After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 123 118. Obviously there is no intersection, but he can always find her by his side.

Chapter 123 118. Obviously there is no intersection, but he can always find her by his side.

To be honest, Kazuto Mogami was a little confused when he saw the message from Ayane Sakura.

He didn't understand what Ayane Sakura was saying at all.

It wasn't until he recalled it carefully that he finally realized what Sakura Ayane was talking about.

【Miss Sakura, I think you must have misunderstood. 】

【Misunderstand? 】

【I didn't hug the girl you mentioned. 】

[But I saw it. 】

[It was raining that day, we just happened to meet together to hide from the rain. 】

[And then hid in his arms?It's amazing, as expected of a handsome guy from Tokyo. 】

Mogami Kazuren was speechless, how this woman spoke in a weird way, and even the words showed a hint of indecision.

He didn't like to be mixed with this kind of troublesome girl who loves to mess around, and he immediately lost the interest in talking to her.

【I said, I just happened to be hiding from the rain with that girl. If Miss Sakura came to me just because of this matter, I don’t think I have anything to say. 】

[Just admit it? 】

Mogami Kazuto shook his head and stopped talking to her.

But Ayane Sakura still refused to give up, and kept sending all kinds of inexplicable speeches.

If Mogami Kazuto was still married to Xiao Nishi Saori, he might just set her message as no reminder.

But now Mogami Kazuto, who has officially decided to bid farewell to the past and made a series of self-changes, is unwilling to continue to compromise.

He can compromise with Shimizu Yousha and Terajima Aimi, because they are his friends.

Can Sakura Ayane?
Sorry, there is no intersection or relationship between me and her.

So Mogami Kazuto clicked on Sakura Ayane's profile picture and dragged her into the blacklist.

The world is clean.

After sitting in a chair and posting for a while, Kazuto Mogami found the profile picture of Shimizu Yousha in the LINE list and sent a message.

Basically, he told her that Sakura Ayane seemed to have misunderstood him, and he was too tired to deal with it, and he didn't want to have any more interaction with Sakura Ayane, hoping that Shimizu Yusa could understand.

After a while, Shimizu Yousha sent him "I'm sorry", and Mogami Kazuto replied silently:
"It's okay, good night."




Ordinary office workers are ushering in their long-lost rest day, and some office workers still have to squeeze full trains to go to the company to work overtime, but for Mogami Kazuto, it is no different from usual.

Since resigning, Mogami Kazuto's concept of the day of the week has gradually become blurred.

The only thing I remember clearly is that I have to throw away the combustible garbage on Tuesday and Friday morning, otherwise there will be big problems at home.

These things were all done by Xiao Xi Saori before, but if he got used to doing them, it would not be a big deal.

After returning from the morning run, Mogami Kazuto made a simple breakfast while humming.

As the fried eggs came out of the pan, the singing skills were beating slowly. As for the cooking skills, it was already difficult for him to increase his proficiency just by making a breakfast of fried eggs.

Open the panel to view.

Cooking: Lv4 [Proficiency (612/99999)]

Singing skills: Lv3 [Proficiency (3046/9999)]

Guitar: Lv3 [Proficiency (103/9999)]

The speed from Lv1 to Lv3 is very fast. Starting from Lv3, the difficulty of acquiring proficiency will gradually increase, and it takes time to accumulate.

After reaching Lv4, it will be very difficult to acquire proficiency. According to Kazuto Mogami's own judgment, it will take him at least 2 years to improve his cooking skills to Lv5.

The level of Lv4 is almost the limit of human beings, so Lv5 may not be able to be called human anymore.

She took a picture of today's breakfast and uploaded it to Twitter. His current followers are only Qingshui Yousha, and she will like every picture. It can be said that he is a die-hard fan.

Kazuto Mogami also likes Shimizu's sofa tweet from time to time, which is a courtesy.

He himself doesn't quite understand the meaning of liking, but since people like it and it doesn't take much effort, just click it.

At noon, Kazuto Mogami set up a camera in the living room and pointed at the cooking table to shoot.

After thinking about it, he put on a mask and started working in the kitchen.

This is his first official shooting, because he doesn't have much professional knowledge, after setting up the camera, he doesn't care about it, and he doesn't even look at the camera.

I was busy for an hour, and when I finished my lunch, I finished eating in silence, went back to the bedroom, connected the camera to the computer, and watched it in fast forward.

Hmm...what rubbish.

Obviously Kazuto Mogami doesn't have the talent to shoot, but that's probably a secondary reason.

The point is, he doesn't like to talk.

