Chapter 126 121. The Lonely Symphony
Music is such a magical thing.

Since Kazuto Mogami has absolute pitch, any sound that rings in his ears will naturally be transformed into a musical score.

Even though he had never studied it before, he was able to understand it miraculously.

Mechanical, accurate, as cold as steel, without a trace of emotion.

However, the reason why music is valuable is that it can use the same piece of music to convey different emotions through singing by different people.

Sadness, pain, helplessness, joy.

Be it the singing or the piano, they are all containers that can inject emotion, enhance it a hundred times, and spread it out a thousand times, so that more people can feel their own voice.

Kazuto Mogami had fully understood the emotion shown by the girl on the stage.

She was very powerful, and just by music, she showed her character to herself, burning herself with all her strength, and emitting a starlight that made him look away.

Under the lonely big city, the girl chasing the stars alone has turned into the brightest star tonight.

No matter who it is, they can't help but be attracted by her figure, and Mogami Kazuto is no exception.

The 19-year-old girl conveyed her most sincere emotions to him with her most precious music.

Her voice at this moment made him throb more than the sudden kiss that night.

This is what Aimi Terashima holds.

It is her biggest characteristic.

I don't care about anyone's eyes, just sing the song I want to sing the most, and throw a knowing blow at him. The feelings and words accumulated so far are all contained in the singing and piano sound, leaving no effort behind.

As if wishing to knock him down to the ring with his voice, he sat on his back, bent down to his ear, and whispered to him with the gushing hot breath:

Absolutely will not let you go.

Terashima Aimi is such a stubborn girl.

That's why he was so dazzled.

On the stage, the girl swayed slightly, holding the microphone tightly with both hands, and her psychic singing seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. The audience in the audience were all shocked by her.

This is the singing voice of Aimi Terashima, and it is her all-out effort.

Kazuto Mogami could only watch her silently, he had indeed received the shining starlight of chasing dreams.

And he also received the feelings she had for him.

Mogami Kazuto doesn't think he is an emotionally retarded person, he just thinks that a man like himself who has no merits other than his good looks is not attractive to others.

Hmm... This kind of statement may not be rigorous enough, at least it won't attract the likes of those outstanding girls.

He is indeed handsome, but people will grow old, and it is impossible to always rely on appearance to obtain something.

Cut open the skin sac and take out the inner core, what can he have left.

Loneliness, hesitation, reluctance to accept the well-meaning disconnection of others.

But the Terashima Aimi when he first met seemed to be no better than himself.

It is also full of emptiness and loneliness. No matter who you face, you always have a vigilant face and reject people for thousands of miles.

It is this kind of girl who, bit by bit, transformed into what she is today.

Mogami Kazuto doesn't think he has the ability to change anyone, and no one can really change anyone.

If a person wants to change from the heart, he wants to grow.

You should not try to rely on others, but complete it with your own will, and the help of others is just a catalyst for this process.

Kazuto Mogami is the catalyst for Aimi Terashima's growth and change.

Kazuto Mogami also hopes that she will be his catalyst.


Blessing Star sang a total of three songs, and then entered the backstage lounge to rest, and other bands took over the stage.

Those who can come to Across to hold the live are all well-known bands in Akihabara. There is no saying who is superior and who is inferior. As long as they can show the audience a wonderful performance, then they will be the stars tonight.

Blessing Star took the stage three times and sang nine songs.

Among them, six capitals are covers of famous songs, and the other three are original songs of Blessing Star, which have been preserved when Sora Asano was in the team.

The rest is their last song today.

In other words, it was the last song by Aimi Terashima.

The bandmates behind her walked backstage one by one, leaving her alone in the center of the stage.

Starting today, she will completely bid farewell to Nora, and bid farewell to the days of wandering in various bands.

She is no longer alone, standing alone in the center of the stage, playing a lonely piano.

The sparkling music girl stood on the stage without timidity, welcoming everyone's eyes.

Without beating around the bush, Aimi Terajima has always been straightforward, like what she likes, and hate what she hates.

