After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 118 113. The sleepless nights of voice actors.

Chapter 118 113. The sleepless nights of voice actors.

After today's work, Saori Konishi and Yusa Shimizu went to the commercial center for shopping.

Sakura Ayane did not follow in the end, she was a workaholic, almost only had work and beautiful girls in her mind.

Must be busy working elsewhere at this time.

On the way, Xiao Xi Sazhi didn't talk much all the time, and the things she bought were relatively expensive gifts. Although Qingshui Yousha made suggestions, they were basically things that Xiao Xi Sazhi decided to buy.

Even if Saori Xiaonishi didn't say anything, Shimizu Yousha would understand that these condolences to Kazuto Mogami's parents were for atonement.

Apologize to her for marrying Mogami Kazuto, apologise for her divorce from Mogami Kazuto.

She is the creator of this marriage and the biggest loser in this marriage.

It looks calm and breezy, but no one can understand the real thoughts in Xiaoxi Saori's heart.

When she finished shopping, the sky in Shibuya was completely dark. Standing at the entrance of the shopping mall with big bags and small bags, Xiao Nishi Saori looked up at the dark sky and said:

"Yousha, are you hungry? Go and eat something, please."

"Eh? Oh... okay."

Walking around, I entered a family restaurant that looked lively. Fortunately, there was no need to queue.

The waiter took them to a seat by the window, and the two sat down to order.

During this period of time, Shimizu Yousha seldom eats in restaurants outside. Maybe she often ate outside restaurants before, but since she got used to Mogami Kazuto’s cuisine, she either eats at home or goes to Mogami’s for dinner.

Literally, the body is used to that person's cooking.

After ordering and the waiter left, Xiao Nishi Saori looked at her unexpectedly and asked softly:

"There is Sha, are you feeling unwell recently?"

"Huh? No, why do you ask?"

"Your appetite seems to be smaller than before. Could it be that the weight gain was discovered by the agent, and then you were scolded?"

"Yeah, I didn't gain weight!"

"Then why?" Xiaoxi Saori looked at her puzzled.

Qingshui Yousha opened his mouth, and found himself speechless in disbelief.

Obviously, as long as you tell the truth at this time, it will be fine.

He laughed and said, "It's all because Kazuto-san's food is so delicious", and then let out a smirk, Saori Konishi would show a helpless expression that he couldn't help her.

So far, it has always been like this.

However, when the words came to her lips, her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat by some mysterious force, making her unable to speak.

If this happens during dubbing, they will definitely be scolded by the supervisor.

The friend in front of me had just divorced her husband, and she was under the pressure of not being able to tell others. Because of her marriage, her career gradually declined, and her marriage was even more fragmented.

Although this was all caused by herself, as her friend, Qing Shui You Sha couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

I should be her most trusted partner, but this is me, with such clear water and sand, I will take her ex-husband home to meet her father next week.

And all of this, Xiao Xi Saori didn't know.

Even if there is no ambiguous relationship between her and Mogami Kazuto, it is just to help Mogami Kazuto.

Seeing Xiaoxi Sazhi like this, there is still sand in the clear water, but unconsciously, a trace of guilt grows in the bottom of my heart.

Perhaps, at a certain point of time that she didn't know, she couldn't stand beside her as intimately as before.

"It's a little embarrassing to eat so much outside, and I can't let go."

"Really, don't complain when you're hungry later." Saori Xiaoxi shook her head helplessly.

"Hey won't happen."

She still showed her silly smirk as usual.

After dinner, on the tram going back, Shimizu Yousa got off the tram first, and waved goodbye to Xiao Nishi Saori in the carriage.

Not long after she left, she felt the vibration of the phone in her pocket. She opened it and saw that it was a message sent to her by a female voice actor.



Late at night, the best home.

After taking a shower and coming out of the bathroom, Mogami Kazuto opened the refrigerator, ready to pour a cup of cold barley tea.

Because I forgot to boil the water, I just felt dry mouth after taking a shower. Although the tap water in the tap can be drunk directly, Mogami Kazuto doesn't like it.

I saw two cans of STRONG ZERO in the refrigerator, hesitated for a while, and Kazuto Mogami reached out to barley tea, and took out the beer.

He had been abstaining from alcohol for a while, and he asked her to buy these two cans of beer at the convenience store the day he brought Aimi Terashima back.

At that time, he just wanted to give Aimi Terashima a reason to go to the convenience store to buy things. He saw her stockings were scratched, and she kept covering her stomach while walking on the road, frowning slightly, so he gave her money on purpose.

For a girl like Aimi Terashima, if you give her money directly, it may hurt the other party's self-esteem.

Mogami Kazuto never thought that a person like himself could be called gentle.

If it's just some insignificant kindness that is within one's ability, it doesn't matter if you do it or not, then for those who need it, it's better to do it.

Mogami Kazuto just embraced such an idea.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, having a sip of beer after a long absence.

Looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, it is rare to see the moon today, but compared to the bustling neon lights of the metropolis, the moonlight is really insignificant.

It has been almost three months since he came to this world, and he has not fully accepted himself until recently.

This feeling is very strange, like experiencing two kinds of life, the longer you stay here, the more blurred your memory is.

Occasionally in a dream, I still wonder which side is the real self.

It's useless to think about such a complicated thing. Kazuto Mogami just wants to live every day well.

Have a healthy body, save money from poverty, do what you want, and wait for someone who can truly belong to each other.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know who that person would be.

But at least, it won't be her.

Turning on the LINE of the mobile phone, I saw the band rehearsal photos that Aimi Terashima routinely sends every day. In the photos, Aimi Terashima smiled much brighter than before.

The band members around her like to surround her and pose in various cute poses.

This is the daily life that a 19-year-old girl should have, instead of being lifeless and heartless like a doll like before.

After chatting for a few words and saying good night to each other, Mogami and Ren were about to go back to their room to sleep, but the phone vibrated again.

is a message to add him as a friend.

Mogami Kazuto looked puzzled, and glanced at the other person's profile picture. It was a puppy, and he didn't know why he was wearing a mask.

Names... no names.

There is only one cherry blossom emoji.

Mogami Kazuto felt a little strange, he didn't want to add this kind of unknown person as a friend, so he directly clicked to decline.

In Tokyo tonight, there are destined to be three female voice actors who cannot sleep peacefully because of the same person.

 In the recent period, the author's background is very stupid, always swallowing my manuscript and chapter name.

  It was okay before it was put on the shelf, but after it was put on the shelf, the chapter name was swallowed, and I couldn't change it myself, so I was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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