So when Kazuto Mogami realized that making a food video requires a lot of effort and writing all kinds of weird copywriting, he began to feel that this thing is unreliable.

At least, it was a bit difficult for him.

It's not that it is difficult to write a copy, but to be able to read the copy naturally. To be honest, this requires a certain desire for expression.

And this thing is precisely what Mogami Kazuren lacks the most.

If someone can provide him with a skill called "acting skills" in the future, maybe the situation will change, but right now, Kazuto Mogami is clearly at a bottleneck.

It can only be said that the teacher is not good.

After that, Kazuto Mogami took a parasol and went out. The destination was the Electric Library. He made an appointment to meet Natsuki Yuta today, and the main content was to discuss the content of the second volume.

After all, Natsuki Yuta is an editor. Although the editor's opinions cannot be accepted completely, it is quite necessary to learn from other people's suggestions.

I made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop near the Denki Library, and Natsuki Yuta was already sitting there waiting. Even though it was Saturday, he was still busy with work. It seemed that the editor-in-chief was not an easy job.

Mogami Kazuto walked over and sat down opposite him: "Sorry, Mr. Xia Mu, I'm late."

"Mogami-sensei, it's okay, I just sat down not long ago."


"You are already a writer who has signed a contract with us, of course you are a teacher." Xia Mu Yuta said with a smile.


Kazuto Mogami ordered a cup of coffee, and the two discussed the plot of the work.

According to Kazuto Mogami's idea, what he wants to write is a plain and warm story in which the hero and heroine give each other salvation during the adventure.

Although the heroine will die in the end.

But for readers who have read the first volume, isn't the selling point of this novel the ultimate death of the heroine?

At least Kazuto Mogami deliberately described it with such a purpose, in order to arouse readers' curiosity, so that they can buy the second volume later.

After all, what he wrote was not a literary work, but a commercial novel.

In this regard, Natsuki Yuta seems to have the same idea as him, and provided Mogami Kazuto with ideas for several branch plots without changing the overall plot.

Today, in addition to the discussion about the plot, Natsuki Yuta also showed several line drafts drawn by different illustrator teachers, as well as past draft works, and Mogami Kazuto chose the illustrator.

In terms of appreciating paintings, Mogami Kazuto has some experience. Needless to say, the reason is, after all, he used to be a game producer for a beautiful girl game, and his requirements for illustrations are quite high.

"Mr. Xia Mu, there seems to be a big boss who is not at the same level among them.

Is it really okay for such a boss to be an illustrator for a new light novel writer like me? "Mogami Kazuto cast a surprised look at Natsuki Yuta.

"Mr. Mogami was joking. Everyone knows that the director of the game company September, Mogami, has very strict requirements for illustrations. For example, Mr. Shiratori from your company is a rare and talented artist in recent years."

Mogami Kazuto raised his eyebrows slightly, looked up at Natsuki Yuta, took a sip of coffee slowly, and said slowly: "I have resigned from September."

"I think so, otherwise Mogami-sensei wouldn't have come to write light novels."

He was not surprised at all that he still couldn't hide his identity.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head and said: "There is no need to talk about the past, I am now a vagrant."

"It's a light novelist." Natsuki Yuta pointed out.

Mogami Kazuto smiled, and reached out to fetch a full-color illustration that was spread out on the desktop. Because the library is a physical book after all, the illustrations brought by Natsuki Yuta are all sketches printed on paper.

Kazuto Mogami still has the memory of this painter in his mind, and the illustration of a beautiful girl in his hand, the relaxation of the color is mainly concentrated in the dark color field, which is the usual technique of the big guy, and it is extremely rare among the cute painters .

The overall tone of the picture is heavy, because he likes to use multiple shadows when painting. In the painting of hair, there were as many as five shades.

Different from the brightness of other moe-type painters, this illustration has a gloomy style as a whole, which is exactly what Kazuto Mogami wanted.

"Sensei Mogami seems to like this teacher's paintings very much."

"Is it really okay? The price of this big guy's illustrations is not cheap."

"Regarding this, after we revealed that the author this time is September's Mogami Director, he said that he must draw your illustrations, and he seems to be your fan."

"Don't leak my private information casually."

"Please rest assured that this news will not be leaked out. If Mogami-sensei opens the box himself, it will be a different matter.

Mogami-sensei also hopes that his novels can be drawn by well-known illustrators in the industry, doesn't he? "

This is irrefutable.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto was not delighted by this kind of thing, after all, the person who made that game series was not the current him.

Putting down the drawing, he rubbed the bridge of his nose a little. Considering that the fame of the illustrator can bring considerable fame and sales to the work, Kazuto Mogami is inevitably a little bit excited.

