After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 194 189. Artist of King Records - Totsuka Kazu.

Chapter 194 189. Artist of King Records - Totsuka Kazu.

To talk about what Mogami Kazuto was thinking, I was wondering why there were female high school students appearing on King Records.

The girl who took the elevator with Kazuto Mogami looked like a high school student.

Similarly, the girl was puzzled in her heart, she just felt that the extremely handsome young man beside her seemed to be peeking at her all the time, after imagining many comic plots in her mind, she couldn't help but cautiously took a step to the side.

Mogami Kazuto, who noticed her action, immediately stopped looking at her. In this era that is unfavorable to men, he does not want to be accused of coveting female high school students because of some inexplicable misunderstanding.

When the elevator arrived, the girl went up first and stepped out of the elevator, seeming to recognize him as a suspicious person in her heart.

Kazuto Mogami followed out of the elevator and saw Dai Qiuhui head-on, ready to greet her.

"Ah...Miss Dai, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Ogura-san, what? Mogami-san, did you come together?"

When Mogami Kazuto heard his name, he stepped forward to greet Dai Qiuhui, still wondering who the girl next to him named Xiao Cang was.

"Mogami-san? No, I just happened to meet in the elevator."

"That's it."

"Let's not talk about it, I have to report."

The girl waved to Dai Qiuhui, then turned around and gave Mogami Kazuto a polite smile, and walked away with slender legs.

After the girl left, Dai Qiuhui took Mogami Kazuto to the last meeting room, where another 40-year-old slightly bald man sat.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Kazuto Mogami learned the identity of the bald man. He is the marketing manager of King Records. Although he was wondering why the marketing manager came to sign the contract with him.

In short, ignoring such insignificant things, Mogami Kazuto has made up his mind, he wants to finish the matter quickly, without giving himself any room for regret.

Now that he has been given a second life, it's not a bad thing to live a slightly more turbulent life and experience things that his former self could never experience in his entire life... right?

Because before coming, he had already explained his intention of coming, the company had already prepared the contract, took over the contract from the bald man, Mogami Kazuto slowly looked through it.

Kazuto Mogami is just an unknown newcomer, and it is not too much to say that he is an outsider. The reason why a record company came to him is because he has taken a fancy to his popularity. Kazuto Mogami knows this better than anyone else.

Many artists will have their own brokerage companies, just like seiyuu generally have their own seiyuu firms.

Konishi Saori and Sakura Ayane belong to the I'm core voice actor agency, while Shimizu Yusa belongs to the AIR-ONE voice actor agency.

Kazuto Mogami is not a voice actor, so naturally he would not sign a contract with a voice actor firm. For Kazuto Mogami, who is still a newcomer, after signing with a record company, the company will naturally package and promote him.

These are all written in the contract.

Generally speaking, the company does not restrict the private life of artists, and there is no such rule that they are not allowed to fall in love.

Kazuto Mogami is a singer, not an idol.

But once you become a public figure, you must be cautious in your words and deeds in online social networking, including accounts on various social networking sites, which will be managed by a broker.

Like Qingshui Yousha, uploading photos that have not been checked by the agent to Twitter without authorization, which caused a scandal, is her own mistake.

Before many artists officially debut, some of the bad history will disappear under the power of capital.

Kazuto Mogami is a pure rookie and has no worries in this regard.

The only thing to say that there is a problem may be that he is a divorced person.

On this point, Mogami Kazuto did not conceal much, and such things cannot be faked.

Although the bald man and Dai Qiuhui were very surprised, they did not affect the signing of the contract. Kazuto Mogami originally thought that they would be made things difficult because of this matter.

But he used his singing skills as his signature, and he didn't want to show his face, so he gave up the bonus of being handsome.

As long as you sing well, whether you get divorced or not is not so important.

Of course, if Kazuto Mogami made his debut as an idol, whether the company would sign him would have to be weighed and weighed.

In terms of remuneration, the record company will give Mogami Kazuto a certain amount of resources and extract the income generated by Mogami Kazuto.

As for how much money Mogami Kazuto can get in this regard, to put it bluntly, it still depends on how much profit he can make for the company. This is a universal rule in all walks of life all over the world.

For example, when writing light novels, the royalties he can get are [-]% of the total income he produces.

When it comes to the most important part of the stage name, according to Mogami Kazuto's temperament, it is obviously impossible to use his real name. The record company is interested in his name, and the stage name is naturally the same.

Ultimately, Kazuto Mogami signed a five-year rookie contract with King Records.

In other words, from now on, Mogami Kazuto has a new identity.

Artist under King Records - Totsuka Kazu.

After signing the contract, the bald man took the lead to leave, leaving only Kazuto Mogami and Dai Qiuhui in the conference room.

Dai Qiuhui stood up with a smile on her face, and stretched out her hand: "Welcome, Mr. Mogami, now you are an official member of King Records, ah... you should be Mr. Totsuka."

Kazuto Mogami also stood up and shook hands with her: "Please take care of me, Miss Dai."

"I will be your agent from now on, you can come to me at any time if you have anything to do."


It is obviously impossible for a manager like Dai Qiuhui to have only one artist under his command, and Kazuto Mogami is just a newcomer, and most of the way in the beginning is on his own.

And capable people will have more opportunities than others, and Kazuto Mogami knows this truth very well.

"After this, I will formulate your future plans. The contract just now should be very clear. I will first create a personal official account for you, and then I will announce your joining King Records on the company's official account. .”

"Miss Lauder is here."

"Where, this is my job."

According to common sense, most newcomers like Kazuto Mogami would not be able to get a job so quickly after signing the contract.

But Kazuto Mogami's situation is a bit special. Totsuka and these three characters are causing a whirlwind in the industry. At this time, it is the best time to arrange a job for him.

However, the production of a song cannot be completed overnight, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and most importantly, publicity.

These are the money that the company spent on Mogami Kazuto, so Mogami Kazuto must cooperate with the company to complete other tasks besides singing.

These things are clearly written in the contract.

And the fastest way to maintain Mogami Kazuren's current popularity is naturally to find other senior artistes of a company to carry out bundle sales.

 Add more (7/22)

(End of this chapter)

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