After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 178 173. Before he knew it, she was also experiencing life choices.

Chapter 178 173. Before he knew it, she was also experiencing life choices.

There are redeemable and irreversible things in the world, and the passage of time is an irreversible thing.

Then, what happened on that night when the summer wind was pervasive and the street lights were dim must be one of the irreversible things.

Kazuto Mogami never thought that the reunion between them would be so accidental.

It's like two friends who have finished a solemn farewell, ready to go to the end of the world, but they meet each other at the train ticket gate.

There is no drama, and there is no encounter, only countless embarrassments in my heart.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what was going on in her mind.

At least Mogami Kazuto himself felt a little embarrassed.

This feeling had nothing to do with the girl in front of him, it was purely something born by Kazuto Mogami himself.

Because he was not mature enough at that time, he couldn't even accept him himself, let alone accept other girls.

So the current Mogami Kazuto, has he matured?
He didn't think so, but at least, he thought he was a little smoother.

As for the current him, whether he could handle things better that night, Mogami Kazuto didn't have the confidence.

Ultimately, such delusions are pointless.

She finally saw Kazuto Mogami who was sitting diagonally opposite, she was a little dazed at a loss for a while, and even blinked hard, as if suspecting that she was hallucinating.

"Ah, Terashima, long time no see, what a coincidence."

It wasn't until Mogami Kazuto's voice and the sound of the tram starting that Aimi Terashima realized that this was reality.

The person she hadn't seen for a long time, the person she always missed in her heart, the person who made her cry, was sitting there.

"The most... the most Shangsang."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what kind of expression he should show, but after thinking twice, he still showed a light smile.

Aimi Terajima had imagined their reunion in her heart more than once, but when this moment really came, all the things she had kept in her heart and wanted to say did not know where they went.

Unbelievably, she couldn't remember a word.

Sit down one meter away from Mogami Kazuto, hold the black piano bag with one hand, secretly look at Mogami Kazuto from time to time, and confirm that it is real, not a phantom that suddenly appeared.

"Mogami-san, okay, long time no see."

"Well, I haven't seen you for about two months. I didn't expect to meet on the tram."

Her voice didn't change at all, it sounded a little "rustling", like the sound of moving the window in the bedroom after the rain, accompanied by the refreshing air, which made people feel comfortable.

"How is the band, Blessing Star?"

Aimi Terashima felt a little gloomy when she heard the words. It wasn't that the band's development was not going well. She just thought that Kazuto Mogami should care more about her own situation than her band.

Somewhat lost.

"Very good, Blessing Star is developing very smoothly, and getting along very well with everyone in the band."

Mogami Kazuto nodded, but did not answer.

This made Aimi Terashima even more aggrieved, she pursed her lips lightly and did not speak.

She thought it wouldn't matter if she said a few more words to herself, even if she just asked politely how she was doing, she would be very happy.

Why don't you even want to say such polite words to her?

In this way, doesn't it seem to be saying to her [it's all because of your confession at that time that it became like this].

After all, Aimi Terashima is just a girl under 20 years old. She is a sentimental age, and there is no way to have such a mood.

"If Terashima said it, I knew it would be fine."


It's all right, he said it so easily, he didn't even know how hard he had been.

Among the other four women in the band every day, Aimi Terajima almost awakened to a strange habit.

Aimi Terashima lowered her head, deliberately preventing Kazuto Mogami from seeing the loneliness in her eyes.

On second thought, maybe Mogami Kazuto wouldn't care about such things at all.

So she was even more lost.

What Kazuto Mogami thought was naturally not as much as Aimi Terashima.

My heart was completely filled with "embarrassment", "I don't know what to say", and "at which stop should I get off".

In short, Kazuto Mogami is not as calm as he looks on the surface. He is very good at deliberately making a calm expression now, which tends to give people a sense of calm oppression.

But in reality, Mogami Kazuto was just thinking.

"Mogami-san, since then, I really haven't been to Across once."

Terashima Aimi's tone of voice could not help but have a trace of complaint, maybe she didn't even notice it.

"Didn't we make an appointment, the next time I watch your live, I have to use the screen."

"That's just an excuse for Mogami-san to distance himself from me, I know, you don't need to explain."

Not seeing each other for two months, Aimi Terashima seems to have deviated slightly from the image in his memory.

I don't know if it should be said that he has become oblique in his speech, or his personality is suddenly a little shy. In short, he has a slight resemblance to Ayane Sakura, but he can't say exactly how he looks like.

But it is undeniable that what Terashima Aimi said actually has a little truth, even Mogami Kazuto himself, dare not say it completely, and he has no intention of avoiding her at all.

Aimi Terashima sighed softly, the corners of her mouth raised, showing a very charming smile, and she didn't know who she was smiling at.

"Mogami-san, can I show you off a little bit?"

"Show off?" Mogami Kazuto looked at her strangely.


Aimi Terashima nodded, then turned her head to look around the carriage, and found that there were not many people in the carriage, so she said, "Not long ago, I was invited to make my debut as a singer."


Kazuto Mogami was taken aback, he didn't expect Aimi Terashima to have such explosive news when she opened her mouth.

If Kazuto Mogami remembers correctly, it should be the dream that Aimi Terashima has been pursuing.


"Yes." Terashima Aimi nodded.


Mogami Kazuto was sincerely happy for Terashima Aimi, but Terashima Aimi didn't seem to be happy for some reason, but worried.

"What's wrong?" Mogami Kazuto noticed that her emotions were not right.

Aimi Terashima slowly raised her head, and looked sideways at Kazuto Mogami: "Mogami-san, do you think this is a good thing?"

"Isn't it?"

"If it was three months ago, this is really something I would have dreamed of."

Aimi Terashima seemed to have something in her words, Kazuto Mogami could only guess silently in his heart.

However, when Kazuto Mogami guessed halfway, Aimi Terajima mainly explained the reason:
"Let me break away from the band I'm in, break away from Blessing Star, and debut as a professional singer, I can't do it.

So, I declined. "

 It's past seven o'clock, and it's dawn before I know it. I'm a little tired after staying up all night. Go to sleep for a while, and then write when I wake up. Good night, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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