It is said that the current light novels are to buy illustrations and give toilet paper away. Many people are rushing to the illustrations, and there are also works that are written in a piece of shit and can become a hit. The author really should kowtow to the artist.

"Mogami-sensei, do you have any works you like?"

"Mr. Xia Mu seems to be asking the question knowingly."

"I just think that Mogami-sensei may like to cooperate with new illustrators."

"What you said may be reasonable, but I have to admit that the work that moved me the most is the work of this teacher.

If he is asked to draw, is there no problem with the construction period?
If I remember correctly, this teacher seems to have other works of light novels in charge. "

"Mogami-sensei is talking about that. It's over. As long as you finish drawing the congratulatory picture in your hand, you can directly take over Mogami-sensei's work."

Mogami Kazuto nodded. It would be great to be able to hire a well-known illustrator to draw illustrations for him. If the sales increase, he will be able to reprint it, and his royalties will also be more.

As long as readers don't scold toilet paper, there will be no other harm.

"That's it, then I have nothing else to say, please convey it for me, I like his paintings very much."

"I will."

"Speaking of which, the theatrical version of that work is about to be released. If Sensei Mogami wants to watch it, I have free movie tickets here."

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "I've been a little busy recently, maybe I'll check it out when I'm done, thank you for your trouble."

"That's it, I see, the candidate for the painter is decided like this."

"thank you very much."

"It's nothing, it's my job, and I'm looking forward to the second volume of the story."

After that, Mogami Kazuto chatted with Natsuki Yuta again, and Natsuki Yuta went to pay the bill.

The company will reimburse the expenses incurred when they go out to discuss work with writers like them.

Saying goodbye to Natsuki Yuta, Kazuto Mogami walked to the nearby station and boarded the tram home.

He raised his head inadvertently and saw the billboard hanging on the top of the car. A short-haired girl in a pure white beret and a bright red coat was smiling at him.

After returning home without incident, Mogami Kazuto went upstairs to the bedroom, turned on the computer and searched for the artist's name.

Going around and looking around for a long time, it is inevitable that you will see well-known works of illustrations drawn by that illustrator.

As for the news that the theatrical version of this work is about to be released, Mogami Kazuto couldn't be more clear.

I opened the desk drawer and took out a paper coupon that looked like a movie ticket, only to find that the date on it was tomorrow and the time was seven o'clock in the evening.

Fortunately, Kazuto Mogami is not free tomorrow night.

Tomorrow is Amy Terashima's first official performance as the lead singer of Blessing Star. He promised Aimi Terashima that she would go to see her live.

So Kazuto Mogami stuffed the coupon back into the drawer and locked it.

"Click" sound.

With absolute pitch, for the first time, he couldn't distinguish the pitch.



Last Sunday in July.

Kazuto Mogami, as usual, was writing a novel at home, and received a message from Aimi Terashima early, telling him not to forget today's appointment.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami took the tram to Akihabara.

Maybe it's because the summer vacation is here. Recently, when I take the tram, I always see many students aged [-] or [-].

The number of girls who came to strike up a conversation with him was also more than before.

Mogami Kazuto didn't want to get involved with underage girls. Such girls would bring not only trouble, but also prison life.

Out of the station, walk all the way towards the live house Across.

When passing by a certain venue, Mogami Kazuto saw many men besieging the entrance of the venue, buying related anime goods, and deliberately avoided them.

Come to the door of Across, stand on the blackboard outside, and write that there is a live of Blessing Star today.

The news about the departure of the lead singer of Blessing Star has spread in Shinjuku and Akihabara.

As early as a few days ago, Nora Cat from Akihabara joined Blessing Star and became the second-generation lead singer.

It has also been announced by Ms. Asano, so tonight's Across must be overcrowded.

For example, right now, Kazuto Mogami is standing at the door of Across, unable to even enter the gate.

In desperation, he had to stand aside and wait silently.

"Ah! That person seems to be Nomi-chan's boyfriend!"

In the crowd, whoever pulled his throat and shouted this sentence.

So the young people who were blocking the door of Across immediately rushed towards Mogami Kazuto, and when he came back to his senses, he was surrounded by these people.

 The two-in-one chapter, in order not to look too short, resulting in too fragmented, I will try to write the future chapters as large chapters, and try to make everyone look more substantial.

  This is today's basic update of 4000 words. I will add more when I get home from get off work later. Try to write another 4000 words.

  I want to try to maintain a daily update volume of 8000, thank you everyone.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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