Chapter 116 111. My dad wants to see you. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

In the bedroom, the keyboard was crackling non-stop, and columns of black characters were displayed vertically in the document on the screen.

Kazuto Mogami kept writing and writing, and opened the webpage from time to time to look up some information related to his blind spots in knowledge.

He tried his best to avoid exposing his weaknesses in the text, and did not dare to describe the areas he did not understand.

Only half of it can be written, and half of it can be hidden, giving readers the illusion that they don't know what's going on.

Until two o'clock in the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami, who finished writing a small chapter, went downstairs to the living room to pour water, and moved his stiff body by the way.

After breathing the scorching July air in the yard for a while, Mogami Kazuto returned to the house immediately.

In this period of time in Tokyo, the temperature is really not covered. After just staying outside for a while, I couldn't stand it anymore, and hurried back to the house to blow on the air conditioner.

I just returned to the bedroom and sat down, and was about to write a book, when the mobile phone sounded an untimely reminder.

It was the news that Shimizu had a sofa.

Kazuto Mogami opened it and took a look, his expression froze for a moment, and then he began to think endlessly.

Looking back on his life in Tokyo so far, Kazuto Mogami did do things that he regretted, the first of which was his marriage to Saori Konishi.

But this is a mess left by the original owner, a bit like a plot kill in an RPG game, it is inevitable no matter what, it is a force majeure at the level of natural disasters.

Then the matter he was facing now was completely, purely his own fault.

He chose the wrong option.

In the chat box of the mobile phone, the news that Qingshui has a sofa is very simple, only one sentence:

[I confessed to my father, he said he wanted to know you. 】

Ah this...

Although there was only one line, Mogami Kazuto sincerely regretted his actions that day.

He was a little stuck in Bengbu now, and quickly typed a question mark with his hands, and the word "read" was immediately added next to the question mark.

After waiting for a while, Qingshui Yousha sent another message.

[Although Dad was a little angry at first, after I communicated with him well, he still agreed. 】

Isn't that still angry!

To be honest, Kazuto Mogami is a bit numb.

But he can't blame Qingshui Yousha, Qingshui Yousha is completely thinking about him, and it is no exaggeration to say that he wants to become a video blogger than Moshang and Ren himself.

Facing such a girl, Kazuto Mogami has no right to blame her.

After thinking for a while, Kazuto Mogami just wanted to say that the photographic equipment she brought hadn't been used yet, and he just took it out for research, and he could send it back.

[However, the right to use the equipment has already been obtained, and Mogami-san can use it at will, without taking him into consideration. 】

After typing half of the words, I had to delete them silently.

[Mogami-san, when are you free recently? 】

[Want to come for dinner? 】

[Although I really want to come, but this is not what I want to talk about. 】

【what is that? 】

【My father said he wanted to treat you to dinner. 】

Mogami Kazuto stared blankly at the chat box, silent.

If it wasn't for the read function, Kazuto Mogami would have been ready to play dead.

[Is it a bit, inappropriate? 】

【 seems to be a little bit, the food outside is not as delicious as Herensang's. 】

That is not what I mean, my friend.

[But I think saying this kind of thing suddenly may disturb you, just say that you are busy writing manuscripts recently. 】

Nice job.

【So just tell him he can’t do it this week, maybe he’ll be free next week, and now I’m here to ask for your opinion. 】

Thank you so much.

Kazuto Mogami felt a headache, and thought for a while before replying.

[After all, I am the one who is being helped, so it is really inappropriate to be invited to dinner. 】

[How about this, please tell Uncle, I will pay a visit to thank you someday. 】

Aside from some of the more inexplicable details, such as "going to visit the parents of his ex-wife and best friend" and other plots that sound quite weird, Mogami Kazuto is indeed taken care of by the other party.

After all, if you really want to move forward on the road of making videos, the most basic shooting equipment is just needed, and now Mogami Kazuto does not have the leeway to buy expensive equipment.

And now that he has acquired music-related skills, becoming a song video creator is a very good option.

It can be said that the behavior of clear water with sand is a real help.

The premise is that it would be great if she could not make things so complicated.

【Eh? !Is Kazuto-san coming to my house to visit my father? 】

Although such a statement may sound misleading, it is helpless. This is the most basic etiquette, and it is also what Kazuto should do.

[After accepting such a precious thing, it would be unreasonable not to express my gratitude. Please tell your father this. 】

【Okay, I see. Can I do it next week? 】

[That's it. 】

[Okay, I will tell him. 】

After chatting for a few more words, Qingshui Yousha said that he was going to work in the recording studio, so he didn't reply.

Mogami Kazuto sat on the chair and sighed, always feeling that things were unfolding in a direction he couldn't expect.

Qingshui Yousha is Xiaoxi Saori's best friend, even though Xiaoxi Saori has never liked him, they have been married for two months after all.

According to common sense, as a best friend, there is sand in the clear water, shouldn't you avoid suspicion?

Or is it just the normal national conditions of the island country?

After a long silence, Mogami Kazuto gradually thought about a problem, a very simple one, but he had never thought about it inconceivably.

It is likely that Mogami Kazuto did not notice something was wrong during the process of getting along because he was the person involved.

He clicked on the panel, and in the column of Qingshui Yousha, he saw the intimacy as high as 79, and Mogami Kazuto couldn't help thinking about it.

The last girl whose intimacy reached 80 had already thrown a super high-speed straight ball at him with a speed of 169 km/h, and kissed him directly.

According to the current way of getting along with Qingshui Yousha, I am afraid that it will be a matter of time before reaching 80.

But the core of the question is, why?
In the process of getting along with Shimizu Yusa, Mogami Kazuto has always regarded himself as her friend.

However, calm down and think about it.

The ex-wife's best friend came to the house for dinner every three days, became friends with each other, and even lied to the family members in order to help him.

It sounds like something indescribable.

Kazuto Mogami only hopes that he thinks too much. After all, Yusa Shimizu is a popular and popular voice actor, and she is more or less labeled as an idol voice actor. It is very likely that the office will prohibit her from dating.

Furthermore, judging from Qingshuiyousha's attitude, she seems to hope that she can remarry Xiaoxi Saori.

Analyzing it from this perspective, it sounds particularly absurd that Qingshuiyousha would like himself.

Sure enough, I still think too much.

After figuring this out, Kazuto Mogami gradually let go of the burden in his heart and began to conceive the novel with peace of mind.

Just thinking of visiting the parents of a popular female voice actress next week, Kazuto Mogami couldn't help feeling a little sick to his stomach.

 Big thanks to the boss of "Cockroach Fantasy" for the reward of 100000 starting coins!
  The third ally!

  I will update [-] words today, but I haven't saved the manuscript, and I am slow in typing, and there is a high probability that I will write until the middle of the night.

  Don't sleep until you finish writing!

  Thank you all for subscribing!
  Finally ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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