Tokyoites who hate lying.

I like gentle Tokyoites.

I like that... the person standing under the stage at this time, out of tune with the noisy atmosphere around him, as if he was cut off from the world.

"Hi everyone, my name is Aimi Terashima, and I officially became a member of Blessing Star from today, serving as the lead vocalist and lead guitarist.

Presumably many people know my name, some people like me, some people hate me.

Blessing Star is a great band, and when I was asked to join Blessing Star and wanted me to be the lead singer, to be honest, I was terrified.

I also thought more than once, can I really become a member of Blessing Star?

Because I am afraid to move forward, afraid to make choices that I regret.

I want to hear someone's voice, and I hope someone will tell me, join or not.

However, someone told me that this is a decision I can make myself, and he couldn't give the answer I expected.

To worry, to think, to understand what you want.

So, I saw Kongsang's live here and heard her singing, and that scene is unforgettable for me forever.

If I can also shine on this stage like her, I must do those things that I feel that I will regret not doing.


The girl on the stage was talking endlessly about her most sincere feelings. After experiencing the intense live, the sweat on her forehead kept slipping, her breath became disordered, and she sucked in the air of the scene.

"Please listen to our next song, which is an original song written and composed by myself after I joined Blessing Star.

And this song is written for the most important person to me now.

"Lonely Symphony"

With a shallow inhalation sound, sweat dripped down the chin and onto the floor, turning into a signal for the opening.

The girl's affectionate voice echoed under the night sky of Akihabara.



The summer wind blew across the river, blowing moist air, and it was the third time we walked side by side on the river bank like this.

Akihabara in the distance is still lying motionless on the spot, with its proud head raised, and doesn't even bother to glance at her.

But tonight, the girl felt inconceivably that she was much closer to it.

One day, I will stand in the most dazzling position.

But before that, she had something more important than a dream.

In other words, she hopes that this matter can also participate in her dream.

Mogami Kazuto walked quietly beside her, the girl's shoulder would touch his arm from time to time, and as long as he raised his hand slightly, he could easily hold her palm in his hand.

Mogami Kazuto would not do such a thing.

Terashima Love Beauty Club.

Therefore, when Mogami Kazuto felt his fingers being slightly touched, his steps gradually slowed down.

The girl took half a step, and couldn't help turning around to look at Kazuto Mogami, the blush on her face hadn't completely dissipated.

"Mogami-san?" Aimi Terashima looked at Kazuto Mogami, who was standing still, with slightly puzzled eyes.

"Terashima." Mogami Kazuto called her name softly, with a calm face and an indifferent tone.


It is undeniable that Aimi Terashima's singing voice is really great. The live that ended not long ago is the most trendy live that Kazuto Mogami has experienced so far.

Aimi Terashima is very powerful, much stronger than he imagined. He now thinks that she can really realize her dream and become the most eye-catching singer in Akihabara.

Kazuto Mogami wants her to realize her dream.

She will be surrounded by countless fans and enjoy countless spotlights and applause. At that time, Kazuto Mogami will not be stingy with his praise and applause.

If she is willing to tell, it can also act as her tree hole occasionally, listening to the good and bad things she encountered after she became famous.

But if you want to give her a kiss or a hug when she is sad and crying, let her rest in your arms and become a pillar to soothe her heart.

Kazuto Mogami could only retreat.

"Terashima, your heart, I can't..."


Before Kazuto Mogami finished speaking, Aimi Terajima interrupted Kazuto Mogami's speech.

"Mogami-san, do you think I like you?"


Is it not?
Mogami Kazuto became puzzled, but he didn't feel any kind of "pity". Rather, he would breathe a sigh of relief if it was his own misunderstanding.

"Mogami-san looks easy to get along with, but he's actually quite a troublesome person inside."


Kazuto Mogami suddenly thought of the voice actress named Ayane Sakura. If she was to be labeled, there is no doubt that trouble is synonymous with her.

