After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 147 142. The initial event before the fermentation.

Chapter 147 142. The initial event before the fermentation. (two in one)

Konishi Saori still failed to accept the accommodation voucher handed over by Mogami Kazuto, and Mogami Kazuto actually didn't care whether she accepted or rejected it.

It's just that what she said when she refused made him feel a little bit weird.

"It's okay, I don't need it, I don't have anyone to travel with.

Although there are reasons for work, but since it was given by Heren's parents, it is better for Heren to go by himself. "

Mogami doesn't talk to people.

"Besides, if I'm not at home, Mai Wan will be very lonely."

There will be no such thing at all, the high-cold boss Maiwan treats them completely as a master.

This kind of thing, as the former male protagonist, Mogami Kazuto, is the most clear.

"Mai Wan is recent, how are you?" He asked slowly.

In fact, this question is meaningless, but when people don't know what to say and are unwilling to interrupt the topic, they always ask some subconscious words.

"Well, as always, I don't like to cling to people, but being with people may be an exception. Maiwan gets along well with you, right?"


Indeed, regardless of external factors, Kazuto Mogami doesn't hate cats. He is cold and lonely, and anyone can look down on them.

Konishi Saori looked at him and giggled, Mogami Kazuto didn't like her smile, it was like a programmed expression, unable to see the real emotion.

If it is used as an example, it is probably the VTB in the whole program effect in real life. Once put on the holster that loves to laugh, it can never be taken off again.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, Saori Konishi pushed back the hotel voucher on the table again.

"Heren must have been very tired during this time. After resigning, he has been writing novels at home. The pressure must have accumulated a lot. It's good to go out and relax.

what!correct!How about being with Yousha?
I feel like I will be very happy, although I really want to go on a trip with Yousha, but unfortunately, our schedules are always staggered recently. "

Mogami Kazuto probably understands why the name of Qingshui Yousha is mentioned here.

"She and I are just friends. In terms of status, it's not appropriate to do this kind of thing."

Xiao Xi Saori smiled lightly: "Really? I think, if it's Kazuto, I can give you the sand with peace of mind."

"Are you her mother?"

"Oh, I'm her boyfriend!"

Kazuto Mogami was obviously just speaking his mind, but Saori Konishi looked at him tenderly for some reason, making him feel uncomfortable as if his life was being manipulated and controlled.

"Yousha and I don't have that kind of relationship."

Xiao Nishi Saori smiled lightly: "Yousha...? I don't know when Kazuto started calling Yousha by the later name."

She is lying.

She already knew the flow of the script, but now she had to make a surprised expression.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't understand what was going on in her heart, so he just pretended to be indifferent and replied: "Because we are friends."

Xiao Nishi Saori smiled and didn't say anything more.

"Then I'll take a shower for a while, and then I'll go to bed. I'll still sleep in the cubicle. As for you, you can sleep anywhere you want."

"Well, thanks, and good night."



After taking a shower, Kazuto Mogami went up to the second floor, spread the quilt on the floor, turned on the air conditioner, and lay quietly on the quilt.

The last time he came back to this home, it was his nominal wife who slept in the next bedroom.

But this time, the bedroom is still that bedroom, and the person is still that person.

Between them, nothing has changed.

Hmm...that statement doesn't seem rigorous enough.

The relationship between them hasn't changed, it's just that Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to act anymore. After finding himself, this is the way they should get along.

Simple stranger, this is the best ending.

After turning off the lights, there is only the slight sound of the air conditioner in the ear, which is cool and comfortable.

Mogami Kazuto who had calmed down couldn't help thinking about what happened today.

When he received a call from his father, he definitely felt something abnormal in his body.

If it is said that it is the blood connection between mother and child that makes his body instinctively worry about his mother, although it is a bit reluctant, Kazuto Mogami can accept this statement.

However, the sense of security that came from Xiaoxi Shazhi made him extremely fearful and uneasy.

How much obsession does it take to have such an astonishing dependence on a person?

Having seen all the memories of the original owner over the past 24 years, this obsession from bodily instinct is extraordinary, and Kazuto Mogami can't help being afraid of this, fearing that his rationality will be swallowed up by the instinct of the body.

Mogami Kazuto originally thought that since he, as Mogami Kazuto, once again gained a precious life, he should be grateful to the owner of this body.

