it now, it was the right choice to seek help from Mogami Kazuto.

In order to take care of her self-esteem, Kazuto Mogami made such a lame excuse in front of the convenience store and deliberately gave her money.

There were no cigarette butts on the ground, and there was no smell of smoke on him.

Generally speaking, it is too ignorant for people to buy beer at a convenience store for [-] yen.

If I had been looking for Ms. Asano, I might have been treated so tenderly.

It's just that Ms. Asano has a request for herself. If one day in the future, she seriously asks herself to join Blessing Star, it may be difficult to refuse.

Maybe, Aimi Terashima will join Blessing Star one day.

But just like that person said, it wasn't because he was favored by others that he gradually became unable to refuse the other party, so he chose to compromise.

It's because I sincerely believe that after joining, I will become better and happier than I am now.

Even if the results of the two are the same, the state of mind is bound to be very different.

So Terashima Aimi failed to ask Ms. Asano.

As for asking a friend?
Unfortunately, in this city, she has no friends.

So, she thought of Kazuto Mogami, who appeared when she needed encouragement the most.

So is he willing to help himself when he needs help?
She feels that Kazuto Mogami is someone who can be trusted, even if he is a Tokyoite who likes to lie.

As it turned out, she was right.

That person is very gentle.

What does a person have to go through to be so gentle?

It seems that there is no picture, and it is different from the people I have contacted so far.

For that person, what is important and what is desired?

She doesn't understand.

However, trying to figure it out.



Early the next morning, with the chirping of birds coming from outside the window, Kazuto Mogami woke up with the alarm clock and went downstairs to wash up.

On the dining table, I saw a note pressed by a glass. On the edge of the note, there were a few coins, and the list of product names was torn off, and only the receipt of the total price was visible.

【Mogami-san, thank you very much yesterday. Thanks to you, I didn't stay on the street.

Yesterday's receipt and change are here. When I get home today, I will transfer the money for you. Please tell me your bank account number on LINE.

Also, I feel sorry for using the kitchen to make breakfast without authorization because I saw ingredients in the refrigerator.

I put the breakfast in the refrigerator, although it can't be said to be a thank you gift, but if you don't mind it, please try it.

Allow me to thank you again, thank you very much.

——Ami Terashima]

"Hmm... That guy knows a lot about honorifics."

Muttering to himself, he slipped the note into his pocket, Mogami Kazuto went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and saw there were thick egg scrambled and fried bacon, and a small bowl of miso soup.

All used pots are also washed and placed in place.

Turn on the rice cooker in the keep warm mode, and there is exactly one serving of rice left in it.It can be seen that only those who cook frequently can grasp the measure.

"That guy Terashima looks bad, unexpectedly virtuous, but he underestimated her a bit."

Putting breakfast on the table, Kazuto Mogami planned to have breakfast first today and then go out for a walk later.

I tore off the plastic wrap of the miso soup and was about to start it when the doorbell rang as if it had been arranged on purpose.

Looking at the time, it was only 07:30, thinking that Aimi Terashima had left something behind, so I had no choice but to open the door for her.

"What's the matter, could it be that you forgot the guitar?"

——Almost said this sentence out of my mouth.

When he opened the door and saw a voice actress standing at the door, Kazuto Mogami finally swallowed those words.

"Good morning, Kazuto-san."

For some reason, the clear water that landed in front of his house was sandy, and he was smiling as sweetly as ever. Today's hairstyle is a single ponytail, revealing his fair neck, which is at least three degrees whiter than the one shown in the video.

"Oh... oh, good morning, there is sand."

"Huh? What's the matter, Kazuto-san, you look weird early in the morning." Shimizu Yousha blinked his bright eyes, and looked at Mogami Kazuto suspiciously.

"It's nothing, just woke up, there is sand, why did you come here early in the morning?"

"Hmm... rather than the reason, shouldn't I be let into the house first?"

Hearing that there was sand in the clear water, Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to get out of the way, and the petite popular voice actor dragged the box he brought into the house.

"Excuse me~~"

As soon as he entered the porch, Qing Shui Yousha suddenly froze in place, sniffed his nose twice, and made a lovely inhalation sound.


Mogami Kazuto didn't know why his heart jumped: "Why, what's wrong?"

Shimizu Yousha turned around, stared straight into Mogami Kazuto's eyes, with a bright smile on his small face, and slowly spoke word by word.

 5000 word chapters.

  I was so stupid, I got the release date wrong, it will be on the shelves at noon on the 12th, which is... tomorrow.

  As a result, the plot before I put it on the shelves was stagnant and vomiting blood. Although the plot is indeed my weakness, it is difficult to handle.

  I didn't expect to be able to make a mistake about the release time. Really, I was numb by myself crying stupidly.

(End of this chapter)

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