After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 128 123. This time, she was ashamed and thrown at the door of the house.

Chapter 128 123. This time, she was thrown at the door of the house in embarrassment.

In the backstage lounge.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Everyone has worked hard~"

"Thank you."


This event ended successfully. The five voice actors who starred in the show bowed and apologized to the staff. After that, there was a dinner for everyone. Therefore, after all the audience left, the voice actors and staff also left the hall.

There were several commercial vehicles parked on the street, and the male seniors from the same agency who acted as the voice of the animation actor kept shrinking behind the crowd.

He doesn't want to ride in a car with a female voice actor, and he coughs suddenly while talking, making everyone around him laugh.

Xiao Nishi Saori also laughed. As a mobilizer of the atmosphere, she is best at this kind of thing. No matter what time, she has the confidence to perform like this.

Until... She saw the handsome young man on the other side of the road, standing under the signal light, in front of the zebra crossing, and the girl walking with him.

The smile on her face suddenly stiffened, but she couldn't relax, she was used to maintaining such a self in front of others.

That girl was very beautiful, taller and younger than me, and most importantly, she had a cute smile.

It is ten thousand times cuter than her deliberately fake smile.

"Xiao Xisang, it's time to get in the car and set off."

"No, I can just walk over." She turned her head and declined with a smile.

"Ah... I almost forgot, Xiao Xisang is very motion sick, right?"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, let's go then."


After that, smiling and waving his hands to reject the idea of ​​a senior female voice actor who wanted to walk with her, Saori Konishi looked at the signal light again.

The figure of that person was no longer visible.

As long as it's an illusion, let's decide.



All the way to the station without a word, the two of them boarded the station platform together, and the tram was about to enter the station.

Kazuto Mogami walked into the carriage, but Aimi Terashima was still standing on the platform, looking at him with a smile, motionless.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help casting a puzzled look.

"Today, I won't take the same train as Mogami-san." Her voice was soft, sounding extraordinarily weak.


The girl took a step back, and Kazuto Mogami suddenly felt something invisible between him and her.

The girl standing on the platform, her hair was blown by the breeze, her face was smiling, her eyes were reddish.

The distance of only two meters is like a vast galaxy.

"I'm sorry Mogami-san, all the way to the station, I was holding back my tears, I really worked really hard.

However, when I thought about this road, I would never be able to walk with you again, I still couldn't convince myself not to cry.

I will look ugly when I cry, I don't want to be seen by Mogami-san any more.

So, Mogami-san, I..."

She spoke softly, and the sound of the car radio came to her ears, and the tram door slowly closed.

The girl seemed a little anxious, chasing the tram lightly, ran two steps on the platform, as if shouting.

And what the girl outside the door shouted, Mogami Kazuto can no longer find out.

Leaning lightly on the handrail in the tram, he closed his eyes, and the unknown sound drilled into his ears was a pure fourth.



At the end of July, the scorching sun almost melted the wind, paved the streets, and dyed the entire Tokyo with transparent heat.

In the bedroom, the air conditioner was very strong, and Mogami sat at the desk with someone, writing the manuscript seriously.

It wasn't until the doorbell rang downstairs that Mogami Kazuya stopped typing on the keyboard, picked up the hot water bottle on the table, got up and went downstairs.

Ever since Konishi Saori moved out of this house, there was only one person who would bother Mogami Kazuto at this point.

Although chatting with her is very interesting, Kazuto Mogami doesn't like being interrupted while writing novels, so it seems necessary to come and talk to her.

Opening the door, there was nothing unexpected. She was wearing a cool dress with sandy water and two braids hanging down her neck. She was standing pretty at the door, looking up at Kazuto Mogami.

"Good afternoon, Kazuto-san."

"Well, good afternoon, there is sand."

"Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang~~Herensang, look, I bought puffs, let's eat together." Qingshui Yousha raised his hand, shook the paper box in his hand, and narrowed his beautiful eyes sweetly.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the cardboard box that Shimizu Yousha was holding, and judging from the sound, it was probably Shimizu Yousha's fist-sized puffs, a total of six puffs.

The water is not clear enough and the sand gets stuck between the teeth.

Kazuto Mogami sighed slightly, never thought that this thing would end up in his stomach, not only would he not be able to eat the puffs she brought, but he would surely be given a staple meal by her.

But Kazuto Mogami has no objection to this, and Qingshui Yousha has helped him a lot so far, and he is grateful to Qingshui Yousha from the bottom of his heart.

"It's hot outside, come in and talk first."

"Uh...that, Kazuto-san!"

Kazuto Mogami was about to enter the house, but found that Shimizu Yousha was still standing there with a hesitant expression.

"what happened?"

"Uh... this... that..." Qing Shui Yousha kept coyly, his eyes wandering.

What a weird guy.

"Is there sand?"

"Umm... I'm so sorry!"

Shimizu Yousha in front of him suddenly lowered his head and bent his slender waist, Mogami Kazuto was startled by her sudden bow.

"What, what's the matter? What happened?"

Kazuto Mogami's first reaction was about his father. Could it be that he had repented and wanted to take back the equipment?

It's a pity, but that's something that can't be helped. If that's the case, Kazuto Mogami won't be dissatisfied.

"That day, I gave Neru-san your LINE account without authorization, which made you unhappy." She said cautiously.

What, I was talking about this.

"You Sha, raise your head up."


"It's okay, I'm not angry."


"Compared to this, it's better to enter the house quickly, otherwise you will get sunburned."

And a tan.

It's just that if this sentence is said, it will be too hurtful.

"Ah! Wait...wait a minute, Kazuto-san!"

Shimizu Yousha waved his hands in a panic, trying to prevent Mogami Kazuto from entering the house, but he didn't know what to say, kept his head down, and didn't know what he was talking about.

"There's sand? You're a little weird today."

"No, no..."

Mogami Kazuto tilted his head in doubt, and couldn't help looking at the main entrance. Outside the fence, in front of the gate of his house, there was a half shadow on the ground, shaking slightly.

Combined with Shimizu's hesitant appearance, Mogami Kazuto suddenly realized, and after a short pause, he said calmly and slowly:
"There is sand, are you hungry?"

"Eh? Belly... Belly?"

"I'll cook for you."

"Really! Good!"

"So don't stand outside, go inside and cook you my specialty."

"Kazuto-san's specialty cuisine?! I want to eat it! I want to eat it!" Shimizu Yousha stared at Mogami Kazuto with a silly smile.

"Then let's go inside."


Filled with a bright smile, Shimizu Yousha walked into the entrance with great joy, and Mogami Kazuto silently glanced at the shadow on the ground, which was gradually shaking more and more, and closed the door of the room with a soft sound.

After three seconds of silence, the female voice actor who was crouching outside the wall suddenly stood up.

Her pretty short hair fluttered, sweat dripped from her forehead, and the blush on her face was from the sun, or something else.

With a high-pitched volume, he shouted vigorously into the room:
"Hey!! Don't forget me!! Damn it!!"

 Beauty baby~~ My beauty baby woo woo woo~~
  Mogami Kazuto is a stupid comparison, why not replace me, let me do it!
(End of this chapter)

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