But Mogami Kazuto didn't feel that he had anything to do with the trouble, so he couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, it's super troublesome. I always take care of a lot of things, and I seem to have a lot of troubles. For example, right now, Mogami-san's expression is telling me.

How to reject me so as not to make me sad. "

Kazuto Mogami was silent, she was right.

"I think Terashima is a very good girl, with a good personality and good music."

"What about his appearance?"


"Mogami-san, do you think I'm not good-looking? I still like mature women like Ms. Asano."

Kazuto Mogami shook his head slightly: "Terashima, you are very beautiful and cute. If I had a girl like Terashima in my class when I was a student, I'm afraid I would look forward to going to school even on weekends, and hope that the time after school can be as short as possible. some night."

Hearing such compliments, Aimi Terashima couldn't help but blush, but she didn't want to be overwhelmed by him, so she still looked straight into his eyes.

When Kazuto Mogami said this, his expression remained calm.

It is precisely because he has no extra thoughts about her that he can face her so calmly.

"Also, I don't think it's good to judge girls by their appearance."

She pursed her lips, smiled faintly, and said softly: "Moshangsang, it's this kind of place that makes girls' hearts flutter, and it's not just because of the face."

"Is Terashima that kind of girl?"

"Yes, that's why I'm walking in this place with you like now."

"This kind of thing should be said to the person you like."

The girl in front of her smiled like a star: "Well, so I'm talking, to the person I like."


"As Mogami-san thought, I, Aimi Terashima, am falling in love for the first time in my life.

I thought I would never have the innocent little girl's mood of "whom do I like".

In my life so far, as long as I have music to accompany me, I don't care at all whether someone is willing to stand by my side.

Perhaps in the eyes of a mature adult like Mogami-san, it would be ridiculous to use the word "life" for me who is only a teenager.

Obviously there are still many things that I haven't experienced, but I talk about life arrogantly.

However, this is the value of Terashima Aimi.

I like Mogami-san. "

The warm evening wind of walking in Akihabara, passing through tall buildings and bridges, blows the girl's hair and skirt, and brings her words to Kazuto Mogami.

The words are clear and the sentences are profound.

The girl who would call him uncle in an unfriendly tone when they first met was standing in front of him, looking at him with a weak yet firm look.

"I still don't understand why it's me."

"Mogami-san is not 'this kind of person', please don't use such words to belittle yourself, otherwise people who like you will feel sad when they hear it."


She is serious, even if it doesn't need to be so explicit, Kazuto Mogami has already felt it when she heard her soulful singing on live.

Aimi Terajima is not the kind of person who hides, that's why she invited him to watch the live, and he also expected what would happen after that.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto is not yet ready to accept anyone.

No, it is not rigorous to say so.

Mogami Kazuto is just unwilling to give his sincerity to anyone.

Love is a mysterious feeling that needs to be built by both parties to maintain the relationship.

Once caught in the unconditional giving of one party and the unconditional compromise of the other party, it will inevitably become distorted and ridiculous.

Mogami Kazuto knows this kind of thing better than anyone else.

That's why the former [Mogami Kazuto] had such a tragic ending.

Kazuto Mogami is a pathetic guy who doesn't want to hurt others, but even a weak person like him can tell what real hurt is.

Therefore, his answer can only be one.

"Sorry, Terashima, I can't... respond to your feelings."

Standing in the wind, the words spoken, followed in Xia Feng's footsteps, and were taken far away.

Aimi Terajima looked at him quietly, her eyes never moved away, but the starlight that originally shone in her eyes dimmed slightly.

Over the sky of Akihabara tonight, there are incredible stars twinkling.

Many years later, standing on this land, Mogami Kazuto will surely remember that in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, on this summer wind-swept night.

A 19-year-old girl shed tears because of him.

 It's too late to write 6000 words, today is the basic update of 4000 words.

  I only slept for two hours a day for the past few days, and I felt a little bit bad, so I won’t stay up late today, and I’m going to have a good sleep, and I’ll add another one tomorrow.

  Duck with Amy Sauce! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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