But what happened today was the first time that Kazuto Mogami had negative emotions towards the behavior of the original owner.



The next day, Saori Nishi, who had recording work in the morning, went out early after finishing breakfast.

When Mogami Kazuto woke up, it was already nine thirty in the morning.

After going downstairs, I saw the breakfast and the note left on the dining table, and two vouchers for Hatsushima Hot Spring Hotel under the plate.

She still didn't take it away, and left it with Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami silently put it away and ate breakfast instead.

Before leaving, he took a look at his parents' bedroom. It seemed that his father hadn't come home all night, so Mogami Kazuto left the house after heaving a sigh.

After buying some nutritional supplements, I went to the hospital again to visit Mochiyo.

Since today was the weekend, it would not be unreasonable for Kazuto Mogami, who was apparently still a game producer, to show up at the hospital at this time.

But Kazuto Mogami still told his father that he had resigned.

Mogami Junpei didn't show too much excitement. In his opinion, resignation is really not a big deal compared to his son's divorce.

Although he doesn't know why his son gave up his long-standing job, as a father, he still firmly believes in the Supreme and Ren, and believes that his son is not a mediocre person.

So when Kazuto Mogami handed him a library book with illustrations of anime girls on the cover, he immediately understood.

Now that he has found what he wants to do, silently supporting him is the greatest support a father can give his son.

After that, in order not to disturb the mother's rest, Mogami said goodbye to others and left, and after the mother fell asleep, the father sat on a chair in the corridor outside the ward, quietly reading his son's debut work.

After getting off the station and returning to his home in Tsukishima, Kazuto Mogami opened the mailbox and took out the leaflets inside.

It was printed with content that seemed to promote environmental protection, and Kazuto Mogami brought it into the house and threw it on the dining table casually.

Because of his mother's illness, Kazuto Mogami's current state is not suitable for creation. In addition, he has not received feedback from Natsuki Yuta for the second volume he completed before, so he is not in a hurry to write the third volume.

Mogami Kazuto currently has 204 Twitter followers, at least 7% of whom are married housewives.

Since Kazuto Mogami not only uploads food pictures, but also shares recipes for each picture, his fans are increasing every day.

Today, Mogami Kazuto’s Twitter content is no longer food.

It's light novels.

To be precise, it is the light novel written by Kazuto Mogami himself, that is, the first volume of "Journey to Death". I uploaded the library version of the first volume, added a simple self-introduction, and by the way @电汉文库官方Formula account.

After that, Kazuto Mogami stopped looking at his phone and turned around to enter the piano practice room.

This afternoon's schedule is to practice the proficiency of guitar and singing.

The previous cover video received mediocre response. On the one hand, Mogami Kazuto’s self-disclosure was not enough. He felt that maybe his singing and guitar skills were not top-notch.

Therefore, his next video is planned to be produced after these two skills have reached Lv4.

But at this very moment, in a place unknown to Mogami and Ren, something beyond his expectation is constantly fermenting.


Shinjuku, a recording studio.

Taking advantage of the gaps in the recording of the broadcast, Qingshui Yousha was swiping her phone. Due to work reasons, she often pays attention to some ACG-related information.

Maybe some of the works I saw inadvertently, I will dub a character in it someday in the future.

Any dubbing job is an encounter with a character, and the role and the voice actor are equal identities to each other.

And it was at this time that the official website of Electric Library, which was followed by Shimizu Yousha on the list, retweeted a tweet.

During the working period, Qingshui Yousha logged in the official account certified by the firm, and the number of followers was more than 50. Such behavior of liking and reposting without authorization is not allowed, and must be approved by the agent .

Therefore, Qingshui Yousha just checked that tweet silently. There were not many comments, only a few, twenty or thirty, most of which were praises.

Almost everyone thinks that in the new works of the industry, they have finally figured out a novel that does not follow the trend, and that crazy blowers are gods.

Well, it might be better to say that this part of the speech accounts for more than half.

There is sand in the clear water, but it is a bit sullen, and the content is obviously very good, why is everyone talking about illustrations?

She finished reading this work all night yesterday, and at the moment she is in the urge to discuss it with others, but there are not many female voice actors around her who are interested in light novels.

