After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 152 147. Sakura-san is a stubborn girl.

Chapter 152 she is a stubborn girl.

There is a reason why Ms. Sakura appears here.

It's just that Ms. Sakura thinks that kind of insignificant reason is not worth mentioning at all. Compared with why she appeared here, what Sakura Ayon cares more about is that this guy seems to be hooking up with a beautiful girl again.

Although it has nothing to do with her.

Damn it, if you look closely, you're basically an ultra-orthodox national-level beautiful girl.

Maybe it's Sakura-san's dish.

She wants to stick with this beautiful girl right now.

Of course, Ms. Sakura is not the type who doesn't grow up at all after being frustrated.

Please don't underestimate her too much.

The same mistake has already been made once, and Ms. Sakura will never make it again.

Anyway, it was like that again, just happened to be sitting in the same chair, in fact, they were completely unrelated strangers.

Fate just likes to play tricks on her like this, and wants to see her act unreasonably, so she won't be fooled.

Even so, Ms. Sakura, who is not frank and likes the slightly prickly, couldn't help snorting:
"Hey, why are you sitting side by side with such a super beautiful girl in front of the convenience store?"

Next, just wait for the other party to say [I don’t know this lady], and answer [I see, I’m really sorry. 】

In this way, the label of [what, she is actually quite easy to talk to] will be added to the other party's impression.

Oh, the plan works!
Mogami Kazuto glanced indifferently at Sakura Ayane who was wearing a mask in front of him, and said slowly:
"Who are you?"

Ms. Sakura was stunned for three seconds. She had simulated various answers from Mogami Kazuto in her mind, but she did not expect such an answer. She felt displeased and was about to take off the mask. Mogami Kazuto The man stood up suddenly.

"Miss Uchida, it's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."


Uchida Maaya was still sizing up the masked woman who suddenly appeared beside her, thinking that she was too similar to a certain popular voice actor.

But I didn't dare to jump to conclusions, I was just a little suspicious.

And when Mogami Kazuto's voice came, she focused her attention on Mogami Kazuto again.

"Already... are you leaving?"

"Well, Miss Uchida has worked hard today."

"Hmm... Mr. Mogami is the one, thank you for your hard work."

"Then I'll take my leave."

"it is good."

Kazuto Mogami nodded slightly, and at the moment he turned around, he winked at Ayane Sakura who was beside him.

I hope that more of her nutrients can be distributed to the brain, and not all go to the chest.

Obviously, Ms. Sakura is not an idiot. Although she doesn't know how to look at the air, this time she unexpectedly didn't say much, and left with Kazuto Mogami.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Uchida Maaya couldn't help but tilt her head in doubt.

"That person has a good figure and a good voice, he looks just like the popular voice actress Sakura-san.

Well... how could such a thing happen, it must be an illusion.

But what kind of relationship will she have with Mr. Mogami? "

Uchida Maaya was still sitting on the bench, lost in thought.



On the way home.

Kazuto Mogami walked wordlessly, followed by a female voice actor wearing a mask and acting strangely.

Mogami goes with someone, and she goes too.

Kazuto Mogami stopped, and so did she.

He couldn't figure out what she wanted to do, and he didn't come up to talk to him. Maybe it was because of the last incident that he held a grudge, so he came here specially to trip him up.

After Kazuto Mogami stood firm, he stood still and did not see any further action. Ayane Sakura, who was following behind him, looked at his back in confusion, quietly made up his mind, and prepared to go up to talk to him.

Kazuto Mogami recited silently in his heart.

Three, two, one.

With a "swish", the result of insisting on running in the morning every day during these days is playing a role at this time.

Sakura Ayane didn't even react at all, and when she took a step, Mogami Kazuto's back had disappeared around the corner.

Standing at the intersection of the residential area with a confused expression, Ms. Sakura turned around a few times, stomped her feet resentfully, and walked in a certain direction.

"Well, may I ask who you are?"

The housewife who was collecting clothes in the courtyard saw an unusually handsome young man squatting under the wall of her house. When she was flustered, she couldn't help but feel a little deer in her heart.

"Madam, please don't pay attention to me." Mogami Kazuto said softly.

"Um...excuse me...would you like to come in and sit down?" Feeling the thumping beating of her little heart, the charming housewife pursed her lips slightly, and her beautiful moist eyes sent a glance.

"No, goodbye."

Without the slightest sloppiness, ignoring the faint sigh coming from behind, Mogami and others slipped away.

Going around for a while, when he got back near his home, he saw a certain seiyuu lady squatting under the setting sun, her pretty short black hair was dyed golden red afterglow.

Mogami Kazuren couldn't make up his mind, he thought for a long time, and confirmed that he should not have provoked her.

He didn't like dealing with troublesome girls like Ayane Sakura.

He didn't want to take the initiative to get into trouble, so he hid at the corner of the street not far away, quietly observing Sakura Caiyin who was squatting at the door of his house, hoping that she would leave early.

Denim shorts with thighs exposed, loose dolman-sleeved T-shirt, and smooth black hair, shining like a glass-like sunset.

The majestic mountains squeezed against her knees, forming a round pancake shape. Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to stare at it carefully, but felt that the pearl earrings hanging on her earlobe were white and round.

Until the sun sets, the afterglow fades away, and the moon appears, shedding soft moonlight.

Kazuto Mogami silently ate the bread he bought from the convenience store, and drank up the boxed milk. A certain female voice actor in the distance was still squatting at the door, motionless.

He folded the bread bag into a square and stuffed it into the back pocket of his trousers. He sighed softly and walked towards his home.

It was the first time he had seen such a stubborn girl.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


Sakura Ayane raised her head, he completely blocked the moonlight, the halo of the street lamp was so dazzling that she couldn't see the man's face clearly.

But that indifferent and irritating voice, I can't hear it wrong.

"where did you go?"

"Where am I going, do I need to report to you? Ms. Sakura."

Sakura Ayane curled her lips and wanted to stand up, but her legs were so numb that she couldn't stand up immediately, so she had to pretend to be calm and squatted on the ground.

Although it would make her look very rude, and a little funny and ridiculous.

"Whatever you want, it has nothing to do with me anyway." She spoke in a roundabout way, and the bad habit of not being able to get straight to the point started again.

"It would be great if you knew, can you let me know? I want to go home."

Mogami Kazuto pointed to the door behind her.

Sakura Ayane was displeased, and wanted to stand up and stare at him, but after trying hard for a while, she couldn't stand up anyway, her legs were so numb, she looked away from him with some embarrassment.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her condescendingly, stared at her carefully for a while, and suddenly said: "Miss Sakura, do you mean..."

"If you dare to say it, I'll throw you into Tokyo Bay!" Ms. Sakura said anxiously.


Kazuto Mogami walked to the bottom of the wall, jumped with both legs, and reached the top of the wall with his fingers.

The movements can't be said to be unrestrained and neat, but they can be regarded as smooth and smooth. After a while, they turned into their own courtyard.

Sakura Ayane's eyes widened in disbelief, she turned her head to watch Kazuto Mogami open the door, "Huh? You're lying..."

"Then, Ms. Sakura, good night."


Mogami Kazuto nodded slightly and closed the door behind him.

Outside, the moonlight was soft, and the silence remained.

 It's almost time for a showdown.

  I hid it for so long, it's time to tell you.

  in fact……

  I am Zozo.

(End of this chapter)

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