After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 138 133. Even so, he still won't lie.

Chapter 138 133. Even so, he still won't lie.


"Is it the one with cartoon pictures?"

"you can say it this way."

Kazuto Mogami answered very frankly. He thought Shimizu's father would scoff at this profession, but Shimizu's father was unexpectedly calm.

"Showing off words is always an elegant thing, and I'll read it if I get the chance."

Kazuto Mogami doesn't think that light novels are considered elegant, they are just commercial novels for entertainment.

But since Shimizu's father said so, there is no need for Mogami Kazuto to cause trouble for himself. It is just a polite remark and cannot be taken seriously.

With Mogami Kazuto's usual indifferent temperament, it is quite rare to be able to deal with parents like this today.

Kazuto Mogami is indeed a rather troublesome guy, but he is not to the point of ignoring etiquette or deliberately contradicting his elders.

Say something that the other party likes to hear, even if it doesn't match his temperament, he will not reject it. This is also a way to integrate into this world.

Saying things that the former self would not say, doing things that the former self would not do, one day, he will gradually get rid of the past self, and become the most superior person in this world.

Furthermore, Shimizu's father was willing to lend him unconditional shooting equipment without setting a return date, which was a great favor to Kazuto Mogami.


dinner time.

Kazuto Mogami had dinner at Shimizu's house. As Shimizu Yusa said, Shimizu's mother's cooking skills are quite good. If judged by the panel's standards, it is probably at the top level of Lv2.

For an ordinary housewife, it is indeed a good standard.

The last time Mogami Kazuto had dinner with his elders was on Mogami Junpei's birthday.

It's just that at that time, he was still torturing each other with Xiao Nishi Saori, and was wrapped in a sense of separation from the world, unable to personally understand the meaning of this incident itself.

As for Kazuto Mogami in his previous life, since his parents divorced, he has never experienced such a warm dinner moment.

Putting aside Shimizu's father's prejudice against him, Mogami Kazuto thinks they are a very gentle pair of parents. Although Shimizu's father looks serious, he is actually a good talker in essence, otherwise he would not lend him expensive photographic equipment .

Not to mention Shimizu's mother, she was very enthusiastic towards Mogami Kazuto, so enthusiastic that Mogami Kazuto was a little overwhelmed.

Except for being interrogated by Qing Shui's father at the beginning, the difficult scenes expected in his mind did not happen.

Overall, it was a nice dinner.

However, people are not so easy to change all of a sudden. At the dinner table, Mogami Kazuto was still not very talkative, listening quietly to the conversation of the three Shimizu-san beside him, it was difficult to get into the topic.

If there is one more person with the highest surname, maybe he can have more confidence.

Only when Shimizu's mother asked him whether the food was to his liking, Kazuto Mogami smiled and sincerely praised him, which made Shimizu's mother giggle and praise him for being able to speak.

After all, how many guys who are good at playing with words can't speak nicely, but Kazuto Mogami has always been reluctant to do that.

It was the first time for Qingshui Yousha to see such a Mogami Kazuto, at first he was worried that he would be taciturn, but now he was finally relieved, she was the one who laughed the most at the dinner table.

After dinner, Qingshui's mother was washing dishes in the kitchen. Qingshui Yousha wanted to help, but Qingshui's mother laughed and drove her out.

I don't know what she said in her ear, Qing Shui Yousha blushed and complained to her mother, and immediately ran away from the kitchen and walked towards the dining table.

"Mogami-kun, can I drink beer?"

At the dinner table, Shimizu's father took the beer brought by his daughter and asked Mogami Kazuto.

"Sorry, Uncle, I can't drink much."

"Ang, it's better not to drink."

Unexpectedly, Shimizu's father didn't say much.

"Heren-sang, please drink tea." Qingshui Yousha went to make another cup of tea, and walked over with it.

"Thank you, um...Miss Shimizu."

Shimizu Yousha chuckled and didn't care what Mogami Kazuto called her, and sat down next to Mogami Kazuto.

Qing Shui's father felt a little uncomfortable, although the chair next to him was also empty, but his daughter had to sit on the opposite side.

What is her last name?
Pour the opened can of beer into the glass, pour tons and tons of it down the throat, the slightly bitter liquid actually eased the original bitterness on the tip of the tongue.

"Dad, it's better to drink less wine."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care anyway."

"Why are you talking strange things again, am I not concerned about Dad?"

Qing Shui's father snorted and remained silent, as if only the glass of beer in his hand could bring him temporary comfort.

Qingshui Yousha laughed and got up, ran behind him, and kept shaking his father's shoulders.

"Nah~~Dad? Nah~~Dad~~"

The soft and sweet voice of the seiyuu's daughter could be heard next to his ear, Shimizu's father finally put down the glass in his hand, and sighed: "There is sand, and outsiders are watching, so be a little more reserved."

"Hey~~~ Anyway, it doesn't matter in front of Rensang."

So, after hearing this sentence, Shimizu's father felt even more heartbroken.



Shimizu's house, study room.

Shimizu's father turned on the light, and the originally dark room showed its original appearance, followed by Mogami Kazuto.

Silently looking at the study room, in addition to the books in the room, there are many brush calligraphy on the walls, but they are not particularly embedded in the picture frame. Reminiscent of Qingshui's father's fondness for calligraphy, it must be written by him.

Kazuto Mogami didn't have the ability to appreciate calligraphy, and when Shimizu's father asked him how his handwriting was, he could only shake his head silently.

Said that he could not understand, and did not dare to make random comments.

Shimizu's father knew that you didn't understand when he said something casually, but Mogami Kazuto just kept quiet and looked at the writing on the wall seriously.

But Qing Shui's father didn't know what kind of mentality he was in, and said something better than pretending to know.

Shimizu's mother and daughter are in the living room. When Shimizu's father suddenly said that he wanted to take Mogami Kazuto into the study, Shimizu Yusha wanted to come with him, but was discouraged by Mogami Kazuto. He could see that Shimizu's father must have something to say. He said.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the bookshelf beside him, and found that apart from some traditional literature, there were many overseas works, most of which were translated and published books.

To his surprise, for Chinese works such as Three Kingdoms or Journey to the West, the name of the publishing house on the spine is not Daoguo Publishing House, and it seems to be an untranslated version.

"Sit down."

Shimizu's father's voice came from next to his ear.


After not being able to take a closer look, Kazuto Mogami nodded and sat down on the chair in the study.

"Mogami-kun, I won't say anything superfluous, and just ask straight to the point."

"Yes, please say."

Shimizu's father's attitude was the same as he had imagined, something Kazuto Mogami had already expected.

"What's the relationship between you and Yousha?"

"It's a friend." Mogami Kazuto said neither humble nor overbearing.

"what kind of friends?"

"A good friend."

Qing Shui's father narrowed his eyes slightly, even after drinking, he still looked very sober.

"How did you know each other?"

After hearing this question, Kazuto Mogami was slightly taken aback.

During his acquaintance with Qing Shui Yousha, what he said was indeed a little different from others.

According to the common saying, meeting at work, or meeting by chance at a convenience store, even meeting at a sorority party, is a common occurrence.

However, Kazuto Mogami did not intend to lie.

If he had some kind of special feeling for Shimizu Yousha and wanted to develop further than now, Mogami Kazuto might tell lame lies because of his superiors.

But he didn't.

"At my wedding to my ex-wife."


 Recently, I feel that the update is not very powerful. It is only 6k+ per day. It seems that I need to reduce my sleep and write more. Try to write more.

  I should be able to code all night today, thank you for subscribing to the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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