After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 172 167. People look average, but they have a handsome stomach.

Chapter 172 167. The person looks average, but the stomach is quite handsome.

Kazuto Mogami silently glanced at the curry rice that had been scooped out from her plate, recalling how she was in agony just now, thinking that this woman is really a scum.

Kazuto Mogami picked up the spoon and was about to make a move when Sakura Ayane suddenly pressed his hand on the table.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the hand she was pinching the back of his own, and looked at her.

"Miss Sakura, if this is photographed, I won't be able to tell."

"Huh? What can't you tell?"

"Popular voice actress Sakura Ayane secretly meets a mysterious man, and he's all hands on top of him."


Facing Sakura Ayane's furious eyes, Mogami Kazuto waved his hand: "I'm just fabricating it from the perspective of the media. I don't think so. They don't have to be responsible for saying such things."

Sakura Ayane let out a "hum", her face still had an unforgiving look on her face, but her hands had already been quietly released.

She silently withdrew her hand, her eyes still staring at Mogami Kazuto stubbornly.

"Even if you look at me with such predatory eyes, I can't help it."

"Anyway, you haven't eaten your share yet, exchange it with me."

"The problem is not here, but your attitude."


"In that case, I might consider saying 'Please, Mogami-sama'."

"I won't even die!"

Sakura Ayane's reaction did not surprise Kazuto Mogami at all, rather it was exactly what he had imagined.

Yes, he did it on purpose.

If the person sitting in front of Mogami Kazuto at this moment is clear water and sandy, there is a high probability that Mogami Kazuto would say "I really can't do anything with you" and then take the initiative to exchange their dinner plates.

Shimizu Yousha would most likely give out a naive "hey hey" smile, looking at Kazuto Mogami with a sweet face.

But Aya Sakura, a woman, obviously couldn't get this kind of treatment.

Even if it really suits her heart, the final result may be a boring reaction like "Thank you, Miss Ben! Hmph!"

Mogami Kazuya has no interest in becoming her exclusive shake M.

The M of MOGAMI is not the M of shaking M.

And for some reason, seeing this woman deflated was surprisingly enjoyable.

"Then there's no need to talk about it. Although I don't recommend wasting food, ordering another one is also an option. Since you are a voice actor, protect your throat well."

Sakura Ayane pursed her lips and did not speak, but silently picked up the spoon, ready to take a second bite.

This was somewhat beyond Mogami Kazuto's expectations, thinking that all voice actors are so wild.

Looking at the plate that was taken away, Sakura Ayane's small face was dazed, and her beautiful eyes overflowed with doubts.

"Aren't you a voice actor? Is it really okay to eat spicy food like this?"

"Huh? Aren't you unwilling to change with me? You don't care about me."

"You really are not pleasant."

"I don't intend to make everyone in the world like me."

"Don't worry, there will never be such a day."

"Although it is true, it still sounds infuriating."

Kazuto Mogami shook his head helplessly, and after sighing, he still pushed his share of curry over.

The reason is quite simple, I have already seen this woman's deflated appearance, but if I really make her anxious, it will only be Kazuto Mogami who will be in trouble.

If this woman messes up her voice, she might target him even more in the future and cause him trouble.

Mogami and Kazuto feel dizzy when he thinks about it.

Compared to that, it would be better to shut her up now.

Concession is also a means of offense.

"Okay, I'll change it with you."

Kazuto Mogami silently switched the plates in front of them.

"In this way, you will have nothing to say." Kazuto Mogami looked at her and said.

Sakura Ayane seemed not to have thought of Mogami Kazuto's operation, he hesitated a few times, and suddenly said: "Huh...huh! Don't think..."

"Don't worry, I didn't show courtesy, let alone have any plans for you. It's just that I suddenly want to eat spicy food. If you find it difficult, I can order another one. Is this okay?"


Sakura Ayane stared at the annoying face in front of her and the man: "I always feel a little angry."


"I don't know, it's just a big fire anyway."

Although it is an annoying face, but from the eyes of the world, it is probably handsome and handsome.

Sakura Ayane doesn't care much about this kind of thing, but the fact that she is annoying still makes her feel dissatisfied.

Kazuto Mogami didn't talk to Ayane Sakura anymore, and dug down with his own spoon where she had dug a spoon between Ayane Sakura.

Anyway, she just took a bite, so she doesn't have to worry about DNA contact.

The curry was stuffed into the mouth, and the spicy meaning gradually hit, but it was not so overwhelming, and Mogami Kazuto finally felt relieved.

Although it is indeed much more exciting than ordinary "slightly spicy", the reaction of Sakura Ayane is purely due to her physique.

Swallow the first bite, followed by the second, aside from the spicy, the taste of the curry is quite strong, and the taste of the rice is just right, Kazuto Mogami gave Lv3 a middle rating in his heart.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami mouthful after mouthful, Ms. Sakura was dumbfounded, her round eyes widened, her pink lips parted slightly, as if she was thinking about how he could be so non-stop.

Kazuto Mogami looked at Ayane Sakura strangely: "Why don't you eat?"

"Eh? Oh... oh oh."

It was only then that Sakura Ayane fully realized that she quietly took a mouthful of curry and put it in her mouth.

Sweet and delicious.

"Hey... Hey, Mogami."


Ms. Sakura was shy for a long time, and finally said something, another guest came in at the door, accompanied by the sound of the bell, and the waiter's "Welcome", so Mogami Kazuto didn't hear clearly.

"What did you say?"

"...Forget it if you didn't hear it."

Sakura-san lowered her head and ate the curry silently.

The second bite of curry is not as sweet as the first bite.

Kazuto Mogami shook his head helplessly, thinking that he would never go out to eat with this woman again.



When Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura returned to Tsukishima District again, it was around [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

Ms. Sakura seems to be really free today. It may be a day like a vacation. Kazuto Mogami didn't ask in detail. According to the usual time, it is his time to write or play the piano.

But he is the master of this place after all, and cannot leave Sakura Ayane aside, but it is too early to make a dinner that brings clear water and sand.

Just thinking about it, Sakura Ayane who was sitting on the sofa suddenly said:
"The things I gave you last time, are you using them?"

"Last time? Oh... the harmonica, right?"

"Judging from your tone, it's obvious that you don't use it anymore."

"I don't know how to blow that stuff."

Sakura Ayane snorted, and after a pause for a long time, she slowly said, "You seem to play the guitar well."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her in surprise, thinking that she must have seen the video he uploaded on the Internet: "So-so."

"Where did you learn it?"

"Well... from a girl."

Sakura Ayane immediately showed contemptuous eyes, but what she said was completely opposite to her expression.

"Then, play it to me."

 There is another update before dawn, you can watch it in the morning, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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