After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 133 128. Mr. Mogami, let's go to Shimizu's house.

Chapter 133 128. Mr. Mogami, let's go to Shimizu's house. (Transition chapter reminder)
In the hot summer, if you need to go out to commute every day, it is a very troublesome thing. If you encounter a black-hearted company that does not have high-temperature subsidies, and the boss is still an idiot, this summer must be quite unhappy.

And in this kind of weather, every day at home, I blow on the air conditioner and play the keyboard, play the broken piano from time to time, shout at the throat, and cook for myself when I'm hungry.

Kazuto Mogami, who is experiencing this kind of life, is very happy.

But it should be noted that Mogami Kazuto is by no means lying down.

Kazuto Mogami's hand speed is quite fast, the plot of the second volume is unfolding like a raging fire, and it will be finished soon. According to the standard of the previous life, Kazuto Mogami can publish more than three volumes in a month.

It's just that the light novels in the island country are mainly physical books after all, so Kazuto Mogami spends his time polishing the text.

But even so, the writing speed is much faster than that of ordinary light novelists.

In addition, the accounts recently operated on the Internet seem to have improved, and the number of fans has exceeded 100.

Although it sounds useless, it is at least a good start. Sometimes people who look like housewives will leave a message in the comment area hoping to see the recipe.

Kazuto Mogami has no way to make a playing and singing video for the time being. He has recorded a lot of cover songs, but they haven't made a video yet.

He is learning video editing. Perhaps the power of the panel is too outrageous, causing Mogami Kazuto to almost forget that learning step by step is the most basic effort.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't hate hard work. He thinks it's wrong to indulge in the effects brought by the panel and ignore the most basic learning attitude as a human being.

It is true that without the effect of the panel, Mogami Kazuto's learning progress is not fast, but it is a wonderful feeling to enrich oneself a little like this and constantly absorb new knowledge from the outside world.

Recalling that night, he brazenly said to Aimi Terashima that "you should find your dream".

Although it sounds very handsome, but after thinking about it, in fact, saying it is tantamount to not saying it. Even Kazuto Mogami himself has not yet figured out what his dream is.

The first is the definition of dreams.

One, wanting to accomplish a certain cause or feat.

Second, the life that is envisioned for the future.

Either way, something sounds wrong.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami changed his mind. Instead of thinking about what his dream is, it is better to think about what kind of person he wants to be.

So, that night, when he was taking a bath and singing.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly realized.

Because the answer was so simple that he almost laughed out loud.

What kind of person Mogami Kazuto wants to be is actually not complicated at all.

Since his rebirth, he always thought that he was carrying something, and was afraid that he would suddenly disappear from this world one day, so he didn't dare to interact with others, and he didn't dare to form fetters with anyone.

If one day, he disappeared, who would shed tears for him?

Aimi Terashima should be able to, and maybe clear water and sandy water, as well as other people, Mogami Kazuto is not sure.

Mogami Kazuto was more worried that someone around him would be sad because of his own disappearance, and he was that kind of person.

Just like he still dare not imagine what kind of reaction his parents in his previous life would have when they learned of his death.

The fetters of the two worlds are all added up and piled up on him, he is really tired.

However, there is no way to do anything, no matter how deep he drills, things will not change.

He is still the best.

So, what kind of person did he expect himself to be?
The answer couldn't be more obvious.



[Heren-sang. 】

【What's wrong? 】

【About that matter, it's almost time to put it on the agenda. 】

【It’s true, you can decide with Sha. 】

[Hmm... the day after tomorrow?It's Friday, and I don't have much work that day, so the schedule is very empty. 】

【okay, I get it. 】

[At two o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet in front of Wang Jiang. 】

【learn. 】

There was no more news from the phone, Kazuto Mogami picked up the book again and read it silently.

She made an appointment with Shimizu Yusa to meet the day after tomorrow, and the Wang sauce she mentioned was the statue of the loyal dog Hachiko at the entrance of Shibuya Station.

In fact, it's not a big deal, it's just that we should go to Qingshui Yousha's house that day to visit the other party's father.

If you think about it carefully, Mogami Kazuto doesn't need to feel guilty at all.

If Qingshui Yousha's father insists on asking what their relationship is, he can just answer that they are ordinary friends, anyway, this is the truth.

If you don't believe it, Mogami Kazuto can even show him the information panel with clear water and sand.

Of course, this is just casual talk, not to mention that other people can't see the panel, it would be too stupid to do so.

And on Mogami Kazuto's panel, the information about clear water and sand, but clearly wrote friends...


Name: Qingshui Yousha

Age: 22
Occupation: Voice actor

Relationship: hard to say (ambiguous)
Current intimacy: 79


Kazuto Mogami is a little confused, when did this relationship change?Why doesn't he know anything?
He reached out and touched the panel, trying to erase the eye-catching pink font.

However, to no avail.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Calm down and think carefully, there should be no sign of that relationship between myself and Qingshui Yousha.

Although they have a good relationship, although she often comes to play at home, although she often cooks food for her, although she seems to completely regard this as her home, although she is going to see her father the day after tomorrow.

Ah this...

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help rubbing his forehead, as if...something was a little bit wrong.

Kazuto Mogami is not stupid. In all fairness, it is a bit strange for a single beautiful woman in her 20s to go to the house of a divorced young man like him all day long.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto didn't think about that at all because of the best friend relationship between Qingshui Yousha and Xiaonishi Saori.

But now, after experiencing Aimi Terashima's confession incident, Kazuto Mogami gradually paid more attention to the intimacy on the panel.

According to his few (only one) experience, once the intimacy of Qingshui Yousha rises to 1, it is likely to repeat the mistakes of Terashima Aimi.

Honestly, it's kind of tricky.

For Mogami Kazuto, the girl Shimizu Yusa made him feel like he had an extra daughter to take care of.

So far, he has never thought about that, but once he realizes the obvious reality that there is sand in the clear water, and it is an adult like him, Mogami Kazuto feels a little restless.

Kazuto Mogami cherishes this friendship with Shimizu and sand, and he has never thought about the idea of ​​​​going further.

He may pay more attention to the way of getting along with Qingshuiyousha in the future.

But it is undeniable that facing the girl Shimizu Yousa, Mogami Kazuto would never hate her, and would never hurt her.

Rather than trusting the cold words and numbers on the panel, Mogami Kazuto prefers to feel the communication with people with his heart.

After figuring this out, Mogami Kazuto didn't care about what was written on the panel.

With such thoughts in mind, time passed smoothly.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the summer breeze is cool.

Soon, it was Friday.

And on this day, Kazuto Mogami is going to visit Shimizu Yusa's father.

 On the surface, I read this chapter, but I feel like I didn’t read it. It is completely a transitional chapter.

  But actually starting from this chapter, I will write Heren a little differently from before, changing his character step by step. (forcing true)

  The momentum of the average subscription is good, and I didn't expect it to rise so fast. Thank you for your subscription and reward monthly pass.

  There is an update today.

  Looking for a monthly ticket, it is still dozens of tickets away from 1000 tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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