Chapter 145 140. Father and Son.

What does Mogami Kazuko mean by the appearance of happiness?

Is it the way his parents think he is happy, or the way he thinks he is happy.

She married her childhood sweetheart, who was gentle and virtuous, as beautiful as a flower, while she was talented and successful in her career.

Is this how he looks happy in the eyes of his parents?
Admittedly, it does sound perfect.

But in fact, it is quite different from it.

Kazuto Mogami has concealed the most unforgivable things and can no longer lie to his parents.

The only way to confess is that there is no longer this false relationship between him and Saori Xiaoxi.

He can let his parents see his happy appearance one day in the future.


"Saori and I are already divorced."

Mogami Kazuto conveyed this message in the most straightforward way without using words to modify it, or even without any foreshadowing.

Mogami Junpei stared blankly at his son beside him, wondering if he was digesting his words.

Kazuto Mogami was still looking at the night sky outside the window. Above the clouds, the faint red light of the passenger plane was reflected in his eyes.

Because Mogami Junpei failed to respond for a long time, Mogami Kazuto had to turn his head to look at his father.

His father's expression at this moment reminded him of himself when he first came to this world, full of helplessness, hesitation, and haggard.

"and people."


"Daddy, I just have one question for you."

"What is it?"

"You didn' something to be sorry for Saori."

It was only natural for Mogami Junpei to think so, and Mogami Kazuto answered very frankly, meeting his father's gaze with a clear conscience.


"...Well, that's good, I believe you."

The father's reaction was so calm that it was abnormal, making Kazuto Mogami confused about his thoughts.

Mogami Kazuto thought he would be angry and fly into a rage, and he could understand all of this.

But my father didn't do that.

Mogami Junpei sighed, "Kazuto, do you still remember? When I called you a few days ago, I asked you if you had dinner with Saori."


"After that, Saori called and asked us how we were doing and if we needed to buy anything."


Mogami Kazuto understood in an instant, presumably Mogami Junpei realized the unusual relationship between himself and Saori on that day.

"At that time, I was worried whether the son I raised alone would do things that hurt others."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know how to answer.

Mogami Junpei then asked, "Who is that girl's voice that was heard in the conversation at that time?"

He is talking about clear water with sand.

"……is my good friend."

His father's expression didn't change, but it could be seen that he was slightly relieved.

"You have been an excellent child since you were a child. You never let your parents worry about you, and you never made mistakes. We don't say many things, but you can do better than we expected.

Dad, I often think, how can I embody the majesty of being a father in front of you, can I really have such an excellent son? "


What Junpei Mogami said was right, in the memory of Kazuto Mogami, [I] was such a child, who was top notch in both sports and studies.

It is what outsiders say, the children of other people's families.

"For example, now, after hearing the news that my son and his daughter-in-law are divorcing, should I be like a strict father, scolding you, beating you, and scolding you for treating marriage like a joke.

In that case, Dad can also show his majesty as a father in front of you.

However, Heren, you are a smart child. Since you were a child, you must be working hard to run your own family where your mother and I can't see.

My excellent son was caught up in distress and choices, and he was unwilling to ask anyone for help.

Dad, I don't know what happened between you and Saori, you have always liked her so much.

Saori is also a very good daughter-in-law. Your mother and I are more happy than anyone else about your marriage, and wish you all the best.

But ah, and people.

I'm your father. When you encounter troubles, when you can't think alone, you can talk to me more. It's okay to complain and cry in front of your father.

You are my son. "


Kazuto Mogami can't speak, he can't tell anyone the secret hidden in his heart.

It should have nothing to do with him at all, but the middle-aged man in front of him made him feel the weight of the word "father" for a long time.

Probably, the stupid parents are talking about people like Mogami Junpei.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

With a full heart, the words can only turn into sorry.

"You don't have to apologize, this is your life.

Although we hope to see you live happily with Saori and have a grandson as soon as possible.

But if you can't feel happy, all this is meaningless. "

Mogami Junpei was more of a loving father than he imagined, and Mogami Kazuto felt deeply guilty for this, and kept asking himself: Am I wrong?
Cut off everything in the past and look forward to a new life.

Did something wrong?

...No, there is nothing wrong with that.

After listening to Mogami Junpei's words, Mogami Kazuto once again believed that his choice was correct.

"Dad, I...can't live with her.

I am in pain. "

Mogami Junpei was silent for a long time, and asked, "What happened with Saori?"

Mogami Kazuto lowered his head and responded softly: "I am now, being with her will make me very uncomfortable.

I can't feel love in her, and I can't imagine a future with her, and maybe it sounds selfish to my dad, but it's what I mean. "

"That's it."

He already knew enough about the emotions revealed in his son's eyes. It was because he was a father and son that he could experience the overwhelmed emotions in Kazuto Mogami.

"...Dad, why don't you ask me?"

"will not."


"No matter what the reason is, since you are already divorced, no matter what I say, it will be in vain.

Just, don't upset your mother too much. "

Kazuto Mogami was silent.

Don't make Mochiyo sad, can such a thing really be done?
It must be impossible.

People need to pay the price for their actions, and the same is true for Mogami and Ren.

He thought that he had nothing to cherish in this world, but that was his wishful thinking.

At least Mogami Junpei and Mogami Chiyo are the most important people to him now.

So in their view, the son's divorce is destined to bring them sadness, which is inevitable.

Kazuto Mogami knew very well, but if their happiness was based on Kazuto Mogami's happiness, then the divorce with Saori Xiaonishi must be correct.

"Your mother's side, I will tell her slowly, let her rest at ease now."


"Didn't I say, Kazuto, you don't need to apologize."


Mogami Junpei shook his head, "Father has only one last thing to tell you."

Kazuto Mogami looked at his father, he was not as calm as he said, his dark and deep eyes were full of loss that could not be hidden.

But even so, he still supports Kazuto Mogami and his son.

"Heren, don't immerse yourself in the countless choices you have made in a life that is only once."


"Yes, thank you, Dad."

 good news!You can use Sakura's character vest to comment! ! !

  Zuo Zuoren is so lost...ah no.

  Zosaren Beer! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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