It is said that light novelists are weirdos who want to marry voice actors, so female voice actors seem to be born with a halo of resistance.

Qingshui Yousha actually thinks the same way, mainly because there is a female voice actress beside her, who seems to be favored by quite a few light novelists.

Perhaps because of this, she was also subconsciously affected.

"Ah! Praying sauce!"

I heard that there is a saying in China, it is called Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrives.

When it comes to Cao Cao, people think of the hero's capital.

Shimizu Yousha couldn't help but recall that Xiao Nishi Saori once complained to her in private. That woman even made a declaration of "I really like a wife" when recording a radio program.

So, Miss Sakura, who has the appearance of a hero, walks towards her with a silly smile on her face, shaking the lush mountain range.

"Neru-san, good afternoon."

"Guhehe... Qi-chan, what a coincidence, you are also recording here." Ayane Sakura unceremoniously sat down beside Shimizu Yousha.

"Yes, Neru-san too?"

"No, I'm here to meet you, MY Hani."


"Why do you look so indifferent?"

"It's not indifference, it's just that I don't know what reaction to show."

"Hey~~~ Qijiang, have you been too salty to my sister recently?"

"Neru-san is, I am not your pet."

Miss Sakura said seriously: "It's not a pet, it's someone you like. Marry me."

"Don't say strange things with a nonchalant face."

"It's a joke! It's a joke! Kita is serious!"

"Great, I thought Neru-san was going to lose his head at last."

After all, she was Ayane Sakura, so she couldn't communicate with her in the way of ordinary people's way of thinking.

Ms. Sakura is the only one who can be evaluated in this way by Yusa Shimizu, who has a unique brain circuit.

"Qi-chan, what are you looking at?"

"Huh? Check Twitter."

Because there were only the two of them in the lounge, she stuck to it very rudely, smelling the wonderful fragrance from the clear water, sandy hair and fair neck.

"Neru-san, your breath is too disordered, calm down, I'm so scared."

Shimizu Yusa showed a look of being frightened by her, even the phone was so frightened that it dropped on Miss Sakura's soft mountain, and the rebound landed on her thigh.

"Huh... Qi Pava, the addition is complete."

Sakura Ayane let out a long breath, handed the phone back to Shimizu Yousha, and accidentally saw the content on the phone screen.

"Hey! I bought this novel yesterday."

"Eh? Neru-san?"

Shimizu Yousa looked at Sakura Ayane beside her in surprise, thinking that she probably didn't know who the author of this light novel was.

"Chanko's recommendation said it was very suitable for me to watch, so I asked my agent to buy it back."

Shimizu Yousa looked at Sakura Ayane's face, stared at it for a while, then nodded and said, "It will indeed be a novel that Neru-san can read."

"Huh? Have you seen Qi already?"

"Yes, I've read them all."

"This seems to be a new work that was released yesterday."

"Yes, it is."

Sakura Ayane looked at Shimizu Yusa in amazement: "Does Qi usually read light novels?"


This is a lie.

If it wasn't for the novel written by Kazuto Mogami, Shimizu Yousa wouldn't have bought it, let alone read it.

However, Yusa Shimizu did not tell Sakura Ayane that this work was written by Kazuto Mogami without authorization.

The relationship between Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane is not good. She doesn't want to do unnecessary things. With Mogami Kazuto's temperament, she probably doesn't like to deliberately mention such things to others.

However, he told himself.

Although it was only a little bit, it still subtly gave her a sense of superiority.

"Since both Chanko and Ki both said so, I can read it if I'm sora."

"Neru-san has such a heavy workload, do you really have free time?"

"You can read e-books while taking a bath."

Immediately, Shimizu Yousha's mind came up with the picture of Miss Sakura who was naked, immersed in hot water, and flipping through the novel written by Kazuto Mogami.

Qingshui Yousha hesitated to speak, looked at her majestic soft mountains, pursed his lips and said, "Neru-sang, it's so astringent."

"What the hell!!!"

Miss Sakura, as expected, still can't keep up with Shimizu's brain circuit.

 Recently, it has been badly done, but the basic 4000 words per day are all completed!

  No arrears!

  You can check in the directory.

  Because I got enough rest, my state is gradually recovering, and I will try to add more updates tomorrow, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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